{10}: My Family's Home

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So we're on the way home and Daniel is currently sleeping on my shoulder. Ever since he found out I like him he's been super sweet. He hasn't said much but his vibrant smile has never left his face. I was nervous though. About the whole thing. Now that my feelings have surfaced I'm not sure whether things will go smoothly for us or not.

A while back I noticed the real Daniel before he was even revealed. That's the Daniel I like. Not the fake, artificial one. Just Daniel. My Daniel.

The plane landed and I started to shake Daniel awake. "Daniel, wake up." I called out multiple times. He slowly opened his eyes and a smile came across his face as he opened them. "We're back already?" He asked in a sleepy voice that sent me into overdrive. I nodded. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. One thing about Daniel was that he always respected me. He never kissed me without permission. Other than that he'd give a kiss on the forehead, cheek, or even nose sometimes.

"Listen, I was thinking that maybe we could, start this thing for real. You and me." He said while looking into my eyes. I thought for a minute. I nodded as a smile broke as across my face. "Well then, today is the day Kyla Jones officially became my girlfriend." Daniel said. He leaned and kissed me. He shouted 'woo hoo!' as we excited the plane. I was holding his hand so when he shouted with his hand in the air our intertwined hands were presented to everyone.

His family just laughed Daniel's silliness. He pulled me to his car and started driving. "Daniel?" I called.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Where are we going?" I asked. He reached over and grabbed my hand. "We're going to go see my grandmother." He answered. I pulled my hand back really quick. "Your grandmother? Isn't she the one who got us into this?" I asked. He looked at me worriedly. "Yeah, that's her. If you don't wanna go I understand." He said. I shook my head then smiled.

"I must meet the woman who caused Daniel Colt to come into my life." I said. He just laughed and grabbed my hand again. The car ride was silent but it was a comfortable silence. We pulled up to this huge, homely house. A woman came out before Daniel could even park the car. She ran out and bombarded Daniel with kisses and hugs. After showering Daniel with her love she glanced at me.

"Oh my goodness. It's her!" She exclaimed excitedly. She ran over and hugged me. "Oh my! It's so nice to meet you! My name is Reba, I'm Danny's grandma. But you can call me MeMe." She said. I hugged her back.

Her southern accent shown through. "Nice to meet you, MeMe. I'm Kyla, Daniel's girlfriend." I said to her. She squealed in excitement. "Oh dear, I already know. You're so beautiful." She gushed.

"Thank you, you're so sweet." I said to her. After talking with her for a about an hour we left. "Daniel, your grandmother is such a nice lady." I said to him.

"Yeah she is but when she's mad she's like a whole different person." He said. I laughed. He pulled into my driveway. We got out and he helped me with my stuff. I opened the door and we headed up to my room. Daniel instantly went to his corner full of snacks. "Hey, did you eat my Oreos?" He asked.

"Just one." I said.

"One too many." He said. I laughed and he just grumbled. Daniel was so dramatic over his Oreos. That was his favorite cookie. He'd get mad if I'd even eat half of one. I walked over to him. "Daniel." I said. He didn't answer.

"Daniel." He looked at me. I tried not to laugh. "Come on, you can't be mad at me." I said. He still said nothing. I hugged him but he didn't budge. I reached up and kissed his cheek. "You can't stay mad at me forever." I whispered as I brought his face closer to mine. We stared at each other for about one minute.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I smiled triumphantly. "I know I can't." He said and ate a cookie. A knock came a my door and my mom barged in. "Hey momma." I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Hey Kyla, hey Daniel." She said. "Hello, Faye." He said.

"So, I just came to tell you that dinner would be ready in about an hour so don't spoil it with that snack cabinet of yours, ok?" She said. We nodded with a small laugh coming from Daniel. She left and closed the door. I looked at Daniel. "You heard her, put it away." I said. He pouted.

"I want just a few more." He said.



"Just one, Daniel."

"Come on, babe, just five more." He said. How can he go from two to five. "You can have one and be happy or have five and not get kissed for a week." I said. I'm not even sure if that would work but, hey, I have to try. "I'll take the one." He said and stuffed one in his mouth. He out the cookies away and turned to me. "Now come here." He said with his arms wide open and a smirk.

I shook my head and backed away towards the door. He came closer. I bolted out of the door and down the stairs. Daniel wasn't too far behind me. He caught me at the bottom of the stairs. The doorbell rang and he positioned me on his back. He walked to the door and bent down so I could see through the peep hole.

It couldn't be. "Open it." I said. He opened the door and there stood my brother. "Kyla?" He asked. I nodded. "Hello, Carson." I said. Daniel looked up at me and I whispered to him that Carson was my brother. "Well come in. We don't want to let the air out." I said. Carson came in with a duffel bag. He was planning to stay. He looked Daniel up and down. I hopped off his back.

"Carson, this is my boyfriend Daniel. Daniel, this is Carson my brother." I said to them both. They shook hands but Carson kept the skeptical look on his face. Before he could say anything I called my mom in. She came into the foyer and greeted Carson. "Carson, what a surprise! Good thing I was gonna cook extra tonight, right Daniel?" She asked. Daniel nodded and smiled at my mom.

Carson just looked confused. "Listen, Carson go put your stuff down and make yourself comfortable then we'll talk." Mom said. Carson ran up to his old room. I grabbed Daniel's hand, about to go to room when the doorbell rang once again. We opened it and my sister was standing there. "Kyla?" She asked. I nodded.

"Hey Layla." I said. She smiled and hugged me. It was unusual. She seemed a little bit more happy since she visited last year. A guy came and wrapped an arm around her waist. I see now. She has a man now, that's why. He smiled at us all. "Layla, go put your stuff down. Well do introductions later." My mom said and shooed her out of the doorway.

A black car pulled up and my father stepped out of it. "What is this? A family reunion all of a sudden?" I mumbled.

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