Request - Scott, Stiles, Liam & Lydia "In love with an angel" (Sequel)

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"I've always admired you." Lydia had miraculously found a spot between Stiles and you and Liam stared at the fully loaded coach.

If anyone would walk in here without knowing who's birthday this actually was, they would never be able to guess it was Liam's.

Liam loved you. He really did. You and him had always been best friends and without you he wouldn't know what to do, but sometimes it was simply annoying that where you were you were getting all attention. Liam understood it, but still.

You were pretty, you were intelligent, you were nice, you were everything a man, and probably a lot of women, could only dream of. And on top of that you were a top model with a little too much money on your bank account and a well known face because it had been on the covers of countless of magazines.

"I've been trying to become a model a couple of years ago, but I found out that it's a lot harder than it looks." Lydia raised her eyebrows while she kept on talking. "I gave up before I have gotten anywhere." She smiled and you smiled back at her, your hands almost dropping your glass because they were sweating.

Liam rolled his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he had rolled his eyes this often in such a short time.

"Thank you." Your voice was trembling a little. "A lot of people think that being a model is all glitter and glamor. There are a lot of upsides, but there are also a lot of downsides." Even since Lydia had walked into the room, you had not taken your eyes of her and Liam noticed how even Scott and Stiles had started to roll their eyes.

"Maybe we should let the girls talk about clothes and make up, while we go do something else?" Liam smiled and his voice started to sound a little more hopeful. "We could go listen to some music? Or we could play games on my playstation?" He stared at Scott and Stiles, but they were still staring at you.

"What did you say?" Stiles finally managed to turn his face towards Liam and Liam took a deep breath.

"My parents gave me the newest call of duty game. Do you want to play?" Liam shrugged his shoulders and he waited until Stiles had finally made up his mind.

Stiles stared at you, at Lydia and back at you. It was clear that he was trying to figure out if he would get a chance to win your attention back. "Yes, fine. I've already discovered that my great mind is not appreciated here." His voice sounded a little bitter and he stood up, hitting Scott on his knee. "We're gonna play call of duty, are you coming?"

Scott stared at Liam, at you, at Stiles and then back at Liam. It was as if he all of a sudden realized that it was Liam's birthday and that Liam was his beta. "Yes..." He scratched the back of his neck while he tried to get your attention. "Okay, I guess we'll talk later?" You didn't answer and Scott stood up with a sigh.

"Why didn't you just tell us we didn't stand a chance?" Stiles frowned his eyebrows while he followed Liam towards his bedroom. "I wouldn't have tried so hard if I had known!"

Liam shrugged his shoulders. "It was actually kinda funny to see you try..."

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