Request - Tyler Lockwood "Never be like you"

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You saw Tyler walking in before he could see you. You watched how he walked towards Matt, wrapping his arms around his best friend and smiling that bright smile you had falling in love with, months ago.

He wasn't your boyfriend anymore.

Your boyfriend was sitting across the table and was talking about something you didn't want to understand. You didn't even want to hear it.

No matter how hard the boy across the table would try, he would never be Tyler. He would never smile that same bright smile. He would never look at you with love and warmth at the same time. He wouldn't win fights for you. He wouldn't taste like Tyler, he wouldn't feel like Tyler.

"I need to go to the toilet..." You excused yourself and stood up. You knew that your boyfriend was staring at you and with your eyes staring at your feet you walked passed the boy that was still living in the centre of your heart. You wanted him back. You wanted Tyler back. You want to beg him and tell him that you had made a stupid mistake, that you shouldn't have let him go. You just had no idea how.

Tyler probably didn't want you back. And he had every right not to want you back. After all, he had been the one being dumped, he had been the one being heart broken, he had been the one being left alone. He probably didn't care that you were dating someone else. He probably would be happy to see you go.

On your way back to your seat, you stood still next to Tyler and you took a deep breath. "Hey..." Your voice was barely a whisper and it probably didn't sound very convincing, but you didn't mind. You just wanted to talk to him, had to talk to him.

"Hey." Tyler's voice sounded cold and a little bitter. "I didn't know you were here too." He probably meant that he wouldn't have come here if he had known.

"I saw you walking in..." You stuttered, almost trembling over your own words and you closed your eyes. Your boyfriend was staring at you, but you couldn't bring yourself to stare back. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I..." You swallowed and your hands grabbed each other to stop them from shaking. "I shouldn't have left you."

"Are you serious right now?" Tyler raised his eyebrows and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Your boyfriend is up there. You realize that, do you?"

You nodded. Of course you realized it. You had been the one bringing him here in the first place. "I know, but I can't sit there with him while you're standing over here." You shook your head. "He's not you. He has never been you and he will never be you." You sighed and you looked up at the boy that had once been your lover. "If you tell me that I get another chance, I'll dump him right here, right now. I'm probably a horrible person. I'm only human and sometimes humans do horrible things. But I want you and he can never be like you."

"(Y/N)..." Tyler grabbed your hands and squeezed them. "Dump him gently, okay?"

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