Request - Drabble Kai Parker

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"Kai?" You opened your eyes and quickly looked at the alarm, only to notice that it was four in the morning. "What the hell are you doing here and how the hell did you get in here?" You turned around and stared straight into Kai's beautiful eyes while he was laying next to you in the bed.

"The window was open." Kai played with a strand of your hair and he smiled like only he could smile. "I climbed the wall and got it." He smiled even brighter now and you sighed.

You knew that you should be angry. You knew that you should scream at him. You knew that you should tell him that climbing through windows and sneaking into rooms was not a form of accepted behavior.

But he probably wouldn't understand it anyway. Morals, society rules, personal space, consent. It were all foreign concepts to him and strangely enough you actually liked that. He was not held back by expectations or doubts. He was not stopped by the fear of not being liked or loved. If he wanted something, he took it.

"We'll get you an extra key made. In case next time the neighbors call the police when you pull a stunt like this." You moved a little closer towards him and you pressed your body to his.

"You wouldn't have allowed Matt Donovan to arrest me, would you?" Kai pouted and his nose brushed yours while his hands caressed your arms tenderly.

"I don't know. I actually should have." You whispered and you closed your eyes while you pressed your lips on his. "But I love you a little too much to do so."

"Good..." Kai kissed your back and you felt his hands on your back,pressing you even tighter to his chest. "I just wanted to hear that."

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