Request - Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall "Famous"

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"Stiles!" Scott hissed between his teeth, but no matter how often he tried to call his best friend, Stiles didn't answer. Scott wasn't sure if he should be worried about Stiles now or if he should be angry with him. He was leaning towards the last option, but his heart racing in his chest was making clear that he was not ruling out the first option completely.

"Can't we just go to his house to see if he's there?" Malia shrugged her shoulders and she stared with her wide open eyes at her self chosen Alpha. "We need his help anyway, right?"

Scott nodded. Yes, he needed his best friend to help him out. And he needed his best friend now. "Okay, let's just go there." Scott put on his helmet and he gave Malia the other one while she climbed on the back of his motor cycle. Maybe he wasn't exactly respecting the speed limit, but with every second that passed something terrible could happen. Eventually he stopped in front of Stiles' house.

"It looks awfully quiet here..." Malia walked towards the door and she took the spare key from her pocket. Scott wanted to tell her that it was polite to at least ring the bell a few times before storming in, but Malia had already opened the door and Scott had no other choice than just following her.

He stood still in the living room when he saw his best friend on the couch, his arms tightly around you. Scott frowned his eyebrows when he had a better look at you. "What the..." He pressed his hand to his mouth, but it was too late already. Stiles and you opened your eyes and Scott just stood there with his eyes wide open and his eyebrows raised.

"Scott? What the hell are you doing here? Have you never heard about calling someone first? A little privacy?" Stiles shook his head and Scott scratched the back of his neck.

"Malia and I tried to call you a couple of times, but you didn't answer and it's kinda urgent and..." Scott stopped talking, his eyes staring at you for a short moment. "I didn't know you knew (Y/N)?" Scott shifted his weight from one leg to the other, while Stiles' cheeks started blushing.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid that if I would tell you the press would find out and..." Stiles scratched the back of his neck and he wrapped an arm around you. "We met a couple of weeks ago and we started dating and..."

"You're dating for a couple of weeks and you didn't tell me?" Scott shook his head before he started smiling brightly. "Congratulations!" He placed a hand on Stiles' back and held out his hand. "I'm Scott, Stiles' best friend."

You placed your hand in his and smiled. "I'm (Y/N), but you clearly already knew that. It's nice to meet you too."

Scott pulled his hand back and he licked his lips. He had to admit that you were even more beautiful and even more amazing than you had seemed on the television.

"Scott?" Stiles cleared his throat and Scott shook his head. "Wasn't there something urgent you needed my help with?" Stiles smiled and Scott smiled back at him and nodded.

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