Request - Liam Dunbar and Stiles Stilinski "Like an angel"

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(Sequel to "Victoria's Secret")

Liam grinned when Stiles' jaw dropped the moment he saw you. Liam had seen it happening countless times before, but it never stopped to amuse him. "Stiles? This is my sister (Y/N). (Y/N)? This is one of my friends, Stiles."

Stiles held out his hand and Liam noticed how it was trembling a little. "'re beautiful. I'm sorry, you must hear this all the time and I probably look like an idiot, but I just didn't really expect Liam to have a sister who looked like you." Stiles cheeks turned redder and redder with every word he spoke and Liam had to put his hand over his mouth to make sure he wouldn't laugh out loud.

"I've heard that before, yes, but even though I'm on the cover of magazines, compliments like that never grow old." You shook your head and you smiled a bright smile.

Liam could hear Stiles' heart skipping a few beats in his chest and he shook his head while he exchanged a short glance with you. "I'll get you something to drink, Stiles. Why don't you sit down next to (Y/N)?" Liam was still grinning and Stiles nodded without being able to say a word.

"So, you're one of Liam's friends?" You asked while Liam turned around to grab Stiles' drink in the kitchen. "Liam has told me a lot about Scott, but he didn't tell me much about you."

"O, I..." Stiles was still stuttering and Liam had to focus on pouring the drink before he would throw half of the coke next to the glass instead of in it. "Scott is way cooler than I am, but I'm funnier, really. I'm also a lot smarter."

Liam shook his head while he walked back into the living room and he placed the glass in front of Stiles, who was nervously playing with his own hands. Liam couldn't wait until Scott would arrive. Not only because Liam wanted to see how Scott would react on you, but also because he wanted to see how Scott would react on Stiles being like this.

"So, you're the funny guy with the brain then?" You cocked your head and you sipped from your wine. You had your long legs crossed and your perfectly manicured finger nails ticked against the kristal glass. "And on top of that you're cute."

Liam snorted but he quickly tried to cover it up by pretending he was coughing. Liam knew that no guy really liked it to be called cute. Cute stood for being the best friend forever. It didn't stand for being the hot guy that will get to marry the beautiful girl.

"Thanks, I guess..." Stiles' heart was still racing in his chest and he stared at his drink as if he was trying to calculate how big the chance was that he would spill something if he would try to drink something now. "So euh..." He licked his lips and took a few deep breaths. "How did you become a Victoria's secret model? I mean, don't you have to be better than the best then?"

You nodded and you took another sip from your wine. "It took me a lot of time to get this job. I'm lucky that my parents have always supported me. I've started at the bottom and now I'm here." You raised your eyebrows and cocked your head a little. "All the hard work is finally paying off."

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