Request - Robb Stark "Winter is Coming"

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"Do you like it here?"

You looked up when the eldest son of the Starks appeared next to you. You had been enjoying the cold wind touching your cheek and most of all you had been enjoying the view.

Winterfell was so alive, filled with smiling people who always seemed to be busy doing something. No one was screaming or yelling at each other. The Lords and Ladies were friendly towards the work people and the other way round.

"I love it, my Lord." You bent your head slightly. Even though you had been sent here by your parents and had been reluctant at first to give in, you started to like Winterfell and it's people more and more. Just like you started to like Robb more and more.

"Robb." He smiled a bright and warm smile. "For you it's Robb, just Robb." For a moment he just sat next to you on a little bench under one of the trees. His eyes followed his little brother, who was horrible at shooting arrows. His lips curled up a little when his youngest sister proved to have a perfect aim.

"Your family is really close with each other." You had noticed that the Stark family was more than just the Starks. Theon was part of the family, even though he was technically held captive by them. Jon was part of the family, even though he was nothing but a bastard.

"I have to thank father and mother for that." Robb turned his face towards you and his eyes stared straight into yours. He had wonderful eyes and the reflection of the late summer sun made them look even brighter then they already were. "Would you like to live here?" He cocked his head a little and you felt your cheeks heating up.

The last couple of days you had asked yourself that question, over and over again. Your heart had always answered yes without having to think about it, but your head had been worried that you were the only one feeling like this. You wouldn't want to stay if Robb wouldn't want you to.

"My mother has been talking to me about my future marriage." Robb turned his face away from you. "Somehow we have ended up talking about you." He stared at his feet and you straightened your back while you licked your lips.

"If you would want me to stay, I would love to." You carefully curled your lips up and you remembered to keep your hands neatly in your lap. It was hard to hide the excitement you were feeling, but you didn't want to hope too much. Not yet.

"I would love you to stay." Robb looked up again and gracefully he sat down on one knee in front of you. "Dear (Y/N), Lady of (Y/P), would you like to marry me, Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell?" His hand had grabbed yours and he had his chin lifted to be able to stare straight into your eyes.

"Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell, I, (Y/N), Lady of (Y/P), would love to marry you." You smiled brightly and Robb smiled back at you. From the corner of your eyes you could see how his entire family was now looking at you and Robb with a smile on their face. It seemed they were as happy about this as you were.

2016 June CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now