Request - Drabble Bellamy Blake

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"Hey..." You sat down next to Bellamy and followed his glance. You had been looking for him for hours, but you weren't going to tell him that. Bellamy always carried the entire world on his shoulders and you didn't want him to be worried about you on top of that.

"Hey..." Bellamy didn't even look at you, but he moved a little closer towards you. His hair looked messier than usually and he had his arms wrapped around his knees, his knees pressed to his chest.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" You closed the last few inches between the two of you and you pressed your side to his. You knew that asking if he was okay wouldn't get you an answer. He always told you that he was okay, even though you knew he wasn't.

"No, not really." He shook his head and you placed your head on his shoulders. Just like everyone else he was probably worrying about the world ending within a few months. Maybe he was even doubting if destroying the city of light had been the great idea it had seemed to be.

"I dreamed a dream last night..." After a long moment of silence you closed your eyes, your lips curling up into a smile. "I dreamed that you were playing with two of our sons. You were surrounded by flowers. Roses. Dandelions. Forget-me-nots." You sighed for a short moment and you felt how Bellamy wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "I was holding our daughter while she was sleeping. She had your curls and my smile." You started to talk slower and slower, your voice nothing but a whisper.

"Sounds like a nice dream." Bellamy sounded a little absentmindedly, but his grip around you tightened. "It's a pity it will never come true."

You opened your eyes again and you looked up at the boy you loved more than anything or anyone in the entire world. "You don't know that, Bellamy." You squeezed his arm and cocked your head. "I still believe that there is a way to solve all of this. I still believe in a happily ever after."

Bellamy smiled and he pressed a soft kiss on your nose, before he cupped your face and kissed your lips. "I'm glad that at least one of us does." 

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