Request - Scott McCall "A strange world"

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"Scott!" You yelled his name, but it was barely hearable. All the screaming and yelling had made your throat soar, but no matter how loud you spoke, no one seemed to hear you. "Scott! Scott, can you hear me?" You wrapped your arms around the bars of the cell. Of course you weren't strong enough to move them, no matter how hard you tried.

"Are you going to tell her or am I?" Matt stared at the boy on the floor. He had a smirk around his lips and he kneeled down next to your twin brother. "Don't you think it's more dangerous for her not to know?" He spoke softly and he cocked his head, but Scott moaned and pushed himself up.

The wound in Scott's shoulder had stopped bleeding, but you weren't sure if that was a good or a bad sign. His shirt was still covered in blood. Maybe he simply couldn't lose any more blood. Maybe he could die at any moment, any second now. "Leave my sister out of this!" Scott hissed between his teeth, but Matt frowned his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Aren't twins supposed to be super close? Isn't she supposed to know everything about you and aren't you supposed to know everything about her?" He stared at you for a moment and you swallowed.

You had no idea what was going on, but you knew that you didn't have any secrets for Scott.

And Scott would never keep anything from you, would he? Scott stared at his feet and he was clearly avoiding your glance. "I was going to tell her. Just not yet and for sure not like this." He pushed himself up, but Matt placed a hand on Scott's chest and forced him to sit down again.

"I'm sorry that I had to ruin this moment for you. I'm sure you had prepared something spectacular. But maybe what I've done now is even better than anything you had come up with, right?" Matt smiled and he pointed his gun at Scott again.

"No! Please! Don't shoot him again! Just let me help him!" You tightened your grip around the bars and you pressed your entire body to the cold iron. "I'll give you all the money I have, if you just let me help him!" You started to sound desperate, but you didn't mind. You couldn't let your brother die. You wouldn't let your brother die.

"O, don't worry, honey." Matt shrugged his shoulders. "This gun won't kill him, I promise." To prove his point he shot another bullet into Scott's shoulder. "If he wouldn't try this hard to hide what he secretly is, his wound would be healed within a few minutes."

Your eyes widened and you turned your face to Scott. You saw how his teeth started sharpening, how his nails started growing and how his once so smooth skin was now covered in hair. Fur. "Scott?" You stepped back from the iron bars and pressed your back against the wall. "What are you?"

"I'm a werewolf and I'm gonna make sure you get out of here alive." Scott hissed between his teeth and he curled up his claws. "Even if I have to break every bone in his body."

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