{9}: New Feelings

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"Awe, she's so beautiful." I whispered as Daniel's cousin walked down the aisle.

"I'm bored." Daniel said, quite loudly. I slapped his shoulder. "Be quiet. This is a romantic ceremony and you're ruining it with your loud comments." I whispered to him.

"I wouldn't be this way if I wasn't bored." He said. I ignored him and focused on the ceremony.

"Kyla, I'm hungry." He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, if you would've woken up like I asked you to this morning then you would've eaten breakfast with the rest of us." I whispered back. Daniel kept whispering to me. I couldn't keep up with the ceremony so I just stopped. Daniel would whisper things and I'd reply back. The only part I heard was,"I now pronounce you man and wife!"

We all clapped as the recessional started. As we exited the building to go to the reception, Daniel pulled me to a car. "Who's car?" I asked.

"My uncle's. He's gonna let me use it while we're here so come on. I don't wanna be late for the food." He said and urged me into the car. On the way to the reception Daniel kept talking about food. "Daniel. I know you're hungry but please, please give it a rest." I said.

He stopped and grabbed my hand. "You know, I'm glad you came." He said.

"It wasn't my choice."

"Yeah, but, I'm still glad. Now I have someone who I can be romantic with and to hangout with all in one. You don't get that too often. Most girls just want guys to be romantic all the time. With you, I don't get that, I get both and it sure is awesome." He said. I chuckled at what he said. Daniel was right in a sense.

We pulled up to the venue for the reception and Daniel hurriedly pulled me in so he could to the table with fruit, cheese, and crackers. After he's gotten a little of the food he took me to the side wall so we could wait to enter the room. He held my hand and drew circles with the pad of his thumb.

His mom stopped by and had us take a picture. Daniel wrapped me in his arms and smiled along with me for the picture. "Oh, you two look to nice." Sophia chirped. After she left Daniel wouldn't let go. "Daniel, can you let me go?" I asked. He looked down at me. "Nope. Those dudes over there keep staring at you and it's making me upset so I have to keep ahold on you so you won't go wondering off to talk to them." He said seriously.

I gasped incredulously. "Daniel, when have I ever done that?" I asked.

"Walmart." Was all he said.

"Ok, that was not my fault. I was looking for you when I ran into Scott." I said.

"Yeah, yeah." He said and pulled me closer. I looked around the room. A familiar pair of eyes caught mine. It was Scott. He made his way over to us. "Hey look, Daniel, it's Scott." I said, nudging him. I broke away from Daniel's hold and met Scott halfway to hug him. "Hey, Scott, what are you doing here?" I asked as we walked over to where Daniel was. He looked angry.

"Oh, the groom was the son of my dad's friend." He said.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Well, the bride was Daniel's cousin." I told him.

"And Daniel is your-"

"Boyfriend." Daniel cut in. He wrapped an arm around me. Scott looked at me for confirmation. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend." I said. It sounded so weird coming from me. The actual words, coming from my mouth. It felt foreign.

After talking to Scott the doors opened and we were allowed to walk into the room. The place was set up so beautifully. Daniel held my hand as we walked in. I must say, my hand fit perfectly in Daniel's hand. He pulled me to a table and sat down. He seemed angry. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

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