Request - Stiles, Scott and Liam "Fighting Angel" (Sequel)

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Liam looked up when he heard the doorbell. "I think that will be Scott, I'll be right back." He couldn't hide the amused smile that was playing around his lips and he whistled while he walked towards the front door to open it.

"Is that thing in front of the house yours?" Scott nodded at the expensive car and Liam shrugged his shoulders.

"My sister has given it to me. She's a Victoria's secret model." Liam waited until Scott's eyes widened and a little excited already he led Scott to the living room where Stiles was still talking to you with bright red cheeks and trembling hands.

"O my...She's beautiful!" Scott's jaw dropped and he hurried inside to shake your hand. "I'm Scott, I'm Liam's friend."

You smiled at him and you looked up at the handsome Alpha, much to Stiles' dislike. "I've heard a lot about you, Scott. I'm (Y/N), Liam's sister." You pulled your hand back and Liam cleared his throat.

"Can I get you something to drink, Scott?" Liam wanted to be back as soon as possible, because he didn't want to miss a second of what was about to happen.

"I would love a coke, please." Scott's voice sounded surprisingly a lot steadier than Stiles' voice had sounded and Liam quickly walked to the kitchen to get Scott the coke he had asked for.

"I took Liam under my wings, yes." Scott was already sitting next to you and Stiles had his arms crossed over his chest, clearly not amused with what was happening right now. "I'm also the captain of the lacrosse team and he's an amazing player."

You nodded and you took another sip from your wine. "Do you play lacrosse too, Stiles?" You turned your face towards him and both Liam and Scott couldn't help laughing a little.

"He tries." Scott was the first one to answer and Stiles took a few deep breaths before he shook his head.

"They have the muscles, I'm the brain. I'm maybe not as good at lacrosse as they are, but I'm the one figuring things out and I'm the one who can help Liam with his homework if he's failing classes." Stiles was almost talking to Scott and Liam leaned back in his chair.

"And who's the heart of your little friends group then?" You cocked your head and both Stiles and Scott frowned their eyebrows for a short moment. "Scott is the muscles, Stiles is the brain. Usually a group of friends also has a heart." You smiled and Scott and Stiles exchanged a short look for a moment.

"Allison was the heart of our group, but she died a couple of months ago." Scott's voice whispered and he licked his lips while he stared at his feet. It was clear that he was trying everything he could to prevent himself from crying in front of you.

"Which means that we're still looking for a new heart, so if you're interested..." Stiles winked and his lips curled up into a smile again.

"O no, my sister is not becoming part of our friends group." Liam shook his head and he raised his eyebrows. "She is amazing and I love the car, but there are limits to brother and sister love, okay?"

You laughed and you threw your head in your neck. "Don't worry, Liam. They expect me back in New York in three days and then it might take a while before I can visit Beacon Hills again."

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