{2}: A Chance

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I thought about what Daniel said today. That was unusual and weird. Daniel Colt wants to try and actually be friends with me. This is new. Today after he told me that I told him to let me think about it and walked away. I was not sure how to handle it so I walked away. Before I did walk away though, he gave me his number. I looked at the writing on my hand.

The ink was starting to fade and I still hadn't put it in my phone. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and put in the number. Friends. Daniel and I as friends. Interesting and seems challenging. I think I might want a new challenge. I constructed a new message to Daniel.

To: Daniel
From: Kyla
Friends, huh?

I sent the message and went downstairs to talk to my mom. It was only she and I. My dad was a business man and he was currently on a business trip. My brother was in another state attending college and my sister was traveling the world. So my mom and I were pretty close. "Hey mom." I said as I stepped into her office. She was a furniture designer. She designed most of the furniture in our home. Mostly in my room.

"Hey kiddo, what's going on?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders casually as I sat down on the comfy couch in there. "I spoke to him today." I said. She looked up from her work and stared at me. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't wanna know. But I do want you to solve your complicated differences with this boy." She said. I sighed and nodded.

She nodded. Instantly she clapped her hands together. "Oh, I have something for you." She said. I sat closer,"A gift?" I asked. She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a gift box. "Here. I picked this up yesterday when I went to do my discovering." She said. Once and a while, my mom would go to a flea market, rummage sale or anywhere to find "inspiration". She tries to drag me along on those little trips but I decline and find a way out of it.

I opened the box and it was scrapbook. It was black and had a rough feel to it. But it was practically brand new. It was rustic and classic. "I love it." I told my mom. She smiled and kissed my forehead. "I want you to fill this book with your best memories, ok? Meaning, put the things that matter the most in here. I want you to do good in life, I want you to succeed. I just want the best for you, ok? I love you." She said. I hugged her.

"I love you too momma." I said. My mother never really said things like that. But when she did, it made you wanna listen. She's the best and I love her for that. I went back upstairs with my book and sat on my bed. My phone buzzed. I looked at it and there was a message from Daniel.

From: Daniel
To: Kyla
Yeah, friends ;)

Kyla: you sure about this? I can be a handful

Daniel: I like a challenge ;)

Kyla: we'll see ;)

After texting Daniel back I got up to shower. All I wanted was to sleep. I crawled into bed and turned to a good book. I fell asleep after reading five paragraphs. I usually make it to six. I turned over and closed my eyes. It wasn't even five minutes when my phone buzzed over and over again. I looked and someone was calling me. The ID read, Daniel. I swiped it and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.


"Who else?" I asked sarcastically.

"No need to get snappy."

"Yeah, yeah. Is there a reason that you're calling me at this time of the night?"

"I wanted pizza...and I wanted to take a friend."

"You're so-"

"I know, now do want to come or not?"


"You in or not?"

"Yeah sure."

"Ok come on, I'm outside." He said then hung up.

Outside? I got up and looked out my window. And for sure, I saw that familiar sports car. I made my way to my closet and picked out something. I chose my favorite sweatpants, converse, and Captain America t shirt. I left my hair down and grabbed my phone. "Mom, I'm gone to get pizza with a friend!" I yelled.

"Ok! Be safe!" She yelled back. I walked outside and got into his car. "So you figured that if say yes?" I asked Daniel who had on similar attire to me. "Yeah. And I see that you're trying to match me." He said with a smirk.

"I just went and picked out an outfit randomly. But in all fairness, my outfit looks better." I said. He laughed, which I found quite amusing. "Nah, sweetheart. I wear it better, but I must admit, that Captain America shirt is pretty snazzy." He said. I laughed at him. "Snazzy? Nice word choice, Mr. Colt." I said. He out the car into gear. "Thanks, Ms. Jones." He said.

I tinkled with the radio and settled on a station. "Thanks for coming with me for a late night pizza run." Daniel said.

"Sure, Daniel. I love pizza." I said. He smiled. "Yeah, it's my favorite too." He said.

"Yeah, I came because of pizza." I said. He laughed again. His laugh was amusing. At school, this laugh was never heard. It was a different laugh. More charming, more real. He smile was different too. At school, his smile would be with closed lips with no teeth showing or that usual smirk. His smile was like a grin here. He showed his teeth. I guess I was beginning to see a sneak peak of the real Daniel Colt.
"Blue, it reminds me of the ocean and blue skies." I said. I nodded for him to give his answer.

"Brown. The color simply fascinates me." He said, looking me straight into my eyes. I broke eye contact and looked down to my huge slice of pizza. I picked it up. The slice covered my entire face. I took a bite. That was weird. I felt a vibe when he looked me in my eyes. "Next question." I said, changing the subject.

"Favorite superhero." He said.

"Easy, Captain America." I said and drew a heart around my shirt. He chuckled. "I figured. He's my favorite but Spider-Man is coming at strong second." He said. I smiled. He stopped and stared at me. "What?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

"Your smile. I've never seen it before." He said.

"Sure you have." I said nonchalantly. This the same observation I made about him earlier. It's a genuine, happy smile he gives. I like it. "No." He said and grabbed my hand causing me to look at him. "I haven't. And I'd like to say that I want to see it more often." He said with a small smile. "We'll see." I replied.

We the pizza parlor and he drove me home. On the way back, we sang along to some songs on the radio. Surprisingly, he had a nice voice. The car stopped in front of my house. "Ok, bye." I said and got out. I expected a 'bye' back and to hear the engine of the car get farther away but instead, the car was shut off and a door closed. Daniel caught up to me before I got to the door.

"Not trying to be rude, but why are you still here?" I asked. He smiled. "Couldn't let my friend go in her house without me thanking her." He said. I looked at him confused. "Thank me for what?" I asked.

"For coming with me and for giving me a chance." He said then left. 

"A chance. Yeah, a chance." I said out loud then turned to go into my house. It was one thirty am and I needed the sleep.

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