Request - Stiles, Liam & Scott "Loving Angel" (Sequel)

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"So, you live in New York?" Scott was the first one to ask a question again and you nodded. "I've always wanted to go there. Maybe you can show me around one day?"

Liam rolled his eyes and his lips curled up to form a small smile. He knew that it would be a matter of time before Stiles would ask the same question. Luckily there was way too much going on to visit New York anytime soon.

"I would love to show the two of you around. I do have a very big project the upcoming two months, but maybe you can all visit during the summer holidays?" You smiled a friendly smile and Liam sighed relieved.

He loved being around you, he really did. But he didn't really like his friends swooning over you the entire time. He got it now. His friends were completely blown away by your beauty, just like the rest of the world, and there was nothing he could do about it. He would just like it if people would at least try to hide it a little better.

"I can drive there." Stiles smiled brightly and it was clear that in his mind he was having the most romantic dates in New York City. It seemed that Stiles had totally forgotten the part where you had invited Scott and Liam and probably everyone else of the pack too.

Liam looked up when the doorbell rang again. He had not really been expecting anyone else. Technically he was part of the pack, but sometimes it seemed only Stiles and Scott really cared about him as more than just a beta werewolf. Without saying anything he stood up from his seat and walked to the door.

"I hope you don't mind that I came too?" Lydia smiled and she held a huge package in her arms. "I was going to impress you with my present, but after noticing the huge bow around that car I assume my attempt won't be good enough." She pressed the package in Liam's arms, but Liam shrugged his shoulders, while he put the package on the floor.

"I'm already glad you came! Scott and Stiles are already there. I'll walk you to the living room." Liam was surprised that Lydia didn't ask about the car right away, like the others had done. Although, he actually assumed she had gotten her car for a birthday too.

"O, (Y/N)!" Lyda held out her hand when she noticed you. "I saw your pictures in a few magazines." She acted surprisingly normal while you shook her hand, but Liam noticed how your hand was trembling. "I'm Lydia Martin."

Liam sighed and rolled his eyes. He had just been relieved that you had not fallen for any of Stiles' and Scott's tricks and now this was happening. Great. This was exactly what he wanted on his birthday. Not.

"O, I didn't know Liam was friends with a pretty girl like you." You tucked your hair behind your ear and Liam stood up to walk to the kitchen to get himself something to drink.

Of course he had not told you about Lydia. He didn't even know why Lydia had been coming in the first place. He had not even known that Lydia was even aware he existed. But here she was, making his birthday even worse than it already was. It was his birthday. Not yours.

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