{12}: Starting From Scratch

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I groaned as my alarm went off. I got up and showered. After putting on my clothes I started my hair and put a little make up on. While making my way downstairs, the smell of breakfast made itself known. I sat down at the table after greeting everyone. It seemed that they all were busy. Layla was taking Lorenzo out to tour the city. Carson was going to the gym and my dad sat in his pjs. I guess he was working from home today.

My mom was doing the usual. The doorbell rang and Layla got up to answer it. "Oh I got that. It's Daniel." I said. She looked at me surprised as I got up. "How do you know for sure?" She asked.

"He always shows up for the extra bacon." My mom cut in. I chuckled. I went and opened the door. I was engulfed into a huge hug by Daniel. "Morning, babe." He said.

"Morning!" I said and leaned in so he could kiss me. Layla rounded the corner. "Wow, you were right. Dad! You owe me five dollars!" She yelled before heading back into the kitchen. We walked in and Daniel greeted everyone. He took a seat and waited for his bacon. Everyone looked surprised as my mom put a plate of bacon in front of him.

"She wasn't lying, you know." I said to them.

"Daniel loves bacon." My mom added.

They all nodded then went back to their activities. "Daniel, I notice a set of keys there. Your car or your parent's car?" My dad asked.

"My car." Daniel said after sipping his orange juice. Everyone looked back to Daniel. He just nodded and finished up his bacon. After eating, we got ready to leave. Everyone followed us to the door. "Why are y'all following us?" I asked them. "I want to see this guy's car." My dad said.

I shrugged. Daniel grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He opens my door for me then ran to hop into his side. Everyone just looked surprised, once again. We pulled out and headed towards school. "They were acting weird. I wonder what they were staring at." I said.

"Me and my sexiness." Daniel said. I scoffed. He playfully glared at me. He pulled up to the school and helped me out. He placed a hand around my waist and led me to the big tree I love to sit under. Daniel and I talked while we were over there. The bell rung and we got up. He walked me to my locker and waited as I got my stuff out. He didn't even bother to go to his locker.

"Ok, see you at lunch." I said and turned to go to class. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. He leaned down and kissed me. "See you later, babe." He said and turned to go to his class. Daniel was something else.

On the way to lunch I caught up with Haley. "Guess what." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nick asked me out." She whispered. I looked at her shocked. "Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" I practically screamed in her ear. We walked in and everyone stared at us. They stared at us like we were celebrities or something. It was weird. I heard the whispers.

"That's Daniel Colt's girlfriend. And her friend is Nick's girlfriend."

"They are so nice."

"I wonder where their boyfriends are?"

"You hear them too?" Haley asked. I laughed and nodded. We went through the lunch line and found a table at the back of the lunchroom. You could see everything and everyone could see you but not as clearly. But the table stood out. The doors opened. Daniel and Nick walked in. Daniel looking handsome as he did. They went through the line and found us.

"Kyla, we sure know how to pick 'em." Haley said. I laughed and nodded.

Daniel sat his food down and sat beside me. He wrapped an arm around me and brought me closer to him. He kissed my forehead. "Hey, Kyla." He said.

"Hello, Daniel." I said. Nick came and kissed Haley's cheek. They were so cute. Haley started talking, so that occupied their time. I picked at my food. "Not hungry?" Daniel asked. I shrugged. "I'm just not feeling the school food today." I said and laid my head on his shoulder. He took a chicken nugget from my plate.

Daniel eats a lot. I guess it's a football player thing. But that boy gobbles down more food than anyone I know. I wonder how Sophia keeps the fridge stocked with food at their house while living with this boy. During school, when I saw him in the hallway he was most of the time eating something. But miraculously, he never puts on weight. He keeps that toned body of his. To be honest, I'm a little jealous.

"I'll be back, I gotta get some fresh air." I told him and went outside to the quad. I sat under the big tree we always sat under. Not too long after that, Daniel came and sat beside me. "You didn't have to come out here with me. Go finish your food." I said.

"Oh it's good plus my girlfriend is more important than cafeteria food." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to sit outside." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Daniel." I said.



"Why do you call me Daniel and not Danny like everyone else?" He asked. That's a good question.

"Everyone calls you that, even your parents and teachers. I wanted to be unique. I wanted something to myself. So I call you Daniel. That's what I call you, no one else." I said with a small smile. His smile got wider. He tackled me with a hug. He hovered above me while I laid on the grass.

"You're so cute. And you should know, that I'm yours." He said. I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. Then he started placing kisses all over my face, making me laugh. I did the same to him. He laid beside me and held my hand. Our lunch break was good.

The heavy footsteps of Haley sounded in my ears. I looked up as she walked up the bleachers. "You've got to quiet down those footsteps of yours." I said with a laugh. She playfully glared at me and slapped my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. One day you'll appreciate me." She said theatrically. I laughed at her. She sat down and we started the reading session.

After football practice was over she went to meet Nick. I laughed as she ran like a mad woman to find her boyfriend. I just kept reading. Daniel knew that I wasn't going to move. "You do this every time." Daniel said as he climbed the bleachers. I smiled as he neared me. "Hey, Daniel." I said and kissed him.

"You know, if you do that every time I climbed these steps for you I'd climb them more often." He said. I laughed and grabbed my stuff. We walked to his car and got in. Daniel drove to his house to take a shower. This was our everyday routine. He'd pick me up for school then after school I would stay with him for football then he'd go take a shower at his house. We'd hangout and do homework there then he'd take me home.

I was currently in his room watching tv while he was in his bathroom showering. The door opened and Daniel came out wearing just basketball shorts. "Come on, let's go to your house. Carson wanted to throw a little bit." He said and tried to grab my hand. I dodged it and rolled to the other side of the bed.

"But we just got here and you just showered." I argued. He shrugged. "Think of it as more bonding time for me with him, babe. Trust me, I need to be on his good side." He said and grabbed my hand. He opened the door and headed downstairs. Before I walked out, I saw a shirt and grabbed it for him. I guess he was too busy to notice that he was shirtless.

We pulled up to my house and got out. Everyone was in the backyard. "Hello, everyone." I said to them. Daniel greeted them and they gave him weird looks. "Daniel, wanna tell me why you're shirtless?" My dad asked.

"He rushed to get here." I said as I handed Daniel his shirt. He thanked me then kissed my cheek. I just shook my head and turned to go inside. Daniel ran over and started a conversation with Carson. I walked upstairs and read my book. After reading a few chapters I went and looked out the window. My family was smiling and laughing with each other. Daniel saw me and waved. I smiled and waved back.

My family was starting scratch. That's what we needed. I was finally gonna get back the family I had two years ago.

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