Chapter 20- Caught

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Today was the day, the first match of the FFI Asia Preliminaries against Australia. The team did not get any practices during the past few days, that makes me worried a bit because that means that they hadn't yet gotten used to each other yet. *(A/n) I'm sorry, totally forgot about they they couldn't practice in the chapter, I fixed it now* We are gathered around the benches after warming up and waiting for Kudou K to announce the starting line up. Everyone gulped as they heard Kudou K opened his mouth
"Forwards Gouenji, Fubuki and Kiyama, midfielders Kidou, Kazemaru, Midorikawa, Defenders Kabeyama,Tsunami, Hijikata, Kogure, and the Goalkeeper/captain is Endou."
"Hai" Endou replied enthusiastically, everyone followed Endou and cheered. Then they ran onto the field where all of the battle will occur,
"Go crush them guys" I shout giving them a big smile and a thumbs up sign, the players gave back a smile and a thumbs up sign as they got into their positions. With all anticipation the whistle blew indicating the start of the battle.

Time skip...I'm lazy

They won! Although Kidou got injured the team was successfully able to win against a strong team like Australia. As the team came of the field I helped the managers give out the water and the towels as well as congratulating them.
"You guys were amazing! Like everyone was incredible like Tsunami's new shot, Kabeyama dribbling, and Toramaru controlling the ball and and-" I was out of breath
"Calm down (F/n), if you're that excited in winning what is gonna happen if we win the FFI?" Aki said concerningly
"I don't know I might die" I jokingly said, after what I said everyone started laughing.
"Tch, it's not like you played" Fudou said, that irritated me a little bit
"Look who's talking" I fired back
"Hey what do you mean" he said in a intimidating, at least he thinks, way
"Im saying that you didn't play either, therefore you shouldn't be talking"
"HA saids the scrumpy shrimp"
"What? I am not a scrumpy shrimp"
"Yes you are"
"No i'm not, bald bencher"
"What did you call me?"
"A bald bencher, I think it suits you just as well"
"Oh you're messing with the wrong person miss" there was lighting between us but was stopped by a concerned Fubuki
"Hey hey hey, calm down you too"
"Yeah, what happened (F/n)" Kazemaru said
"Nothing" I crossed my arms
"You never act like this" Fubuki said
"I'm sorry, but he started it"
"Tch" Fudou walked away annoyed, then someone embraced me from behind.
"How did I do?" I already knew from his voice, it was Hiroto
"You did amazing Hiroto"
"Really? Can I get a reward?"
"Um later?" I said not knowing what to give him
"Fine" he pouted and let go of me, I was continuing on to giving out the water bottles and I saw Gouenji and Toramaru talking. I walked over but a serious aura surrounded them
"Why didn't you shoot, you were clearly in the position" Gouenji asked
"I just thought Gouenji-san had a better chance than me" Toramaru followed, then they started at each other as the mood became darker and darker,
"Ahhh ummm you guys need water?" I said wanting to lighten up the mood
"Yes (F/n)-san" Toramaru said, I handed him a water which he gladly accepted and walked away
"D-do you need water?" I said looking at Gouenji slightly blushing as the image from yesterday popped up in my head.
"Yes I do" he replied still with a serious face
"What happened with Toramaru-kun?" I asked
"I just don't get him, he doesn't take the opportunities he has, whenever he has a shot he doesn't take it, instead he just passes to me"
"I was thinking that too, maybe he has a reason"
"What kind of reason?"
"I don't know, maybe we can ask him"
"Maybe" we both sighed
"Anyways, congrats on winning your first game"
"Im sure you will win the next one as well"
"We will" he said with a smirk"

Time skip...
We were gathered up in the cafeteria because Kudou K ordered us to
"Our second game had been decided, we will be versing Qatar's representative, Desert Lions" Kudou K stated
"This team is known for their lasting stamina and their strength in their lower body" Haruna followed
"Therefore we will need to strengthen our physical abilities in order to win the next match"
"Yes sir" the team replied, after the announcement the team gathered around to talk about what we should do. But after few moments Toramaru stood up
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to go now" Toramaru said leaving the room
"Why does he get to leave early all the time?" Tsunami asked
"I don't know" Kazemaru answered
"Everyones worried about Toramaru-Kun" Aki said
"Leave it to me, I will investigate about Toramaru-Kun" Haruna said, with that said Haruna and Aki left.
"Guys I think you should all take a rest now, you've guys had a hard game today" I suggested
"True, we had a hard game today and training will start tomorrow, take this chance to rest your bodies" Endou said
"Alright" the team replied, then they started to go back to their dorm rooms. I stayed behind and cleaned up the room before heading back.
"Need help?" Hiroto said
"Ummm ya, can you pass me the baby wipes next to you" I asked happily
"Sure" he said and took the wipes, he walked towards me and handed me the wipes. But before I could take it, he quickly moved his arms up so that I couldn't reach it.
"Hey give it to me" I jumped trying to get it, he can really be childish sometimes
"Give me my reward you promised earlier, then i will give it to you" he smirked. I sighed and pecked him on the cheek,
"Is that fine?" I asked with heated red cheeks
"Yeah" he said with a blank expression
"Can you give me the wipes now?" I asked trying to hide my cheeks
"Yeah" he lowered his arms still with a blank expression, i took the wipes and started to wipe the tables
"Why do you think that Toramaru is acting like that" I ask in curiosity
"Yeah" he said
"Yeah" he said again
"Hiroto?" as I said that he shook his head
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"Never mind, I finished cleaning let's go back to our rooms" I said
"A-alright" he said
*In Hiroto's head- I am gonna ask for rewards every time I win from now on*

The next day...
Practice ended and I saw Endou head towards the gate and Gouenji sneakingly following him. I decided to follow him because I knew they were into something.
"I'm going to" Gouenji barged into the conversation with Aki and Endou
"Go where?" I ask
"Where Toramaru is" Aki said
"I'm going to" I said. We started walking down the street to head towards Toramaru's place. Then a bike stopped right in front of us blocking the way
"Hey cuties, don't hang out with the losers, hang with us" a disgusting guy said and three more guys blocked the way
"Endou we can't do anything bad before the match" I warned him
"I know, we're in a hurry, let's go guys" Endou walked passed the gang and we followed after him, but the leader grabbed my hand and prevented me from going further
"Come on, come with us" the guy smirked
"Let go of me" I yelled, his grip on me got harder, this is gonna leave a mark I thought.
"Let go of her" Gouenji glaring at him
"Owwwwwww" I screeched because his grip got even more tighter almost to the point that there was no blood flowing to my hand. I would punch his face right now but if I did i don't know what will happen to the games.
"(F/n)!" Endou and Aki shouted in unison
"I said let go of her" Gouenji said in a more scary tone
"If you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you back off" the guy said
"Get hurt? I would like to see that" a voice from behind said
"Tobitaka-San?" The guy said in surprise, with that the grip loosened so I took the chance to get away from it. I successfully did and I ran into Gouenji's chest as he embraced me into a hug, tears falling from my cheeks. I held my wrist in pain as I saw it already becoming red from such an impact. It seemed like Tobitaka and the guys were having a rambling but I didn't listen to anything they said. But soon the gang left the scene leaving the attention on me while still in Gouenji's embrace.
"Are you alright?" Aki said worryingly
"Yeah I'm alright" I said, that's a lie
"No you are not" Gouenji protested "let's me see your wrist" I still had my hand on my wrist so I took my hand off which revealed a swelling, bruised arm. Endou and Aki gasped with the presence of the bruise on my arm
"I'm alright guys, it's just a bruise, I'll be completely fine" I bit my lips to take away the pain
"How is this fine, we need to get you fixed" Gouenji said
"I said I'm fine Gouenji" I stood up gently so that there will be no impact on my arm and started to walk the way towards Toramaru's place
"Tch" Gouenji stood up and grabbed my injured wrist
"Gouenji!/Gouenji-kun!" Endou and Aki tried to stop him but it was to late, I screeched in pain and but my lips to prevent screaming
"What was that for!" I said angrily
"Stop lying to me (F/n), I know you are not fine, look at you, your face obviously saids that you are not fine" Gouenji scold at me
"I don't want me to be the reason that I'm holding you guys back. I'm supposed to help not hold you guys back" I said tired flowing from my eyes
"You are not holding us back (F/n)" Endou said
"Yeah when did we ever say anything like that to you?" Aki followed
"See, now let's get you fixed up" Gouenji wiped my tears away which made me feel so much better
"Let me take her back, Endou-kun and Gouenji-kun go to Toranoya, the restaurant. It's where Toramaru is, Haruna and Fuyuka will be there too" Aki suggested
"Alight" Endou said
"Will you be alright?" Gouenji said in a worryingly manner
"Of course, who do think I am. Now go to Toramaru and check on him for me please, I'm curious on what's going on as well" I said
"Okay, we will be back as soon as we can" with that they went off as Aki and I walked towards the other direction to go back.

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