Request - Drabble Alpha Aiden

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The screaming faded, just like the claws and the sharp teeth, just like your wounded friends, just like their still kicking fists, just like their still kicking feet. Everything and everyone around you was nothing but a blur.

Apart from him. Aiden stared at you. He had blood on his face and he was wearing nothing but his jeans. Heavily he was breathing in and out, but his eyes were resting on you. He wasn't looking at his brother, who was somewhere on the floor, wounded. He was looking at you.

"What do you want?" You stepped closer. Shivers rolled down your spine and you knew that if he would decide to fight, you wouldn't stand a chance. You were not even a werewolf. You were only human, caught in the crossfire, caught in a fight you had never wanted to fight. "If you want to kill me, go ahead. There is no one here to stop you." You lifted your chin and straightened your back.

Once he had seemed like one of the good guys. He had danced with you on a party. He had whispered sweet and lovely words in your ear. He had kissed your cheeks, your lips, your neck. It had been stupid to believe that he had meant it, that he had felt something for you. Because here he was, fighting your friends, fighting you.

"What do you want?" You swallowed and you asked it again. "Do you want me to beg? Do you want me to fall on my knees? Do you want me to pick your side? Do you want me to fight my own friends?"

"No..." Aiden shook his head and he closed the gap between the two of you. Carefully he folded his hands around your face and his nose brushed yours. "You're the one that I want." He whispered. "I don't care that you're fighting my pack. I don't care that I'm supposed to be fighting yours." He paused for a short moment and he pressed his lips on yours. "I want you and we'll find a way to make it work."

You kissed him back, but you took a deep breath and pulled out. "We have to stop the fight. They'll kill each other. They'll kill you. Or me. Or both of us." You bent your head and your forehead was resting to his. "If you really want me, you help me to stop the fight."

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