Chapter 7- The Ride

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"(F/n) could you join the inazuma Caravan to help us fight Aliea?" Kantoku asked,
"Oh my God that would be great,It was my dream to play with Raimon!" (F/n) said, "But I don't want to leave my teammates here" (F/n) sighed
"What are you talking about (F/n)?" Ryo exclaimed, "you have to go and beat those Aliens, don't worry about us, we will be fine"
"Yea go with them"
"We will be fine"
There were tears forming in (F/n)'s eyes because she was really happy her teammates were letting her go.
"So that would be a yes?" Kantoku questioned,
"Yes Kantoku, I will be glad to join" (F/n) said,
"Welcome to Raimon (F/n)" Endou gladly said,
"Thanks Endou, i'm really excited to play soccer with you guys"
"Me too, let's beat those Aliens!!!!" Endou shouted at the team,
"YEAHHHHHHH" Raimon and (F/n) said in unison.
(F/n) ran over to (team name) and looked at them with tears
"I'm going to miss you guys a lot, I wish you guys can come along and and an-" (F/n) was cut of by Ryo,
"We get it we get, we will miss you a lot to but it's not like we are never going to see you again, after you beat those Aliens you will come back to us"
"Oh ya, but anyways I'm going to miss you guys so much" she hugged the team tightly,
"We will miss you (F/n)", "Come back to us (F/n)", "Better beat those Aliens" her teammates said. There were tears coming out of (F/n)'s eyes again,
"Stop crying (F/n) you're getting snot all over me" Ryo streaked, the team laughed and (F/n) regained her smile again.
"Gather up" Hitomiko Kantoku command,
"I better get going, see you guys later" (F/n) said and left to go to Raimon,
"We will be leaving tomorrow at 7 in the morning to go back to Inazuma town, (F/n) gather your stuff and meet us at the caravan tomorrow before 7" Kantoku commanded,
"Hai" (F/n) replied.
"You guys are dismissed" Kantoku dismissed the team,
""Nice to meet you" Aki greeted while the other managers and Raimon was behind her,
"Nice to meet you im (L/n) (F/n), just call me (F/n)" (F/n) greeted back with a smile,
"I'm so glad you joined our team, I was a little bored with the boys" Aki said with chuckle,
"Ahahaha, I think we can be good friends" (F/n) said,
"Hey how about us" Kabeyama whinned
"Yea don't forget about us" Tsunami followed,
"I didn't forget about you guys, nice to meet you guys, i'm really excited to play with you guys" (F/n) said
"You said that already" Kogure chuckled,
"Ahaha, did I? Anyways I better get going and gather my stuff and get ready for tomorrow"
"Okay, just don't be late tomorrow" Natsumi warned,
"I know, see you guys tomorrow" (F/n) ran off waving at Raimon,
Raimon waved backed and headed back to the caravan.

The Next Day...

It was 6:45 and (F/n) was walking towards the caravan with her stuff hanging from her shoulder. She saw an old woman having trouble walking across the road so she went to help her, after that she got hit in the head with a baseball that was hit by a boy from the field next to her which made her fall down the hill next to her. She managed to get up but was soon splashed with water from the passing car on the street,
"This is just great" she said, she looked at her watch, she opened her eyes wide and sprinted.

Meanwhile in the caravan

It was 7:55 and (F/n) still has not come yet,
"Did (F/n) come yet?" Endou asked
"Nope she's not here yet" Aki said. They waited for two more minutes, then a (h/c) haired girl came running to the caravan,
"I (breath) am (breath) sorry (breath)" (F/n) said out of breath.
"Oh my god what happened to you" Aki said worryingly, (F/n) had a bruise right next to her right eye and her clothes were wet
"You will not believe" (F/n) explained her troublesome morning to the whole team.
"AHAHAHAHAHA" the whole team laughed while Gouenji and Kidou smirked.
"How can you get hit and then fall and then get splashed in a matter of less than a minute" Kogure laughed at (F/n)
"It's not funny" (F/n) pouted, "Ouch" (F/n) said in pain
"Are you okay?" Fubuki asked her
"Ya I'm okay, I think.... Owwwww" tears formed in her
"Are you sure?" Fubuki concerningly asked again
"Ya I am, thanks for asking Fubuki-Kun" (F/n) thanked Fubuki. Aki brought the first aid box and a Raimon jersey.
"Here wear this because you will get sick with that wet shirt on"
"Thanks Aki you're amazing". Aki cured (F/n)'s bruise and handed her the jersey. (F/n) went to the public bathroom right near the caravan and changed into the jersey.
"This is a huge zipper"(who else thinks that?), (F/n) just shrugged and put it on and put her hair down to be more comfortable. The jersey was slightly bit big on (F/n). (F/n) went out of the bathroom and went to the caravan. Fubuki blushed with the appearance of (F/n) in the baggy Raimon jersey with here (h/l) hair down.
"Wow that jersey is really big on you" Aki said,
"It's fine, it's really comfy" (F/n) said.
"Let's get going we are all ready 10 minutes late" Kantoku said,
"Oh I'm sorry Kantoku" (F/n) said. Raimon got onto the caravan and buckled their seatbelts.
This was the seating order...

Tsunami Kabeyama
Ichinose Rika Domon Kogure Megane
Gouenji Fubuki (F/n) Endou Tachimukai
Aki, Natsumi, Haruna Touko Kidou

The Inazuma caravan started moving and (F/n) was getting excited.
"This is exciting, right Fubuki?" she said, Fubuki was a little surprised when his named was called but soon replied
"Yeah it is" Fubuki smiled at her.
"Gouenji your Raimons ace striker right? Your shots are amazing"
"Thanks (L/n), your shots yesterday are amazing too" Gouenji complimented back,
"Thanks and (F/n) is fine, by the way Fubuki why didn't you play? Aren't you a striker too?" (F/n) asked confused. There was a little silence and (F/n) saw Fubuki look down, she quickly changed the subject because she didn't want anyone to feel bad,
"Uhhhm, where are you from? From Raimon?" (F/n) asked, Fubuki looked up and smiled
"I'm from Hakuren"
"Oh, it must be really cold up there"
"Ya, its really cold"
"I always wanted to go to Hokkaido"
"You should it's really great in Hokkaido"
"Can you escort me around?" (F/n) said jokingly
"Sure, anytime" both (F/n) and Fubuki were laughing
"Ahhhhh it hurts" (F/n) said while feeling the bandage on her right side of her face, the laughing made it hurt.
"Are you okay?"Gouenji and Fubuki said in unison
"Ya, it just really hurts, but I will be fine" (F/n) replied, Gouenji and Fubuki looked at (F/n) with a concerning face.

2 hours has passed...

Everyone was becoming tired at this point and was silent for a while. But then Kogure stood up and walked towards (F/n) and put out his hand,
"Nice to meet you (F/n), Im Kogure", (F/n) was unsure and was confused on why he wanted a handshake now but she gladly accepted it. (F/n) shivered in fear and looked at her hand there was an alive frog on her hand.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she stood up and screamed, but then the bus curved and made (F/n) lose her balance, she was about to fall but a pair of arms grasped her and saved her. She opened her eyes and saw a pair of Onyx eyes looking at her, it was Gouenji, (F/n) felt her cheeks getting warm.
"Th-thanks Gouenji" (F/n) said, they were still in the position. But the caravan made another sharp turn which cause both of them to fall.
"I'm really sorry for that guys" Furukabu-san apologized,
"Are you guys okay?" Endou asked, (F/n) was on top of Gouenji who had his hand on her head. (F/n) quickly noticed the position and stood up with her really red cheeks. Gouenji sat up holding his head "Oww" he said, "Oh I'm really s-sorry, I di-didn't mean to do that, I-I I'm really sorry" (F/n) stuttered.
"Its okay, are you hurt?" Gouenji asked,
"I'm fine, how about you Gouenji"
"I'm fine"
"I don't think so" (F/n) made Gouenji stand up and sit in her seat with her sitting next to her. She felt the back of Gouenji's head and felt a huge bump on his head.
"You hit your head Gouenji, does it hurt?" (F/n) asked
"I'm fine (F/n), it's just a little bump nothing more"
"I'm really sorry you got hurt because of me" (F/n) looked down
"I said I am fine (F/n)" Gouenji told (F/n).

"Kogure-Kun! That was dangerous, you have to think about what you're doing" Haruna scold, Kogure hid behind Kageyama's back and Haruna sat back down in her seat.
"Are you two okay?" Aki asked,
"Were okay" Gouenji replied

Rika's POV
This is interesting, I never knew Gouenji would act that way and make such an action. And (F/n), she was blushing when it happened, ahhhhhhh this is going to be fun to play with. Also Fubuki was clenching his fist, maybe he was jealous of Gouenji. I'm excited onto how this is going to go.

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