Chapter 19- Mr.Sadistic

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I stood in front of Gouneji's door and took a deep breath knowing that it won't be an easy day. I burst into the door open and shouted
"Time to wake up!", Gouenji opened his eyes and sat up and rubbed his eyes
"You are so loud"
"You are the one who wanted me to wake you up"
"But wasn't there a calmer way of waking me up?"
"Nope, couldnt think of one"
"Whatever, get my practice shirt and shorts from the drawer"
"The bet"
"Fine" i sighed and opened the drawer to pick out the shirt and shorts. I picked out a gray pair of boxers by accident and threw it at Gouneji's face.
"Ahhhhhhhh" I covered my red face with my hands
"Someone is a pervert" he said with a smirk, I threw his shirt and pants still covering my eyes with one hand while throwing with the other.
"I'm going to go eat now..." I slowly took a step towards the door but was stopped by Gouenji
"I can't wear my shirt, help me"
"No way, you can obviously wear it yourself"
"No I can't and you can't say no"
"Ahhhh, I never knew you had a sadistic side"
"I am not sadistic, now come here and help me change", I walked towards him with a blushing face, I paused right in front of him not knowing what to do. Gouenji raised his hands up
"I'm waiting"
"Alright alright" I reached for his bottom of his shirt and lifted it up revealing his abs, I started to stare at them, I did not expect Gouenji to have such a body.
"Are you admiring my body?" Gouenji smirked
"N-n-no i'm not" I quickly took of his shirt and put on his practice shirt without making any eye contact with him. "Here done" I said trying to hide my blush, why did I even have to do this.
"Now you may leave" I clenched my fist and stomped out of the room, just because of the bet he acts like he is the king. I reached the cafeteria and sat with the managers already starting to eat their breakfast. I put my head down and sighed loudly.
'Something happen?" Aki asked
"Oh I-it's nothing" I answered
'Doent look like" Haruna said
"Yeah, you can trust us, please tell us what's wrong"
"Fine, you guys are not going to believe this but I am Gouenji's slave for the whole day today"
"Wait why?" Aki asked
"We made a bet yesterday and I lost"
"Oh, but I don't think Gouenji-kun would be harsh" Haruna said
"I thought that too until this morning"
"What did he do?"
"He made me wake him up and change his clothes"
"WHAT!" the managers said in unison
"Yeah, he's a real devil"
"I never knew Gouenji-kun has a dark side" Aki said
"Same" Haruna followed, then the man that we were talking about came into the room and sat next to Endou.
"Something good happen this morning?" Endou asked
"No why?" Gouenji asked
"You seem happy, you're smirking"
"No i'm not", hearing all of that my face immediately turned red and the managers noticed it
"DO you think he's happy because you changed his shirt this morning?" Haruna teased
"Stop it Haruna" I rolled my eyes,
"(F/n)!" Gouenji called, I stood up quickly fearing what could be next
"Yeas?" I screeched
"Get me a cup of water"
"Y-yes sir" I said hesitantly and walked towards the water jug. I placed the water on his table
"Now get me my breakfast"
"Okay" i said rolling my eyes, I placed his breakfast glaring at him and said
"Anything else Mr. Sadistic"
"What did you call me?"
"Mr. Sadistic"
"I am not, you should not talk to your king like that"
"You are not my king and I can call you whatever I want"
"Whatever, go get my things ready for practice in my room" I couldn't say anything so I decided to do what Mr. Sadistic saids, I stomped away from the cafeteria.
3rd Person

After (F/n) stomped away, everyone was confused on Gouenji's action.
"What was that all about?" Endou asked
"She's my slave for today, because I won a bet"
"Don't go to harsh on (F/n)" Fubuki said
"Trust me you don't want to make her mad" Hiroto followed
"Eh, I'm gonna go now" Gouenji also left his room. The whole day Gouenji kept on ordering (F/n) to do things like getting him water, towel, etc. it was dinner time and everyone was eating, (F/n) was sitting on the chair with her head down like always looking almost as if she was dead.
"You alright?" Aki asked
"No" she answered
"Got beat up by Gouenji?" Haruna asked
"You think? He made me do everything for him" (F/n) sighed
Meanwhile on the other table...
"You really put damage on her" Endou said
"You went too far" Fubuki said worryingly
"She never been that depressed, only when I ate her ice cream" Hiroto said
"What kind of ice cream was it?" Kabeyama said
"Strawberry, but that's not the point" Hiroto said
"It's fun" Gouenji said
"You're really a demon, I've never seen such a side from you" Endou said
"Agreed" Kidou added.

(F/n)'s POV

Mostly everyone finished their food and they began to go back to their rooms, I was still dead from the extra work that I had to do all day because of Mr. Sadistic, like seriously I thought he was the nicest person ever during the Inazuma caravan but not anymore. As I was dozing off someone grabbed my shoulder and I gasped.
"Come to my room after you shower" the someone said, I flipped my head and I looked at the someone, it was Gouenji. He then moved closer to my ear as my face turned bright red, he then whispered to my ear
"I'll be waiting" he said teasingly, it sent me shivers down my body, he then left leaving me in a blank stage.
"That was weird" Aki and Haruna said in unison
"Ah, ah, ah I-i-i better go take a shower" I said and I ran out of the cafeteria and took a shower immediately. Then I changed into my pj's and put my wet hair into a high messy bun. I then knocked on Gouenji's door but there was no answer, I decided to just go in. I looked in the room but he wasn't there, I didn't know what to do so I walked around in his room for a bit, as I was walking I found a picture on top of his drawer, it was him and his family but he was little. He looks so cute in it, and his sister was adorable also. I was admiring the picture so much that I didn't notice the someone was behind me.
"Boo" the someone said, I screamed my lungs out and jumped in the air.
"Gouenji you scared m-" but I then noticed that he was only wearing his boxers with no shirt, I covered my eyes and knelt down. "Pl-pl-please wear something", I waited a couple of seconds before Gouenji told me it was okay to open my eyes. I slowly uncovered my eyes, I saw Gouenji and his wet hair down instead of spiked up, not to lie he looked really cute with his hair like that.
"What?" Goeunji asked, that made me wake up from the admiring
"N-nothing" I blushed
"Anyways were you looking at my picture"
"Yeah, you guys look so cute" I said
"Ahaha thanks" I think I saw him blush
"Your mother is really pretty" I said
"Oh, thanks she died though" he looked down upset
"I-i'm really sorry, that was really stupid of me"
"It's alright, anyways I just wanted to say I had fun today"
"I didn't" I pouted
"Im sure you did"
"No I did not"
"Yes you did"
"No way I did"
"You just said 'I did'"
"I clearly said NO before it"
"Fine, you are so stubborn"
"Hey, I am not stubborn" I went to slap his shoulder but he grabbed my wrist instead
"L-let go" I blushed enormously
"Can I ask you to do one more thing today"
"S-s-s-sure" I stuttered
"Close your eyes"
"Close your eyes"
"What are you going to do"
"Just close your eyes
"Alright" I hesitantly closed my eyes scared on what is going to happen. Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on mine, I opened my eyes in surprise and Gouenji's closed eyes were only a few centimeters away from mine. Although I hesitated at first I kissed him back, we pulled apart slowly as his onyx eyes met mine. I started to blush madly as we stared at each other
"Sorry for being bossy today" he said
"I-i-i-its alright, it was a bet" I said still looking at his eyes
"Keep this a secret"
"Yeah... um I think I'm going to go, i'm getting a little sleepy" as I stepped away from him I was stopped because he was still holding my wrist.
"Goodnight" he said with a smile, he then pecked my cheek and walked towards his bed.
"G-g-goodnight" I ran off hearing a cuckle in the background. I closed Gouenji's door behind and stood still touching my cheek where Gouenji kissed.
"(F/n)?" Fubuki asked
"Y-y-es Fubuki" i said my face still heated up
"Isn't that Gouenji's room? Why were you in it?"
"Ummmmm, he needed water so I had to get him water because I lost a bet yesterday"
"You must be having a hard day"
"Yeah, I am"
"Are you alright? Your face is really red and you've been touching your cheek the whole time"
"Oh I um, I'm alright, I better get going, i'm getting tired" I hesitantly said not wanting Fubuki to ask anymore questions
"Alright well goodnight"
"Bye good night", we both walked to our rooms to go to sleep.

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