Chapter 22- Trapped

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(F/n)'s POV
It's been a few days after the game against the desert lions and the team was gathered up in the cafeteria to have a meeting.
"I think that we need stronger hissatsu techniques in order for us to succeed in winning against tough teams around the world" Kidou explained "therefore I want Kazemaru to work on yours, and Fubuki and Hijikata to work on a combination hissatsu techniques"
"Okay we got it, let's do it Fubuki" Hijikata said
"Alright" Fubuki answered
"That looks fun" Tsunami said, and then he looked at the person next to him and it just so happened to be Kabeyama, "why don't we try it too?"
"Eh, me?" Kabeyama sweat dropped
"Do you have a problem?"
"No, no I don't really mind..."
"Then let's do it!" Tsunami shouted
"If that set, let's go practice!" Endou shouted
"YEAH!" the team shouted. The whole team went outside to the practice ground, and Hijikata and Fubuki set up the formation for the hissatsu, this was not going to end well. Hijikata kicked the ball hard into Fubuki's path, while Fubuki jumped in the air, but the ball hit Fubuki which caused Fubuki to fall down.
"FUBUKI!" I shouted
"I-im fine" he replied, I sighed in relief
"We have to practice also, leave the hissatsu to them and let's practice on our own" Kidou commanded. So then the team went to practice while the managers and I sat on the bench observing the team. I was really worried about Fubuki because he was getting hit with the ball multiple times and not to mention Hijikata has a pretty hard kick. And also I don't know but Midorikawa has been a little off these past few days and has not been playing with his full potential. The practice ended and the team was stretching and cooling down and the managers were handing out towels and water as usual. I walked over to Fubuki to give him his water but I was shooked because he has so much bruises on his body.
"Fubuki are you alright?" I asked in a concerning matter
"Yeah i'm fine, the hissatsu technique is so hard" he said
"Your bruises, does it hurt?"
"Just a little, but it's nothing to worry about"
"Tonight after dinner I will go to your room with the first aid kit" I said eagerly
"No, no you don't have to do that for me"
"I will" I smiled at him and handed his water bottle.
Dinner was over and I stood in front of the door of Fubuki's room with the first aid kit in my hand. I knocked on the door and went in the room,
"Hey Fubuki"
"Hey (F/n)"
"Hows your bruises"
"It's fine I guess"
"Sit" I said as I pointed to the bed, he did what I told him to do and I also sat next to him on the bed placing the kit next to me. "Where are your bruises?" I ask
"Ummm, I have a few on my arms, legs and my back" he said
"Okay, then i will start with your arms then" I took his arms and started to apply some cream that is supposed to heal down the bruise, this was really awkward.

Fubuki's POV
I shivered as (F/n) applied the cream on my arm, I blushed a lot since she was touching my bare skin
"So how's the hissatsu going?" she asked me
"Ummm, not so well"
"I see, but i'm sure you guys will be able to do it"
"Why do you think that?" I asked
"Cause you guys are awesome" she said with a closed eye smile, she was uncontrollable cute whenever she smiles like that.I blushed even more, if that was possible
"T-t-thank you, a-and I can do this b-by myself" I stuttered as I took the cream and applied it to my legs. But then I took off my shirt and I tried to put the cream on my back but I couldn't reach my bruise.
"Here let me help" she said and took the cream and started to apply, my face flustered as her bare hands touched my skin
"Eeek" is what came out of my mouth
"Oh sorry, did it hurt" she asked
"No, no i-i-it's not like that" I stuttered, this was getting really awkward, I think (F/n) was blushing as well.
"Here i'm finished, let me just put on some bandages" she said and she put the bandages on my bruises. "All set" she said as she put the last bandage on my back
"Thank you so much (F/n)" I said
"Your welcome Fubuki, I'm happy it wasn't a big deal" she gave me another closed smile, I couldn't take it any more, I pulled her into a hug. I felt my bare chest on her chest and I could feel her heartbeat increasing as mine increased also.
"F-F-Fubuki? I-i-is something wrong?" she said
"Nothing, it's nothing, just let me stay like this for a while" I said, then I felt arms wrap around my bare back, I gasped in surprise because I didn't think she would hug me back. I hugged her even more tightly as my heartbeat raised like crazy. After a few moments we loosened from the hug which left both of us in a blushing mess.
"Ummmm I hope that made you feel better... I'm gonna go now" she stood up from the bed and started to walk
"Thank you so much again" I thanked again, she flipped around and gave me another smile
"Your welcome, and that's my job anyway" and then she left. That is not fair, everytime I see that smile and can't keep myself incontrol.

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