Chapter 3- The Search

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Endou's POV

I am really excited to see this striker I bet he will be amazing and will help us out a lot, I wonder what he is like. "We're here" Furukabu-san said. We all went out of the caravan and took a stretch, "We are finally here!!!" Touko said, "It feels great here" Rika said, "let's go find that striker now" I suggested. "I guess we will have to investigate and search for him in groups" Megane said, "We will split in these groups, Natsumi, Endou, Gouenji, Kidou, Fubuki will be one group, Aki, Ichinose, Domon, Megane and Rika will be in another and Haruna, Tsunami, Kabeyama, Kogure, Touko and I will be in one group. Make sure you will be back by 7pm for dinner and don't do anything reckless" Kantoku commanded. "HAI" the team shouted in Union. We all went to our groups and started to search for the striker.

Third person POV

They searched and searched for this striker asking a lot of people. "Is there actually an amazing striker here?" Kogure whined, "Stop whining and help us" Haruna scolds Kogure as usual", "Hai Hai" Kogure said.

Endou's POV

"It's almost 7 and we have no signs of finding this striker" Gouenji said, "We still have 30 minutes till 7, we can find him" I said with enthusiasm. Then we saw a team practicing on a soccer field. "They might know" Fubuki pointed, we walked down the field hoping to find some kind of clue. "Hey" I said, the team stopped and gathered around us, they seemed really surprised but I don't now why. "Is there anything we can help?" one of the boys said, "ya, we are looking for an amazing striker around here, and is there any chance that you know or heard of?" Kidou explained, "Are you guys from Raimon?" the boy asked, "Yes we are, you guys know us?" Kidou answered, "Ya we watched you guys win the Football Frontier and the games against Aliea Gakuen, you guys are really amazing", "Ahahaha thank you, I didn't know we were this famous" I said scratching the back of my head with a little blush on my cheek. "Are you guys a soccer team too?" Natsumi asked, "Ya just a little one here in Hiroshima" the boy smiled, "oh I forgot my name is Ryo Miyake, just call me Ryo", "nice to meet you Ryo, I'm Endou" we shook hands, "I'm Gouenji", "I'm Kidou", "I'm Fubuki", "I'm Natsumi", "I'm really honored to actually meet you guys, (F/n) would scream right now if she was here" Ryo said then the whole team laughed, us five were really confused, "Who's (F/n)?" I asked, "oh she's our captain and ace striker" Ryo answered. I opened my eyes widely as I hear the word ace striker, i looked at Kidou and Gouenji who were also in a surprised expression. "But she is a girl isn't the striker supposed to be a boy?" Natsumi whispered, "Kantoku didn't say anything about it being a boy or a girl" Fubuki whispered back, "where is she right now?" Kidou asked, "(F/n)? Oh she's late to practice today for some reason" Ryo explained, "so she will come here?" I asked, "ya probably in a few minutes" Ryo said. The five of them waited for about five minutes and then a (h/c) haired girl came running to the field in full speed. She dropped down to the ground when she reached Ryo, can she be?

(F/n)'s POV

(A few minutes before getting to the field)
I was running as fast as I can to the practice field because I was late to my soccer practice. I finally got there and dropped to the ground because I was out of breath. "What's ur excuse this time (F/n)" Ryo said laughing, "ok, well I was doing my homework and my mom forced me to go grocery shopping with her, and then I was practicing in my yard, and then I had to walk my dog and th-" I was cut by Ryo saying "ok, ok we don't need to hear any more, besides we have some company here today" and he pointed at a group of people sitting on the bench. Can it be? No it cannot possibly be. I stood up and walked towards them. I stopped and my jaw dropped, I was frozen, Ryo nudged me from the back and made me get back on track,
"hello you must be (F/n), I am Kidou"
"OMG you are actually Kidou? The Kidou Yuuto?"
"Yes i am Kidou Yuuto"
"So you guys must be..." I swallowed in surprise,
"I'm Natsumi"
"I'm Fubuki"
"I'm Gouenji"
"I'm Endou, nice to meet you" he put out his hand and I was so happy I took it and shook it a million times, it was the Raimon that Raimon, what were they doing here?

Fubuki's POV

She was shaking Endou's hand a million times, she was smiling and looks very happy. She is really cute, wait did I actually say that? I cheeks started to heat up, what am I thinking I just met her right now.

(F/n)'s POV

I was still shaking his hand when I was pulled back by Ryo. I notice what I was doing and quickly apologized,
"I'm really sorry about that"
"Oh no it's totally fine" Endou said with a smile,
"Your the ace striker right?" Gouenji asked me
I nodded, he is really cool and calm, his platinum blond hair fits him perfectly.
"So are you the amazing striker?" Endou asked me
"Wait, that's to far, I'm just a striker on (team name)" I replied,
"Oh" Endou seemed depressed,
"Endou of course she wouldn't know it she is the amazing striker, no one calls themselves and amazing striker even if they were" Kidou said face planing his head,
"Is that so?" Endou looked confused,
"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked
"Sure, what is it?" Endou said
"Can we play a friendly match with you guys, it is my dream to play with Raimon"
"Yea totally, I want to play soccer with you guys too!" Endou replied
"Really?! Thank you so much" I looked at Ryo who was smiling at me and smiled back. I'm going to actually play with Raimon this is the best day ever.
"Endou-kun it is already 7" Natsumi said
"Oh no we are going to get scolded for sure" Endou said with nervousness
"We can have a match tomorrow morning if that's ok with you guys" I suggested
"That will be great, I'll see you guys tomorrow" Endou said while waving, Gouenji, Kidou, Fubuki, Natsumi were also waving at us.
"See you tomorrow!" I waved back at them with a huge grin on my face.

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