{5}: This Is So Easy

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Haley and I were currently on our way to the lunch room. I walked in and everyone started to look. "This is so exciting!" Haley exclaimed. I shook my head at her. Haley was over the moon excited that Daniel and I were "together". I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on, Kyla! Don't be so negative about it." She said. I sighed. "I don't know, Haley. It's just weird." I said.

"What's weird?" A deep voice interrupted. A pair of arms snaked around my waist. I looked up and tried not to punch Daniel. "You." I said. He feigned hurt. "That's no way to treat your boyfriend, babe." He said. I smiled innocently. "That was a compliment." I said. He chuckled.

We went through the lunch line and before Haley and I could go sit outside, Daniel pulled us to his table. Three seats were already waiting for us. Daniel sat me down on his right side. Haley found a seat by Daniel's friend, Nick I think. They looked uncomfortable until Nick said something. She smiled and started to talk. I smiled. Once someone got Haley talking she would not stop.

"What's got you smiling?" Daniel whispered in my ear. I pointed to Nick and Haley. He looked in their direction. "Nick has had a crush on her since forever." He said. I awed. He rolled his eyes. "That's sweet." I said.

"It's annoying." He said. I looked at him questioningly. "He'd constantly talk about her." He said. I nodded. It reminded me of Daniel's annoying antics during the year. "What's with the annoyed face?" Daniel asked.

"You." I said.

"What about me?" He asked.

"You constantly bothering me since last year. Who does that? That was annoying. Every bit of it was annoying." I said. He just but his lip trying to contain his laughter. "What's funny?" I asked.

"You. I find it amusing when you're angry or upset. You're cute when you're mad." He said. I rolled my eyes. He just chuckled and put an arm around me. He turned my head so I could look at him. "What?" I asked. "Come on." He said, grabbed my hand along with our plates, and put them in the trash. He led me to the courtyard under the big tree.

He sat down and pulled me down with him. He wrapped an arm around me and leaned into the tree. "I still remember that day perfectly." He said. I looked at him and his eyes were closed. "What day?" I asked.

"The day I kissed you." He said. I remember that day also. "Oh yeah. That was the day I tripped over that stupid piece of uneven ground." I said with a huff. He chuckled. "I'm glad you tripped." He said. I looked at him in disbelief. "What a mean thing to say, Daniel." I told him and he chuckled.

"I mean, if you didn't trip, I wouldn't have kissed you." He said. I nodded. This was true. "And I'd love to see you trip again. Just to have you fall back into my arms so I could kiss you again." He said, this time looking directly into my eyes. He leaned in and his lips found mine. Our lips moved slowly. It was a nice kiss. My second one, at that, and with the same guy.

Before the kiss could deepen the bell rang. We got up and he kept a hold on my hand. Daniel walked me to class and we went our separate ways. After school, I found myself at the football field for two reasons. One, I hang out here everyday with Haley. Two, Daniel is my ride. I pulled out my book and waited for Haley.

I heard heavy footsteps on the bleachers. I peeped over my book only to see my best friend making her way towards me. Haley is the only girl I know with manly heavy footsteps. She was blushing. She came and sat beside me. Haley pulled out her book. I saw her catch eye contact with someone. I looked and she was smiling at Nick. He winked at her and she blushed. I smiled. "Someone's in love." I stated while flipping a page.

She gasped. "Not me." She said.

"That blush says otherwise." I said with a smirk. She laughed nervously. I just kept my casual smirk. "Oh look, lover boy is staring." Haley said. I looked in the direction she pointed to with her eyes. Daniel was staring at me. I caught eye contact with him and he winked. I wasn't gonna giggle like a school girl or smile. Blushing was out of the question. Even though I'm light skin, my skin wasn't light enough to see me blush.

I just smirked and winked back. From the looks of it, he was gonna shout something to me. His coach called his name before he could. I just laughed. I looked over at Haley and she was just staring at me. "What?" I asked her.

"I've never seen you do that." She said with a smile. "He's changing you." She told me.

"Yeah, yeah. Now tell me, do you like Nick?" I asked her. She froze and looked at me. "What makes you think that? I do not like Nick Sanders." She said. We'll see. "Oh really? You don't like him?" I deadpan. She nodded and returned to reading her book.

"Ok then you won't mind if Presley is flirting with him right now?" I asked. Her head shot up. She looked down to the field to where she spotted the blonde talking to Nick. She was a water girl for the football team. And let's just say that she gives more than water. Haley's face turned red with anger. I smirked. "So you sure you don't like him, Hal?" I asked.

She slowly turned to me. "Ok," she sighed,"I like him a lot. And he likes me too!" She exclaimed. I smiled knowing that my best friend was finding happiness. The last relationship, well, I wouldn't call it that. The last relationship she had was horrible. They weren't dating yet.

Long story short, the guy tried flirting with me. When I asked him about Haley he told me he wanted be close friends with her. More like a friends with benefits thing. I was disgusted and so was she. We sat there and read for the rest of the afternoon. I heard footsteps coming up the bleachers. The book was so good that I didn't want to stop reading it.

"You know, other girlfriends would meet their boyfriend by the locker room after practice. My girlfriend is sitting up here reading."

I looked at Daniel and gave him a smile then returned to my book. He took my book from my hands and sat it down. "Hey! At least save my page!" I yelled. He smirked and held up the book as he saved the page. He leaned in. People were staring at us amazed. I inwardly rolled my eyes.

He was so close that I was engulfed in his scent, which I wasn't complaining about. The boy smelled good. I took in a deep breath and let it go, making my chest rise and fall. Then, the stink hit me, this boy stunk from practice. Daniel watched my chest. "What do you want, pervert?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked. "Seeing that everyone is watching right now for some reason, I want a kiss." He said. I rolled my eyes as he smirked.

"Why?" I asked.

"I've been wanting to kiss you ever since lunch." He said with pouted lips. "I kissed you at lunch and this is going to ." I said. He pouted even more, which made him look adorable. "That was a couple of hours ago." He whined. Ugh, this boy. "If I give you one will you shut up?" I asked.

"I will." He said. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He instantly took control of the kiss. I felt his tongue run over my bottom lip. I denied entrance. He tried biting it but I still denied entrance. He groaned in disagreement and I groaned back just to annoy him. We pulled back for air and he placed his forehead on mine. "Thank you ma'am." He said and kissed my forehead.

He got up and grabbed my back pack. He slung his practice bag on his shoulder and placed my back pack on his back. He grabbed my hand and we left the school. Two months? Please, this is gonna be easy. Just like a walk in the park.

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