Chapter 4- Back in the Caravan

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Endou's POV
We were running back to our caravan because it was past 7 when we were supposed to meet up.
"Oh no Kantoku is going to kill us" I said while breathing heavily,
"true" Gouenji agreed,
"but we found (F/n), and she maybe be the striker we been looking for" Fubuki said,
"true" Gouenji agreed again,
"do you think she is actually the one?" Natsumi asked,
"I don't know but, there is a good chance" Kidou answered.
"But we can play soccer with them tomorrow, that is so exciting!" I said,
"I thought you would say that" Gouenji smiled
"Like always" Kidou smiled also.

Aki's POV
"Where is Endou and the others?" I asked, I was becoming really worried because it was already 7:30, I really hope that nothing bad happen to them.
"I don't know its past 7 and they are not here" Touko said worriedly,
"They will be fine, and anyways Kidou and Gouenji will solve any problem" Domon said,
"That's right, don't worry guys" Ichinose said smiling at me. I blushed a little when he smiled at me, I looked away because I didn't want him to see my blush.
"Hey their here!" Tsunami and Kabeyama exclaimed
I sighed in relief at their appearance and I looked up at Ichinose, he looked up at me, our eyes met, then we both blushed and looked away. But Ichinose was taken by Rika who hugged him, ahh I hate when she does that.

3rd Person POV
Endou went down to his knees breathing heavily followed by Kidou, Gouenji, and Fubuki also breathing heavily.
"Omg where were you guys we were so worried about you guys" Aki said
"We are sorry we just got into something" Kidou replied,
"What's the something?" Aki asked
"Well-" Kidou was cut off by Kantoku saying
"You guys are late, you better give me a good reason exactly why you are late"
"It's a long story, there is so much to say" Gouenji said,
"Where's Natsumi-san?" Haruna asked
Endou, Kidou, Gouenji, Fubuki looked around for the presence of Natsumi but she was no where to be seen
"Maybe she got left behind because we were running the fastest we could and she couldn't catch up" Fubuki said, the four looked at each other worried and regretful on what they just did, but moments later a back car stopped in front of the caravan. It was Natsumi, she got off the car and flipped her hair showing anger in her face.
"I'm really sorry Natsumi, we were in a rush and we didn't notice you in the back, and we were running and... We are really sorry." Endou apologized,
"It's ok" Natsumi said still a little mad,
"Now explain you reasons, would you" Kantoku commanded
"Yes Kantoku" Kidou said, he explained the occurrence of the past hour and the game arrangement for tomorrow.
"So you guys found the striker?" Kabeyama asked
"We are not exactly sure about that, we will find out tomorrow" Kidou said
"But wait a second," Megane paused "the striker is a girl?"
"Ya she was, is their something wrong with that?" Kidou said
"No it's just that I thought it would be a boy, you know" Megane said
"Hey what is that supposed to mean?" Touko and Rika said in unison glaring at Megane
"I didn't mean it like that, it's just..." Megane freaked out. Megane and Rika still was glaring at Megane, then Kantoku commanded "Guys eat well and rest well tonight, we will have a game against (team name) tomorrow"
"Hai" Raimon answered

Endou's POV
I am so exited for tomorrow maybe we can seeing another amazing player. I want to play soccer so bad.

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