Request - Malia Tate "Mine"

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"I could bring you home, if you want?" Theo cocked his head and he smiled a bright smile. He was charming, way too charming for your liking, and he seemed desperate to fit in. Even though he had been friends with Scott and Stiles years ago, he was still the new guy, the one who needed to prove himself.

"She doesn't need a ride home." Malia sat down in the seat next to you and she wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "As her girlfriend I'll be the one bringing her home." She tightened her grip a little and your raised your eyebrows while you turned your head to look at her. Normally Malia wasn't this touchy and you weren't sure if you could remember the last time she had called your her girlfriend in public.

"I didn't mean anything with it." Theo stood up and he shrugged his shoulders. "(Y/N) was nice to me and I thought I could just be nice to her too." He threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"Why don't you go and find someone else to be nice to? Someone who doesn't have a girlfriend?" Malia cocked her head and you grinned. Although Malia was everything you had wanted your girlfriend to be, you liked this jealous side of her. "Lydia is free? Or what about Stiles?"

Theo grinned and while shaking his head he walked away. Right before he wanted to walk out of the room, he turned around to shook his head once more.

"I don't trust him." Malia took her arm away and you smiled. "He shows up out of nowhere and thinks he can get a spot within the pack without even trying." She crossed her arms over her chest and you placed your hand on hers.

"And what did you do again to earn your spot in the pack?" You winked. It was a joke you had made more often and Malia knew that you didn't mean a word of it. "Apart from loving me, of course?" You pressed a soft kiss on Malia's lips even though you knew that she hated it when everyone could see the two of you being cute together.

"I didn't walk in to just ask them to let me into the pack." Malia shrugged her shoulders and she licked her lips. "And I for sure didn't try to steal girlfriends." She hissed between her teeth and you stared at her for a short moment.

You had been the one falling for her and you had not expected it to happen. But even though the two of you were together for months now, you were still holding your breath when she walked by and you still felt your heart racing in your chest every time she touched you.

It was weird. People had told you over and over that it would pass, that people weren't made to be that in love for too long, that no body could endure a state like this for months. But it hadn't passed. The feeling of love hadn't passed. The feeling of passion hadn't passed. Nothing had passed.

"Luckily for you this girlfriend won't allow herself to be stolen." You spoke softly and you cocked your head a little. "So Malia Tate has nothing to worry about."

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