Request - The Lightwoods "A marzipan heart"

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"Really?" Isabelle was almost clapping her hands while she smiled the brightest smile she had ever smiled. It was almost as if someone was going to ask her to marry, instead of Jace going to ask you. "You're gonna ask (Y/N) to marry you?" Her voice was trembling because of the excitement and Jace rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I am." He stared at the little black box in his hands, almost slipping through his fingers because he was sweating. He had beaten demons and monsters and all kinds of downworlders. Not once had he been as nervous as he was right now. "And I need your help."

"Of course! Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." Isabelle couldn't stop smiling and Alec shook his head while standing next to his sister.

"As long as I don't have to sing songs, I'm fine." Alec shrugged his shoulders and he grinned. "What are you planning on doing?" He crossed his arms over his chest and Jace shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"Look, (Y/N) and I have kissed for the very first time on the roof. I want to ask her over there, where everything began. I just need someone to send her there." Jace scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks heated up a little. He knew that you would start to be suspicious as soon as he would take you there. Maybe things would be less obvious if Alec and Izzy would do it.

"And what reason would we have to send (Y/N) to the roof?" Alec raised his eyebrows and he exchanged a glance with his sister.

"He's right, Jace. She's going to know that something is about to happen when we send her to the roof." Isabelle shook her head and she licked her perfectly red lips.

"Really? You are always creative and have the most brilliant plans and now I need you to come up with a reason to get my girlfriend to the roof, you're all blank and without inspiration? What a great timing for a brain meltdown." Jace took a few deep breaths.

"I can help?" Max walked into the room and he sat down in one of the chairs. "I can tell (Y/N) that I've lost my ball on the roof and can't find it? I can ask her if she wants to help me looking for it because I've gotten the ball from Izzy and don't want to tell Izzy that I've lost it?" He smiled while his legs were moving since they couldn't reach the floor.

"See? At least one Lightwood that's of actual use in this case." Jace nodded towards Max and he pointed at his watch. "You're gonna ask her to get to the roof in about fifteen minutes. I'll make sure everything is ready when you and her arrive, okay?"

"Okay." Max nodded and Jace turned around towards the door, but he looked over his shoulder as soon as he got there.

"Izzy? Alec? Can you make sure he really waits fifteen minutes?"

Isabelle smiled and she wrapped an arm around her little brother. "Don't worry, Jace, we won't let him go before the fifteen minutes are up. I promise."

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