{3}: Meeting the family?

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I sat up as my alarm clock went off. After turning the annoying contraption off I got up and got dressed. I walked downstairs and saw my mom cooking. "Morning momma." I said. She replied and gave me a plate of food. After eating I headed out for school. When I got to school I hurried to the quad to grab the seat under the tree. I had yet another book I was ready to read.

I made it there and sat down. I picked up where I left off last night. A few minutes passed when I noticed the presence of someone beside me. I figured it was Haley so I didn't look up. "Hello, Kyla." A deep voice said. I looked up only to see Daniel. He smiled at me as I gave him a small smile. "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Pretty good. You get good sleep when your stomach is full of amazing pizza." I replied and he chuckled. The bell rang and we both got up to head to class.

After school I received a text from Daniel.

To: Kyla
From: Daniel
I want to come over

Kyla: I don't think it would be such a bad idea.

Daniel: Call me

I called Daniel and he answered the phone after two rings.


"You requested that I call?"

"I actually did. What kind of  candy do you want? Skittles or Sour Patch Kids?"

"I'm a Sour Patch Kids girl."

"Good because I bought both. Now come downstairs and let me in."

He hung up. I groaned and got up. "Mom, my friend is at the door. Be cool." I said to her. She nodded and walked to the foyer. She stood away so she'd know when to come and introduce herself. I opened the door and Daniel was standing there with a handful of Walmart bags. "You've got to stop doing this." I said as I let him in.

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Asking if you can do something or if I wanna go somewhere, assume I'm just gonna say yes, and show up anyway." I said. He just shrugged. "I guess I just know." He said. I shook my head. My mom decided to make herself known. "Hello, I'm Faye, Kyla's mom. Who are you?" My mom asked excitedly. I'm pretty sure she knew who this guy was.

"Daniel Colt. I started a friendship with your daughter just yesterday." He said with that charming smile he used. My mom smiled back at him. "Oh nice. Well, I have to get back to work so you two have fun." She said and rushed back into her office. I looked at Daniel. He was observing my home. "Welcome to my home. Now, let's take this stuff upstairs." I said.

Once we got upstairs I helped Daniel spread the stuff on my bed. "How come you bought all of this?" I asked him. "I wanted to see you today and I bought this because I love food and I want to put my own stash in your room." He said with a serious face. I laughed at him. "Really, Daniel?" I asked between laughter.

"Yes, Kyla." He said. I had a small cabinet in my room. He went and stocked the cabinet with his stuff. "Oh, you were serious." I said. He nodded as he put a big bag of Sour Patch Kids in the cabinet. After stowing away his stash we decided on a movie. I jumped on my bed as Daniel started Spider-Man. He came and jumped on my bed. He sat a good distance away from me.

During the movie I couldn't focus. I kept wondering why Daniel wanted to start a friendship with me. Why didn't he try to pursue one at an early time? "Kyla? Did you hear me?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." I lied.

"Ok then, what's your answer?" He asked.

"Yes?" I guessed.

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