Bonus Chapter 2

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"Don't go. Why you gotta go? Why must you insist on leaving me here alone?" Kyla asked Daniel back to back as he packed. Daniel was a professional football player and this week was an away game.

"You act like you don't have three children to keep you company and one that's like attached to you for like three more months." He said. She sighed.

"I guess, but they'll miss you just as much as me." Kyla said with a pout. Daniel fake pouted and kissed her forehead.

"Awe, how sad." He said. She folded her arms.

"You seem excited to leave. Besides, who's gonna read to Amelia, DJ, and Lilly while you're gone? Then you know baby Braden likes to hear your voice." She told him. Daniel smiled at the thought of his kids. His smile stretched even wider as he thought about the youngest one his wife was still carrying. He leaned over and kissed her stomach.

"I'll call you every night, love." He said to reassure her. She looked at him with big eyes.

"You better." She said,"Now come here and lay with me before you really have to leave." She told him. Quickly, Danny shuffled to the bed and wrapped his arms around his wife. He snuggled closer to her, enjoying their time together.


"I miss daddy!" Amelia said to her mom. Kyla sighed.

"I miss him too, bug. Let's wait though. I'm sure they'll show him on the screen again Lia." She told her oldest child. Her second child, DJ, shouted excited as he saw his dad make a touch down. Lilly, being the youngest and only four, screamed excitedly once she saw her brother and sister dancing. This marked the end of the game. Cameras swarmed Daniel as he fought his way to the locker room.

"After a big win tonight, Daniel, how do you plan to celebrate?" The reporter asked. He broke out into a huge smile.

"I'm gonna celebrate by coming home to my awaiting family and wife. She's six months pregnancy with a baby boy and we couldn't be more excited." He said with a big smile. Kyla smiled a the the thought of her husband.

"Any words for your family at home?"

"Amelia, DJ, Lilly, and baby Braden, I love you guys so much. Daddy's coming home as soon as he can! And Kyla, just hang on in there sweetheart. I'll be home soon. I love you." He said right to the camera. By this time, Kyla was dancing with her kids as they got even more excited. They missed their dad and they weren't afraid to show it. Kyla fell asleep with her kids surrounding her with a huge smile on her face.


When Danny got home, he hurriedly rushed up to his bedroom. It had been a few days since he sent his message to his family on the tv. He was excited to see his girls and boy. Daniel opened the door and smiled at the sight before him. They all were asleep, looking peaceful. Such a shame he was gonna wake them up.

"I'm home family!" He shouted. The kids jumped up instantly, while Kyla stayed perfectly still. Her breathing was even and she had a protective arm around her baby bump. Danny smiled and opened his arms and his children jumped onto him.

"Hey, kids, you missed me?" He asked them. After they shouted out their agreements and hugged their dad more, they headed downstairs to play but soon found themselves sleeping and sharing Amelia's bed. It was extremely early in the morning. Carefully, Danny eased out of his business attire and into some sweats without a shirt. Slowly, he laid beside his wife and placed his arms around her.

Three hours later, Kyla's eyes fluttered open slowly. She took in her surroundings and smiled slowly as she felt the familiar hold of her husband. Trying not to wake him, she slid out of his hold and headed downstairs to make him breakfast. It was only eight in the morning. Soon, her babies would be up and running around their home. She was just glad to know her husband was home, sleeping peacefully.

After fixing up the breakfast for her bunch, she took a seat in the sunroom and enjoyed a good book. A few minutes later, she heard Daniel come down the stairs. He entered the sunroom shortly with a cup of coffee in his hands. Dan smiled at her and kissed her forehead when he was near enough. She ran a hand through his rough bed hair.

"I've missed you." Kyla told him. He smiled.

"I can tell and I've missed you too. You pulled me closer when I laid with you earlier." He said.

"No more away games this month right?" She asked her husband. He smiled and nodded.

"I'll be here, babe." Daniel said and kissed her. She smiled, loving what he told her.

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