Request - Isaac Lahey "The best of all best friends"

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"Sometimes I wonder if he really loves me..." Your head was resting on Isaac's shoulder and his arm was around your waist. You were sitting here for hours already. First you had been waiting for Jordan to show up, then you had been crying because he had cancelled your date again and then Isaac had come over to comfort you.

"I'm sure he does, (Y/N)." Isaac whispered and his hand rubbed your back. "Being a deputy isn't always easy and he can't say no to his boss when something is happening in town." He hesitated a little and he licked his lips. "But he does really love you, I mean, how can he not love you?"

You raised your eyebrows and you coughed. "Maybe he simply loves his job more than he loves me? Maybe his job is a lot more exciting? Maybe I'm boring in his eyes? I don't know. If he loved me this much, he would be here and not at the station.

"I don't think that's true, (Y/N)." Isaac shook his head. "He simply knows you're a forgiving person and care a lot about the people in this town. I think he guesses that you understand that he has to work to protect this town and that it sometimes means he has to cancel a date." Isaac's lips curled up into a smile. "He would be an idiot if he wouldn't like spending time with you over working extra hours."

You frowned your eyebrows and breathed out. "Maybe he is an idiot. It would be typically me to fall in love with an idiot." You had stopped crying by now and you felt your anger slowing disappearing. Maybe it was simply because you were mad for so long already that you couldn't stay mad any longer. Maybe it was because you had your very best friend by your side.

"He's not that big of an idiot." Isaac smiled a little brighter and his cheeks turned pinkish. "I mean, what's not to like? You're funny, you're smart, you're creative. You always come up with the best ideas and you can make something out of even the most horrible circumstances. There is never a dull moment when I'm with you and I've spent a lot of time with you, so I know what I'm talking about."

By now you were smiling and you bent your head while shaking it. "And that's why you're my best friend. No matter what happens and no matter how angry I am, in the end you always make me smile. Your the best best friend ever." You wrapped your arms around his neck and you pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. "So, since Jordan is working extra hours, we can always go to the McDonalds to have some french fries?"

Isaac sighed, but he smiled back at you and he stood up from his seat. "I guess this means you're not gonna break up with him, right?" He stared at you and you shook your head. "Great, because I don't wanna see you unhappy. Let's go have those french fries."

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