{16}: In Time

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Just like graduation, college approached fast. Over the past months I've learned that Daniel was awake but didn't make a move to talk to me. I decided to leave the matter alone and continue my life. I'd come to it one day or another in time. Michael, Cody, Brandon, and I had gotten closer. Surprisingly Ashton too. They were my four guy best friends.

The good news is that Michael would be attending the same college as me. I was committed to the college back in Florida. I watched as my dad and Carson fixed the beds in my room. Oh, did I mention that Haley would be attending this college too? I'm glad my best friend was my roommate.

Nick was attending a college not too far from ours. After our stuff was set up my parents and brother said goodbye and left. "Haley, I'm gone. I have to head to get some paperwork." I said and left. I walked into the huge building and grabbed up the necessary things I needed. While I was making my way towards the door I bumped into someone and my stuff fell to the ground. The stranger helped me with my stuff. "Sorry." He said.

"It's fine." I told him. Wait, that voice sounded familiar. Like really familiar. I stood up and looked at him before he snapped his head up and looked at me. It was Daniel. He looked handsome. He had a little scruff going on which made him even more attractive. I could see him staring at me and analyzing me as much as I was analyzing him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a truck. He got in and started driving I guess it was time to talk. And here I was thinking he didn't want to talk to me. He pulled up to a field and parked. "Hello, Kyla." He said then looked at me. I looked at him. "Hey, Daniel." I said.

"You know we have a lot to talk about right?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm pretty sure that's why you dragged me here." I said. He sighed. "Why couldn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I was scared Daniel. It felt like we had just begun and that I was gonna completely mess it up. But in the end I guess I did mess it up." I said. He turned to look at me. "Did you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes, I trusted you but something held me back." I told him.

"I read your letter."

"Yeah, I heard and I know you're probably upset. I would be too if you moved out of the state without telling me. It's been three months, Daniel. What do we do, because I'm confused." I said.

"You're right, I was angry. But that didn't stop me from thinking about you all the time. If people asked, I would still say that I was taken. Nothing changed for me." He said.

"You never left my mind either, you know. I remember on the first day of school this guy tried to claim me as his girlfriend. I told him that I had a boyfriend, even showed him a picture of us. I just never knew if you felt the same way about me after I left. I want to know where we stand." I said.

"I've always felt the same about you. That's not gonna change. I never forgot about you. You're my girl." He said, looking me in the eye. I couldn't take it anymore. I hopped out of the truck and started to walk. He quickly followed. "Where are you going?!" He yelled after me.

I was confused, angry, and yet happy that he felt the same. "HOW CAN YOU STILL SEE ME THE SAME WAY AFTER WHAT I DID TO YOU?! I LEFT YOU! I LEFT! I FREAKING LEFT. I ruined us." I shouted, whispering the last part. Daniel had caught up to where I was.

"No one ruined us." He said. I stayed quiet. "Kyla I love you and I know that you love me too. You don't have to say it. I know, I can see it in your eyes. You love me as much as I love you and it kills me to know that you think that way." He said as he pulled me closer. My arms were crossed like a toddler and tears fell out of my eyes from anger.

"What about when you first woke up from your coma, when you didn't see me there ready to pour my heart out to you? What about the long nights you've probably had just thinking about us? Or how about the fact that we never talked until now? So don't tell me that no one ruined us because it was clearly me." I said angrily.

"It wasn't only you, you know. I caused some of your pain during these three months. But don't you say that you ruined this relationship, Kyla. Dammit, I love you and that's all that matters." He said with equal force.

"You've changed." I whispered. He took a deep breath. "We all change." He whispered back.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I told him while looking in his eyes. "I missed you too." He said.

"Please don't leave." I whispered.

"Never." He whispered back. There was only room for us to grow.
We drove back to the school and he took me to his dorm room. We just laid in silence. It was a nice, comfortable silence. Then we started to talk about his tackling accident. "Does it still hurt sometimes?"

"Yeah, but the pain is to a minimum. I have to take medicine when I get headaches. Their not like regular headaches, their severe." He said. I nodded. "I just hope the best for you." I said. He kissed my forehead. "I know. But don't worry about me. Your guy is as strong as an ox." He said. I smiled.

"Hey, Daniel?" I asked.


"I love you." I said.

"I love you too, forever and always." He said and kissed me.

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