Chapter 16- First practice

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(F/n)'s POV
I put all of my training clothes on and put my hair up into a high ponytail. Then I went outside to the field where practice will be taking place. Kantoku told me that I should practice with them and help the team so I agreed and now beside of doing all the maneger stuff I have to join the practices. I got to the field and some people were already there stretching.
"Hey (F/n)" Endou greeted
"Hey Endou, ready to Practice" I said
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" we both laughed a bit, then I started to stretch my body and prepare for practice. I made a split with my leg leaned my chest to my right leg so that it touched it.
"Wow (F/n), you're really flexible" Fubuki complimented
"Ahaha thanks, it's probably because I used to do dance a little"
"That's really cool"
"Ya she was really good from when she was little" Hiroto jumped in, I immediately looked away to hide my blush.
"Are you okay? Why are you looking away?" Fubuki asked me
"I-I-I don't know, I-I-I mean I-" I was cut off by Kudou K, I sighed in relief
"Gather up everyone" everyone ran towards Kudou K, "We will start practicing for the Asia league, but let me put this in the air, you guys are no near the level of the world". With those words everyone gasped and looked confused. "Whats with those expressions? Were you guys thinking that you guys are the same level as the world? Compared to the world you guys are a piece of scrap paper, that is why I am here to train you guys from the beginning, now set up we are starting practice"
"Hai" everyone followed. He seems like a very harsh coach, this is going to be a hard practice. We all got into our positions to do a scrimmage against each other. The game started and it got intense, many times Kudou K gave out harsh commands to the team. I played the way that i always do and dribbled through many players and scored many times but everytime Hiroto passed me the ball I always mess up and get the ball stolen from me or I will miss the goal completely because I keep on remembering the thing that happened this morning. 
"(F/n) just because you're just joining the practices does not mean that you can slack off, get it together" Kudou K yelled at me
"Hai" I replied and slapped my face, I need to forget about it, at least for practice.

-Time skip-
We were at the cafeteria waiting for dinner to be served. The practice was really hard and everyone was tired out including me.
"It's over" Endou said with his head on the table
"I never knew practice was going to be this hard" Midorikawa followed
"Yeah" the others followed.
I also had my head down on the table because I had no more energy to move. Then I heard someone sit next to me but I didn't look up because I was too tired.
"You look tired" the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice and I fell from my seat. Everyone had their eyes on me now, my face turned bright red.
"Ahahaha I'm sorry (F/n) did I scare you?" Hiroto teased and helped me up
"I will get you back Hiroto" I sneered at him and I sat back down
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he sat next to me
"It's alright Hiroto" I said, suddenly he came closer to mean and started to whisper
"And I-I-I'm sorry for this morning, I don't know what I was thinking, I don't want that to break our friendship, will you forgive me" he leaned back from me and I saw his face, it had tints of pink.
"I-It's okay, I forgive you" I smiled at him, then he hugged me and my face turned even more red as everyone's stare was on us
"H-h-h-hiroto can you let go of me, everyone is watching" I said, and he let go of me
"Oh i'm sorry"
"Everyone the food is ready" Aki announced, with that the managers served the food. WE started to gobble down the food as soon as the food was placed on the table, I was sitting with Hiroto, Fubuki, Tsunami and Kabeyama.
"So (F/n), why did you start soccer? You were doing dance before that right?" Fubuki asked me
"Ya before I started soccer I had no idea what soccer even was and all I did was dance" I explained then Hiroto cut me in
"She won many awards and competitions, I think she was known as like the most talented dance for her age"
"Thats impressive, but why do you not dance anymore if you were that good?" Tsunami asked
"Well Hiroto actually lead me into the soccer path. He would teach me soccer whenever I visited him and I fell in love with it"
"Ya she was a natural, she was really good from the beginning and we used to play all of the time"  Hiroto explained
"Do you still dance though" Fubuki asked
"Yeah occasionally, but just for fun though" I said
"Can you dance for us right now?" Kabeyama asked
"Yeah dance now" Tsunami asked
"Not now, but maybe soon" I smiled at them, we continued to eat our dinner. We all finished and went to bed for training for tomorrow. I collapsed onto the bed and immediately drifted to sleep.

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