Request - Drabble Jasper Jordan (Sequel)

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Jasper took a deep breath before he walked back into the room where you were. He didn't know what to expect. Yes, he did know that if the chip was taken away from you, you would be your old self again, but he was not sure if there were not side effects, left overs, something like that.

"Jasper?" You moaned while you pushed yourself up and Jasper rushed to your side to wrap his arms around your body to hold you up. "I'm so sorry..." Tears were rolling down your cheeks and you placed your hand on his face. "I shouldn't have said all those things. I didn't mean them. You're not a burden, you're not weak and I love you. I love you more than anything..."

Jasper smiled a little while he pressed you tighter to his chest. "I know..." His throat felt a little soar and he started rubbing your back. "It was the chip. It was ALIE and we're gonna find a way to defeat her." Jasper used his thumb to wipe the tears from your cheeks and your lips curled up too.

"I like the sound of the word we." You wrapped your arm around his neck and you moaned again, closing your eyes for a short moment.

"I like the sound of the word we too." Jasper smiled and he carefully laid you down on the bed again. "But first you have to take some rest. You've been fighting the entire night." Jasper smiled a little. "And the chip made sure you didn't feel how exhausted you were, but the chip is out now." He spoke softly and he kneeled down next to you while he held your hand.

"I'm glad that stupid thing is out again..." You swallowed and you closed your eyes. "I'm sorry I took it in the first place..."

Jasper knew why you had taken it. "It's okay, it's okay." He placed his head on your chest. "Just know that I love you. I really do. I think it's totally possible to love two people at once." He grinned a little and he took a deep breath. "Especially if one of them is dead." He shook his head. "Go get some sleep and I'm glad you're back!"

"I'm glad I'm back too."

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