Chapter 13- Genesis

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3rd Person POV
The team arrived at mt. Fuji and were astonished on what they saw, a UFO looking thing that was hiding in the creases of the mountain
"Can this is this Aliea Gakuen?" Endou asked
"I'm a little scared, I-I need to go to the bathroom" Kabeyama said
"Not again" Touko face palmed
"Let's go" Kantoku ordered,
"Wait" a deep mans voice said
"Hibiki Kantoku!" Endou said
"I was researching a whole lot about Aliea and I finally got it, the person who was behind all of this is *points* you Hitomiko Kantoku" Hibiki said
"What do you mean" Endou said, with that Hitomiko Kantoku sighed and flipped her hair
"The answer is in there" she said pointing to the UFO looking thing, everyone lets go".
Without questioning the team followed her but (F/n) felt dizziness and started to lose her balance. Suddenly someone grabbed her waist and helped her go back on balance
"Are you okay (F/n)" Fubuki said
"Im fine, thank you again Fubuki" (F/n) said and she started to walk again but started to lose her balance again, Fubuki caught her again
"You are not okay" he said and knelt down with his back facing her, "Get on"
"But you will be tired, you have an important game today"
"Just go on" he said, and (F/n) went on with her arms tightly hugging Fubuki's neck. Then they started to walk to catch up to the team, they catched up to the team and which the team noticed that (F/n) was on Fubuki.
"Are you alright?" Endou asked
"Ya I'm okay, sorry for making you guys worried when you have other things to worry about"
"No that's not our problem, you are our teammate and friend of course we will be worried" Endou said and others nodded
"Thank you so much, you guys are the best" (F/n) said with tearing eyes.

(F/n) POV
The team continued to walk and went into the UFO looking thing, we continued for a few minutes when we encountered robots. Tsunami, Kogure, Endou, Kidou, Domon and with Gouenji's powerful kick defeated the robots easily. Then we continued until we came into a dark room, the door closed behind us and make a loud noise. I got scared and tightened the grip on Fubuki, I guess he noticed and he turned his head towards me, although it was dark I knew our face we're really close. I felt his breath on me and I blushed madly, thank god it was dark. All of a sudden a hologram of a small man popped up, I knew him
"Otousan" Hitomiko-nee san and I said in unison. He used to visit frequently to Ohisamaen and he was loved by everyone including me loved when he visited. He gave us gifts and he was such a nice man, why was he here? He then started to explain his Aliea stone project and the fact that the players were not actually an alien. We were all surprised and lost our words. Then another man opened a door and lead us to a place, it was rather peaceful and had a lot of plants.
"Good job coming all of the way here Hitomiko and others" a man said, I looked at him and it was Otousan(I called him that because the others did).
"Fubuki can you put me down?" I whispered to him, then he put me down
"Otousan you are wrong, please stop the high soldier project" Hitomiko-nee san said
"No I am not wrong, this project is the most amazing thing ever, anyways team Genesis is prepared to have the best match with you guys, we will be waiting on the field" he said. I couldn't believe what he is saying, that amazing and nice Otousan turned to a dark and bad person. He then left his room with us left behind. Because Hitomiko-nee san was clenching her wrist and did not speak up, Endou started to speak up
"Kantoku, we came all of the way up here and we can't stop here. We need to fight and beat Genesis in order to tell them that what they are doing is wrong"
"Alright, can I count on you guys"
"Of course" he said. Then we started to walk towards the stadium, I shook my head whenever I felt dizziness and somehow kept my balance all of the way. When we got to the locker room I quickly sat on the bench to catch my breath.
"This is a game that we can't afford to lose, it will depict on what happens to the world" Endou cheered everyone up
"This means that this is the last game" Kidou added
"You guys really grew a lot from the start and now you guys are the best team, I only have one demand from you and it is to win" Kantoku said
"Hai" everyone said and ran to the field. I stood up and walked to the field with the managers. The stadium was big and techy, the stadium started to transform and it turned into an outside stadium, then the Genesis team popped out of nowhere
"Hiroto?" I said to myself as I looked at them "Ulvida too? Why are they doing this?"
"It has finally come Endou-kun" Hiroto said "I will show you that Genesis is the best team in the world"
"Playing just to become the strongest is not fun soccer" Endou said, Hiroto looked surprised at his words
"That's what Otousan wanted" he said. Does that mean Otousan is forcing Hiroto, Ulvida and the others to play like this? Why? I thought to myself. Then Hiroto and his teammates started to walk away from Raimon to their bench. Hiroto looked at me from the bench and I was also looking at him, then he looked away to talk to his team. I am really worried and confused on why they were doing this and if Hiroto was okay, with those worries still in my head, the game begun.
Raimon had two shots in the beginning but was both stopped by the keeper, but Hiroto, with his "Ryuusei Blade" made the score 1-0.

Skip to the end of the game...
The score was 4-3 to Raimon and they had done it, Fubuki scored with a new hissatsu "Wolf Legend" and Raimon scored the winning goal with "The Earth". After the game I saw Hiroto and Endou shake hands, that made me the happiest person in the world, I couldn't stand still I ran to Hiroto and put my arms around his neck. I think he was surprised but he hugged me back.
"I missed you Hiroto" I said with tears
"I missed you too (F/n)" he said back. We let go of each other and smiled I think we were both crying but suddenly my sight became a little blurry again, but Hiroto was holding my shoulder so I stayed on balance.

Hiroto's POV
I understood everything, what I was doing wrong and what neesan(Hitomiko) was trying to say to me. Then someone hugged me tightly, I knew who it was and hugged her back blushing, my tears were already coming down because I missed her so much
"I missed you Hiroto" she said to me
"I missed you too (F/n)" I said back, we let go of eachother with my hands on her shoulder I immediately notice that her face was red and she was losing her balance
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah yeah i'm fine" she said and then she sneezed,
"No you are not, you have a high fever right now, you need to realize that (F/n)" neesan said
"She has a fever?" I asked
"Yes, but I'll be fine" she said, but before I can say something the building started to fall apart. The Inazuma caravan came in and the driver told everyone to get on. My sister dragged Otousan and everyone got on waiting for me and (F/n). She couldn't walk straight and we needed to get out of here quick so I picked her up (bridal style) and ran to the caravan. Luckily the caravan got out of the building before everyone got out so everyone was safe. I had my arms around (F/n) head to protect her and she had her head buried in my chest.
"(F/n), are you alright" I asked
"Yeah are you?" she asked as she looked up at me, I blushed and looked away to hide it
"Y-yeah" I stuttered
"Is everyone okay" the driver asked
"We are fine" Endou replied. We all got off the caravan and the police came. They took Otousan and I told him that I will be waiting for him forever and I had tears in my eyes. Neesan lended out her hand so I took and she told me and everyone to go, I stopped and looked at Endou and asked him
"I will see you again sometime right?"
"Of course, if you continue to play soccer, we will meet again" he replied, I smiled and thanked him. I looked at (F/n) and let go of neesan's hand and walked towards her. This time I hugged her tightly in my arms, she blushed at the sudden action but hugged him back
"I will see you again to" I said
"Promise?" she asked
"Of course" then I gave her a kiss on the cheek which made her face turn even more red and speechless, she is really cute I thought. I walked back to neesan and grabbed her hand and started to walk.

(F/n) POV
I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, he kissed me on the cheeks. I swallowed my spit and watched Hiroto walk away. I was really happy, extremely happy that Hiroto would return to the Hiroto that I knew 5 years ago, I cannot explain this feelings in words. Hibiki Kantoku told us to go back in the caravan because we will be heading back to Inazuma town. We all got on and sat in the same seats as we came here(you were sitting in the back) and the caravan started to move. The whole ride I was freezing so some reason, I kept coughing and sneezing and I shivered. I wrapped around in Fubuki's sweatshirt that I still had on my shoulders and drifted slowly to sleep taking up the whole back row. 

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