Request - Jon Snow "I shall take no wife"

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"And, when are you leaving?" A man dressed in black leaned towards you. He had a smirk on his lips and the smell of alcohol was almost overwhelming.

Even though you would say that after all those months you would have gotten used to it, you still felt a little intimidated. "I don't know. Until J...the Lord Commander has found a safe place for me." Your cheeks heated up and you quickly took a few more sips from your soup.

"Leave the lady alone." Jon stood up from his seat and with slow steps he walked towards you. "She shall stay here as long as she needs to." His lips formed a straight line and he had his back straightened and his chin lifted. "This is the safest place she can be right now and until I'm sure she's as safe somewhere else, I won't send her away."

"Jon..." The man next to you stood up and he lifted his chin too. "You're the Lord Commander, but she's been here for months already." The man cocked his head and he crossed his arms over his chest. "You're not looking that hard for another place for her to live, are you?" It was not really a question. It was more a statement and you bent your head to avoid their glances.

"As Lord Commander I have a lot of things to take care of. Finding a safe place for her to live is only one of those tasks and not even the most important one." Jon shook his head and his eyes rested on you. "There is an army of dead people marching towards us and you're worrying about a girl in Castle Black?" He raised his voice, but the man didn't even flinch, didn't move, didn't stop grinning.

"We all know why you're keeping her close." The man hissed between his teeth and everyone around you was silent now. "You've started to like her. We should wonder if the safe place you're talking about isn't actually your bed."

You held your breath and tried to breath in and out to prevent your cheeks from heating up even further. You had started to like Jon.

He had a kind heart, he was understanding, he thought about people before he thought about war or power. He could have sent you to one of the villages nearby, but instead he had offered you a safe place here in Castle Black.

Although you had known that he had sworn a vow and that he would never fall in love with you, you had started to fall for him. Your heart had started to skip beats every time he walked by. Your skin had started to glow every time he said something nice. Your mind had started to dream about him, during the cold and lonely nights.

"I understand that for some of you the concept of liking a girl without wanting her in your bed is totally foreign." Jon cleared his throat, but he cocked his head and looked around to make sure all his men could hear him. "But I don't have the intention to break my vow."

"You've already broken it and we all know it." The man hissed between his teeth, but Jon grabbed his shirt and lifted him of the floor.

"I said that I was not going to break my vow again. Just like I won't break my promise to (Y/N). I won't send her away before I have found a safe place for her." Jon spoke softly now and he carefully put the man back on his feet. "Don't let me hear you speak like that to her or me again." 

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