{8}: One Week Already?

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"Wake up." Huh?

"Wake up." What?

"Wake up." Am I hearing things? Let me open one eye and see. Oh it's just Daniel.

"Oh it's just you." I said and closed my eye. The covers were ripped away from me. "Wake up, Kyla. We're gonna be late." He said.

"Late for what?" I mumbled.

"Our flight. My cousin's wedding is this weekend." He said while walking into my closet. I sat up. "I don't wanna." I whined.

"Well you're gonna.", he whined back,"Plus, you can sleep on the plane." He said.

"Plane?" I asked as I got out of my bed and stretched. "Yeah, the wedding is in New York." He said. My eyes widened,"New York?" I asked. He nodded and threw some clothes at me. "Go get dressed so we can catch up with my family." He said. I shrugged and went into the bathroom. This boy couldn't be serious about taking me to New York with him. I did my necessities and showered. Daniel gave me a pair of khaki shorts, a coral tank top, a multi colored kimono, and my brown Chaco's to match.

"Wow, Daniel, you can really pick out clothes." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. He shrugged and gave me my phone and headphones. I looked and my suitcase was packed. Along with a backpack with my electronics. He grabbed my stuff, my hand, and led me downstairs. My mom was standing by the doorway. "Alright have a good tri-"

"Wait!" I said.

"What?" My mom asked.

"How is it that Daniel can just waltz in and pack my bags and tell me that we're going to New York and you're ok with it?" I asked her.

"He called two days ago. And I packed your bags." She said. I looked at her confused. "Daniel, take her stuff to your car." She said and he left. "I believe that you like him, darling. And I think you like him too and if it takes me making you go on this trip to see it then so be it." She said.

"Ok, mom, you're making no sense right now." I said. Man she was confusing. "Just have fun, bye." She said and pushed me out the door. Daniel grabbed my hand and led me to his car. We got in and he started towards the airport. "New York?" I asked.

"New York." He said. Ok, so maybe he wasn't kidding. After getting to the airport, we rode around to the private jet where his family was waiting. The good part about this is that I'll see Reagan, Will, Tyler, and Dylan. Daniel's siblings are amazing. They make me feel like a sister to them. "You know, I like you better than any of the girls that Daniel has brought home to meet us." Reagan said. I smiled. "Random but nice, why?" I asked.

"Well, to start, they were airheads. They were mean, heartless, and only wanted Daniel for what he does in bed." She said. I nodded. We all knew that Daniel wasn't always a saint. Throughout the years I secretly called him Satan. "You know I used to call him Satan behind his back, right?" I said to Reagan. She looked at me shocked.

"No way, really? Me too!" She exclaimed. I smiled. Even though we were three years apart she was like my twin. Daniel boarded the plane and sat down. He looked around until he saw me. "Kyla!" He called. I looked at him. He motioned for me to come and sit with him. I shook my head no and went back to conversing with his sister.

He got up and stood beside me. "May I help you, Mr. Colt?" I asked. He nodded. "I need you to come sit by me." He said. "No." I said.

"Come on. I'm the one who invited you." He said.

"Let me stop you right there, brother." Reagan said. We looked at her. "I was the one who wanted to invite you. Daniel was gonna leave you here and go by himself." Reagan said. I looked at Daniel. "I'll be right back." I said and grabbed Daniel's hand. I took him to his seat and sat down with him. He put an arm around me but I shrugged it off. "You didn't want me to come." I said.

"No it's not like that-"

"But aren't you the one who woke me up from my beautiful slumber to get ready? Wasn't it you who made me come?  May I remind you that you're the one who decided to tell your family that were dating. Am I correct?" I asked.

"Yes but-"

"Then stick to it." I said then got up to sit by Reagan. I laid my head back and closed my eyes as I let out a sigh. "Your brother will cause me to go crazy." I said to Reagan. She laughed. "Yeah, Danny is, well, Danny." She said. I laughed. We sat back and watched movies the whole way there. Once the plane landed I got up so I could get my carry on. I walked past Daniel's seat and he was sound asleep. I shook my head and sat beside him.

"Wake up." I said while shaking him. He groaned. "Wake up." I said again. He sat up and looked around. He looked like a little kid. It would've been adorable if that small little drop of drool wasn't about to hit his shirt. But hey, good looking people can't have it all. I shook Daniel one more time and he opened his eyes. "Hey, good looking, you look a lot like my girlfriend." He mumbled while looking at me.

"What's her name?" I asked, deciding to humor myself with his sleepiness. "Kyla Jones. She's smart, beautiful, and just plain awesome. You should meet her someday." He said.



"Open your eyes." I said. He slowly opened them and when he did a lazy grin made its way across his face. "Oh hey, baby." He said and kissed my forehead. "Come on." I said and we got off the plane. New York was beautiful. The stuff was loaded into the SUV and we left out. When we got to the hotel room I was given a key. I followed the numbers and found my room. I opened the door and walked in. I stopped when I saw Daniel.

"Before you say anything, my mom did this. But happy one week, baby." He said with a smile. I looked at him confused. "One week?" I asked, forgetting about the room situation. "Yeah, I decided that this would mark a week." He said.

"Daniel." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"We will hit a week this coming up Tuesday. You just can't make up an anniversary." I said. He shrugged. "I put it on social media already." He said. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I placed my bags by the closet door and sat on the bed. There was only one bed and a couch. I looked at Daniel and then to the couch. "No." He said.


"No. We're gonna be here all weekend and I wanna be comfortable while I'm here so I'm sleeping on that bed." He said with finality in his voice. I decided not to argue and just plopped down on the bed. There was a lounge for teens downstairs. I decided to get up and change. I changed into a floral print halter dress and sandals. I combed through my hair and put on a light amount of lipstick.

I grabbed my key and headed towards the door. I opened it and was about to step outside when I was pulled back inside. "Really?" I asked while Daniel trapped me between the door and him. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Downstairs." I said.

"Dressed like that? And by yourself?" He asked. I scoffed. "What's wrong with what I have on?" I asked. I actually thought I looked just fine.

"Is that the only thing you heard?" He asked. I just looked at him. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong with what you have on. In fact, you look really cute." He said.

"Glad you think so, now let me go so I can go downstairs." I said.

"I'm coming." He said.

"But I-" He kissed me. "I'm coming." He said. I sighed and nodded.

"Kyla, I don't want to argue with you this whole weekend or these two months or the months after that. I want to get along with you and get back to the way we were like at that night at the pizza parlor. I want that. I want you. I want us." He said while looking me in my eyes. I nodded.

We went downstairs hand in hand. After all of that one question was left in my mind. Was I starting to like Daniel?

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