Chapter 2- (F/n)

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Third person POV

"(L/n) scores another goal making the score 10-0 to (team name)", beeeeep beeep beeep! "And the game is done with another win for (team name) will anyone break this winning streak for them" the announcer shouted.
It was another boring game for (team name), they have never lost in a game before and won all their games with an excessive amount of goals. (F/n) (l/n) was the teams captain and also their ace striker and scores most if not all of their goals, and yes she is a girl. (F/n) is a soccer freak and is a happy-go-lucky girl that is loved by everybody on her team.
"Nice job (f/n), you played great today like always" Ryo, her closest teammate said, "Thanks you also played really well like always" (F/n) responded with a grin. The teammates high fives each other in another victory celebrating like always. "That was really fun game but I'm really getting bored of these games because it's not really a challenge for us." (F/n) said, "true, I hope we can have a challenge some day" Ryo replayed.

The next day

It was after school and (F/n) was on the field warming up with her teammates. Then Ryo came rushing to the field and stopped to take a deep breath, "Rai mon be at Ep si lon" Ryo said out of breath, "what?" (F/n) said, Ryo toke another deep breath and talked again "Raimon beat Epsilon!", "OMG really?! I knew they can do it!" one exclaimed, "that's awesome" another one said. The team has been watching Raimon science the football frontier and knew that they are a great team. They also knew that they were fighting against Ailea Gakuen who which were destroying the schools all over Japan.
"I wish I could meet them and play soccer with them, their skills are probably amazing" (F/n) said with glaze.

(F/n)'s POV

'What an amazing game it would be if we could play with them, I want to shoot on Endou, I want to see Gouenji's shot, I want to see Kidou's awesome winning techniques, ahhhh I just wish I could meet them' you thought, you noticed that you were gazing off and shove your self back into reality. Ryo and the others were laughing at me, I had no idea why, "you always do this" Ryo said still laughing. "Hey stop laughing at me guys, let's just get to practice shall we?" I pouted. But I really hope someday I could play with Raimon and play the best soccer ever.

I'm really sorry with the short chapters, it will get longer as the story goes on

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