Chapter 15- Reunited once again

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3rd Person POV
It's been a few months since the fight against Aliea
"Ahhhh, I wish I can see everyone from Raimon again, I want to play soccer with them" (F/n) mumbled with a pillow on her face in her bed, then her mom called her
"Sweety can you get the mail? I'm busy right now"
"Alright" she answered and went to pick up the mail, she went through the mails
"Mom, mom, dad, mom, (F/n), wait me?" (F/n) was surprised because she barely gets letters. She quickly opened it on the spot and read through,
    Dear (F/n) (L/n),
    We will like to invite you to join Inazuma Eleven as a manager/assistant. You will be a great addition to the team and will help Japan get better. I will be waiting for a good reply.
                                          Hibiki Seigou
(F/n)'s jaws dropped as she read the letter, she ran around the house screaming.
her mom yelled
"Mom *breaths*, mom *breaths*, mom *breaths*
"What do you want"
"Can I please please please join Inazuma Japan?"
"Here look at this" then she showed her mom the letter,
"Alright I will let you go"
"YEAHHHHHHHHHH" (F/n) yelled
(F/n) closed her mouth and whispered
"I thought so"
Endou's POV
We just finished the game that depicted who will be in Inazuma Japan, the national team of Japan
"Before anything, I will introduce, this is your national team coach Kudou Kantoku" Hibiki Kantoku said, then a guy with purple hair came about from the back, we were all surprised
"I thought Hibiki Kantoku was our team Kantoku" I asked
"Kudou can be more effective than me, so I decided to lend this position" I understood him and nodded.
"This will be the representatives..." Kudou Kantoku said as we all took a deep breath
"Kidou, Gouenji, Hiroto, Fubuki, Kazemaru, Kogure, Tsunami, Hijikata, Tachimukai, Midorikawa, Fudou, Toramaru, Tobitaka, Kabeyama, Kurimatsu, and lastly Endou, that will be the representatives of Japan". The ones who got picked were really happy and the ones who weren't were looking down.
"You guys are now Japan's representatives, the ones who got picked need to carry the feelings of the ones who didn't get picked" Hibiki Kantoku said
"Hai" we all answered
"The world is a big place are you ready to face it" Kudou Kantoku said
"Hai" we answered
"Also we are waiting for another person" Hibiki Kantoku said, we all looked confused
"And who is it?" I asked
"Oh there she is" Hibiki kantoku pointed towards the hill behind us, a girl then came running down the field in full steed and stopped in front of us to catch her breath, I was surprised
"(F/n)!!!" we said
"I'm sorry i'm late" she said
"She will be one of the managers for this team and also join into our practices" Hibiki Kantoku said.

3rd Person POV
The team surrounded (F/n) as she smiled at everyone
"You're gonna join our team?" Endou asked
"Yup! I was so happy think that I could play soccer again will you guys" (F/n) said
"Who is she?" Hijikata asked
"Oh ya you haven't met her yet, she joined Raimon when we were fighting against Aliea" Endou explained
"Oh nice to meet you (F/n)" Hijikata said
"Nice to meet you uh..."
"Hijikata Raiden, call me Hijikata"
Nice to meet you Hijikata"
"Why were you late?" Aki asked (F/n)
"Oh long story so first i missed the first train that I was supposed to go on and then i helped a kid find his lost dog which made me miss the bus so I ran here, I missed the game, I really wanted to see it" (F/n) said
"Ahahaha you're so busy like always"
"Am not" (F/n) said as the team laughed. Then all of a sudden someone hugged (F/n) and caught the eyes of everyone, she stood there confused and blushed as the someone let go of her and smiled at her
"Hiroto!" she said as she started to hug Hiroto again, "wait, you're on the team?" she asked
"Yup" Hiroto nodded
"So we can play soccer like we used to?"
"Yup" Hiroto smiled. Hiroto and (F/n) used to always play soccer in Ohisamaen, they would always compete and have so much fun.
"Are you guys a thing?" Midorikawa asked, with that the both of them realized that they were still hugging and pushed away from each other
"We are not a thing, she was my childhood best friend" Hiroto explained. Just then Kudou K(let me abbreviate Kantoku with K) lead the team to their dorm rooms and told them to be at the cafeteria at 7 for dinner. Everyone organized their rooms and put their stuff on and relaxed until dinner time. After (F/n) finished her dinner she decided to go back to her dorm room to go to sleep because a lot of things happened today. As she was walking down the hall someone called her name she turned around and smiled
"Fubuki!" he walked towards (F/n) and saids
"I was so surprised when you came in today"
"I'm so excited to play soccer and watch you guys beat the world"
"I'm a little nervous though"
"Don't be, this team has a lot of good players and you're one of them"
"Thanks (F/n), I'm so happy you're here to cheer us on"
"I'm happy I can help, I think I'm going to go to sleep now, it was a pain finding that kids dog this morning, by Fubuki" she said as she went into her room.

Fubuki's POV
She still wears that baggy jersey, she looks really cute in it, I am really happy that (F/n) is here, I can't wait to talk to her more.

(F/n) POV
It was the next morning the other managers and I had to wake up the others, I had to wake up Kogure, Tsunami, and Hiroto. It was the hardest thing to do, first I went to wake up Kogure but once he woke up he put 3 frogs on me and one of them went down my shirt, I screamed and woke up Tsunami who was next door. Next I had to wake up Hiroto, I was nervous a bit but I went inside his room. He was fast asleep in his bed, I remember when he slept he will do the weirdest things like sleepwalk, I think he doesn't do that anymore though. I shoke him calling for name and then he slowly opened his eyes
"(F/n)?" Hiroto asked
"Good morning Hiroto" I smiled at him, all of a sudden he pulled me in and put his lips onto mine, I couldn't move, I was frozen, I had no idea what was going on. Then Hiroto pulled back and smiled
"Good morning (F/n)", I ran out of the room not looking back putting my hand over my mouth as I entered the Cafeteria.
"Good morning (F/n)" some the teammates said, I didn't answer them, more like I didn't really hear what they were saying. I was still astonished on what just happened in Hiroto's room, that was my first kiss and it was stolen by my childhood friend. I sat down on my chair still holding my mouth with my hands.

3rd Person POV
Meanwhile in Hiroto's room, he sat on his bed with a little blush on his face. I can't believe I did that... but I couldn't stop myself because when I woke up I saw her face really close to mine and she smiled at me, how can I not do something, he thought to himself. In the cafeteria,
"Is there something wrong with your mouth?" Aki asked, there was no answer
"(F/n)!" No answer, "(F/n)!" no answer, the managers looked at eachother concerned, Aki shoke (F/n) and finally made her come back to reality
"W-w-w-w-w-what?" she stuttered
"Whats wrong with you, you were fine 5 minutes ago"
"N-n-n-nothing, n-n-n-nothing is wrong with me" she said
"Tell us (F/n)" Haruna asked, then Hiroto came into the room, (F/n) noticed the figure and immediately turned bright red. The managers looked at each other and smiled at each other, they all looked at (F/n) and smiled.
"I see" Natsumi said while the others nodded
"What took you so long Hiroto" Endou asked
"Nothing, nothing" he replied but he looked at (F/n) who was still bright red, as he saw the picture he smiled and ate his breakfast. Everyone ate their morning breakfast and started to go to their rooms to get ready for practice. Hiroto also finished and walked over to (F/n), he tapped her shoulder causing her to look back
"See you later (F/n)" he said
"O-o-okay" (F/n) replied with a massive blush, the managers saw this and smiled
"Sooooo, what's going on with Hiroto?" Haruna asked
"W-w-w-w-what do y-y-you mean?" (F/n) stuttered
"Why are you blushing" Natsumi asked
"I-I'm not blushing" (F/n) said blushing
"Yes you are and it's when Hiroto came in and tapped your shoulder" Aki said
"N-no it's not, i'm not blushing" (F/n) said
"You seem like your face is really red (F/n)-san" Fuyuka said. (F/n) couldn't take it anymore and she stood up
"I-I-I need to get ready, s-s-so see you guys later" and with that (F/n) went out of the room.
"What do you think" Natsumi smirked
"I think there is something up with (F/n) and Hiroto" Haruna said
"I agree" Aki said
"Same here" Natsumi added, "We should watch out for them today".

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