Request - Isaac Lahey "Dark Shadows"

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Fire. Screaming. Vague shadows. More fire. More screaming.

You turned from side to the other and your forehead was covered in sweat. For the last couple of minutes you had been trying to wake up, but you were still seeing nothing but fire. You were still hearing nothing but screaming. You were still chased by damons without a form.


Your legs were tired from running and you felt your heart racing in your chest. The only thing you could think about was that you were about to die.


You looked up when you heard Isaac's voice. "Isaac?" You twirled around and around, but there was nothing but smoke while the burning flames almost touched your face. "Isaac!" You screamed and all of a sudden you sat up in your bed, your eyes wide open.

"Damn, I thought you would never wake up." Isaac sighed and he fell down next to you. He was clearly sweating too and he even sounded a little out of breath. "And I thought I was the bad sleeper here..." His lips curled up into a smile and you couldn't help smiling back at him.

"Thanks for waking me up." You were still trembling a little and you felt a shiver down your spine when the curtains in your room moved because of the wind.

"So, what are your nightmares about?" Isaac leaned against the pillow, clearly a little uncomfortable, probably debating whether or not it was appropriate to be in your room. "I guess everyone knows about mine, so it kinda feels fair to know about yours." He shrugged his shoulders and he looked up at you.

Strangely enough you had felt comfortable around Isaac ever since he had come live with your family. You knew that he was technically Scott's friend and only here because he had nowhere else to go, but still. It was as if you had another brother now and that felt better than you had thought it would feel.

"I've also heard that if you talk about your nightmares out loud they're leaving your head and won't come back." Isaac swallowed and he moved a little bit towards you. "I don't know if that's true, of course. But you can always give it a try, right?" He smiled again and you nodded.

"I don't really know what I dream about." You licked your lips. "It's something else every time." You swallowed and you bent your head. You had dreamed so many things, that it was hard to come up with something you hadn't dreamed about. "I guess I should have created that dumb ways to die game that people like to play." You grinned and you felt the fear slowly leaving you. "I've dreamed about all of them and probably more."

"And what was it this time?" Isaac cocked his head. Maybe it was because he was still here that you started to feel better.

"Fire and demons." You felt your cheeks heating up. "I guess one dumb way to die wasn't enough this time." You were giggling right now and Isaac started to laugh along.

"Have you ever dreamed about choking in a freezer?" He raised his eyebrows and you shook your head. "Well, in that case you haven't dreamed everything yet."

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