{13}: What?!

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It's been a month and a half. Layla and Lorenzo left back to Italy last night. They said that they would be back for Thanksgiving. Carson went back to college and promised to be back twice a month. My dad cut his business trips down to a minimum. Everything was finally coming up good.

I went to open the door and let Daniel in. He ate his bacon then we left. On the way to school Daniel wouldn't stop talking about graduation and college. "I mean it's gonna be great, Kyla." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it is. But it's just gonna be new to me." I said.

Turns out, Daniel and I will be attending the same college. He received a full football scholarship for football and I received an academic one. We wouldn't be too far from each other and that was a plus for both of us. Anyone who knew us would know that our education comes first. We'd do homework together while hanging out. Daniel had to keep a good grade point average and I really cared about school.

We were that couple. Daniel pulled up to school and we got out. I headed towards the library. "Where you headed?" Daniel asked.

"The library. I have to turn in this book." I said. He nodded. "Well, just meet me under the tree." He said. I nodded and walked towards the library. I was good friends with the librarian. She was really nice and respected my love of books. I turned the book in and made my way back to the tree. Nick and Daniel were fake wrestling. I laughed at the sight. Haley was recording and yelling for her boyfriend.

"Don't let him get you, Daniel! You got this baby!" I yelled. Daniel smiled at me from his spot. The bell rung and the boys broke it off. Daniel jogged over to me. He placed his arm around me and we started towards the lockers. After getting my stuff and Daniel getting his, he kissed me and let me go so I can get to class.

I went in and sat at the back. After a few long classes it was finally time for lunch. I went and found Daniel before he went inside the lunch room. "Hey!" I said before jumping on him. He caught me and supported my weight. "Hey." He said and kissed me. "Let's go get pizza." I said.

"Sure thing." He said and placed me down so we could go to our favorite pizza parlor. After our pizza came we dug in. I sat back and thought about our memories here. "Hey, Daniel?"

"Yeah?" He answered. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "I remember the first time we came here together. Do you?" I asked. He smiled. "Of course. I'd never seen a girl eat as much as you. That's sexy." He said. I laughed. After eating lunch, Daniel drove back to school. We walked to the football field. There were forty minutes left for lunch. Daniel held my hand as we walked the track.

I was swinging our hands back and forth like a little kid. Daniel looked at me and smiled. I stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled. "You have a unique personality." He said. I shrugged and kept walking. Daniel stopped walking and pulled me close to him. "Do you ever wonder about the future?" He asked.

"Sometimes. I know you do." I said.

"You know me so well. But yeah, I do. I see you in my future." He said. I smiled.

"There's no doubt that you're somewhere in mine." I said with a smile. He smiled back. "I think I'm falling for you." He said. I closed my eyes as a smile spread across my face. "I'm falling for you too." I said.

"That's good to know. I don't fall often but when I do, I fall hard. Don't break me, Kyla." He whispered. "I'll keep that promise." I whispered. He closed the space and kissed me. He put his forehead on mine. "You, Kyla Genevieve Jones, are the best girlfriend." Daniel said.

"Daniel Patrick Colt," I started off dramatically,"You're an ok dude." I said and broke away. I started to run. I could hear Daniel yelling at me while running. He caught me and broke me down to the grass with him. He smiled triumphantly. I rolled my eyes. "Ok, Mr. Football player, this isn't a football game." I said and he chuckled. "What were you saying?" He asked.

I smiled. "I was saying that Daniel Patrick Colt is the best boyfriend ever. I'm glad you're mine, bubba." I said. He smiled and I leaned up to kiss him. He planted kisses all over my face. I laughed as he did. He never failed to make me laugh.

The bell rung so we got up. He grabbed my hand and walked me to my locker. With one last kiss I headed to class. After school I found myself sitting in the bleachers at the field. I watched this time as Daniel went through the plays. He was so determined and motivated. After his practice ended he came up the bleachers. I greeted him and kissed him.

"Unfortunately, I have to be home early tonight so I can't come over." I told him as we walked to his car. "Must you really?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed and drove to my house. He pulled up and kept the door locked. "Daniel let me out." I said. He leaned in. "Not before I get a couple kisses to go." He said. I laughed and kissed him. I tried to pull away but he grabbed my face. We made out then he left, saying that he'd text me.

I walked into the house and found my mom. "Hey momma, I'm home early like you asked." I said as I stepped into her office. "Sit down Kyla. Listen, I have to tell you something. We're moving to Arizona." She said. My eyes probably bulged out of my head. "Arizona?!" I shouted. She nodded.

"That's like another state, mom! I can't move! My best friend is here! Daniel is here!" I yelled, whispering the last part. She sighed. "Your dad had a business opportunity out there so he's moving us. We leave in two weeks." She said. I left her office and went straight to my room. I called Haley.


"Haley, we have a situation." I said.

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