Chapter 18- A Bet

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It was the next day and the team was in the cafeteria hovering over the TV to find out the team that we will going against in the Asia Preliminaries. It was announced that the first team that Japan will be going against is Australia's representative, the Big Waves.
"It's one of the best teams" Hiroto said
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, we will try our hardest no matter what" Kidou explained
"Yoooosh, since we have a big game ahead of us so let's start training tomorrow" Endou lead
"YEAH" everyone else followed.

-Time skip to the next day-
"WHATTTT?" Everyone shouted
"We can't practice?" Endou said with confusion
"This is my order, I will not let any of you practice until the day of the game, and you may not leave the dorms" Kudou K ordered, some protested and some didn't say anything because either confusion or disagreement, but it was no use. Everyone clenched their fists in disappointment. Everyone headed to their rooms and walked away from the field, their heads were down and angry about the fact that they couldn't practice. I don't understand what Kantoku is thinking but it must be something, I wanted to tell them but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I opened the door to my room and face planted onto the bed, for a while I laid there trying to analyze what Kantoku was trying to do. 'Was it that he wanted to see what kind of play we would do without practicing together much? Or does he simply going for luck? Or... AHHHHHHH I don't knooooooow!' I bounced up from my bed and ruffled my hair. 'I cant be the one in a negative mood' I thought and I slapped my face. I poked my head out of the door to see if anyones watching, then I saw Endou, Kazemaru, Kidou, Hiroto, Midorikawa and Tsunami also poking their heads out of their door.
"I guess everyone's thinking is the same" kidou smirked, we then sneaked downstairs to go to the field. But we were stopped by Kudou K and forced us to go back into our room. I decided to go take a walk around the dorms because I was really bored. Then someone called my name from behind
"(F/n)!" I looked back and the figure was Kidou
"Hey Kidou are you taking a walk too?"
"Kind of, I was going to Gouenji's room for a little talk, want to come? You seem like you understand a lot of things others don't"
"Sure, I would love to go" I replied. We knocked on the door and waited for Gouenji to open the door, a few seconds later the door opened with Gouenji standing on the other side.
"Oh hey Kidou and (F/n)" Gouenji said with a really suprised face
"I just wanted to have a little talk with you" Kidou said
"And why is (F/n) here?"
"Oh I bumped into Kidou while I was taking a walk" I replied "Is it bad if I came?"
"Anyways I can't understand what Kantoku is thinking, about the rumors, about the high school that he destroyed and about today" Kidou said concerned
"I understand you Kidou but I still intend to follow the coach, Endou trusts him then I will too" Gouenji said
"Same with me" I agreed
"But what if Kudou K is trying to-" Kidou was cut by a large thud, I smiled and grabbed the two by the arms, they seemed really surprised at first but gave in and followed my lead. I ran out and went into the door next door, which was Endou's room. We saw Endou practicing in his room
"He couldn't endure himself and started to practice in his room" Gouenji said, then he cut the ball that was going to go to Endou
"Gouenji!" Endou said surprisingly
"Kidou shoot!" Gouenji shouted at Kidou, and then he passed to Kidou and shot the ball at Endou. Endou caught the ball with satisfaction
"Ahh, you sure shoot well Kidou", they all smiled at eachother
'Hey hey hey don't forget about me guys" I said
"Ahaha sorry (F/n)" Endou said still laughing
"Guys have you ever thought about being number one in the world? That means that we beat the best players in the world from different places in the world, that's Football Frontier International, I want to be like that, so let's try out best and challenge ourselves against the world" Endou said, all of us raised one finger and smiled at eachother, I gave a huge grin bigger than Endou. Gouenji's cheeks turned red, or maybe I just assumed well watever. The rest of the team was probably eavesdropped on our conversation and rushed into the room and also put their finger up.
"We can't slow down here guys, we are Japan's representatives, lets win guys!" Endou shouted
"YEAH!" the team replied, they all agreed and went back to their rooms to practice. Just when I was about to go back to my room Gouenji stopped me
"Ummm could you help me practice?" He asked
"Yeah of course" I replied, he lead me back into his room to practice.
"I have a great way Gouenji, wait just a second" I left to go to my room to get something, a tin can, Ryo taught me this a while ago and it helped me with my accuracy and power to strike the ball so I decided to show Gouenji. I went back to his room and placed the can on the floor with a soccer ball on top of it
"What's that for?" Gouenji asked
"Just watch" I said, and I got into a shooting stand and swing my foot as fast as I can and completely stopped it a millimeter away from the ball.
"Impressive" Gouenji complimented
"It's not as easy as you think, here your turn" I said, he swung his foot and stopped it but the ball fell from the can
"The trick is to use your core and inner thigh muscles to stop your body from a really fast motion, it helps with getting an accurate hit on the ball when you shoot because you concentrate on the motion, if you don't get it right away don't worry, it took me a few days to get it straight" I said, but he smirked, I had no idea why
"I will get it in a hour" he said
"You can't get it in a hour, it took me days"
"You wanna bet?"
"Sure, what do you want to bet for?" I knew he wants gonna make it because this isn't that easy that you can master it within a hour
"Let's see, the loser has to obey the other person tomorrow"
"Deal" he and went back to the drill. I was surprised he got closer and closer to getting it every time he struck the ball. It was 58 min since we started, I internally celebrated knowing that he would not make it in time. But it was 30 sec before the deadline and Gouenji stopped his foot right before the ball and the ball stayed on the can. No way did he get it, it took me days, that was just 59 min and 30 sec, there is no way he could of gotten it. But he did the ball was still on the can, he smirked at me.
"No way" I said
"Yes way, the ball is on the can still" Gouenji snickered even more "you have to obey me for the whole time tomorrow"
"No, no, no you did not just do that in an hour" I shook my head
"I just did, right in front of you"
"Ahhh fine, you win, that was impressive" I said
"I'm excited for tomorrow" Gouenji said
"Oh no, unmmm byeeeeee" I quickly ran towards that door but I was stopped by Gouenji's first request
"You have to wake me up tomorrow"
"What?" I questioned
"I won the bet" Gouenji said in a bossy tone
"Fine" I confined to run to my room. I closed the door behind me and thought, 'Gouenji never acted like this, I thought he was all nice and kind and all, he was never bossy to me. Ahhhh but tomorrow is gonna be a tiring day.'

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