Chapter 12- Hospital

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3rd Person POV
The team went back to the caravan to go to there next destination
"We will be heading to mt. Fuji" Kantoku said
"Why? Is there something there?" Kidou asked
"You will see, rest up everyone we will be there by tomorrow morning"
"Okay Kantoku", they replied then everyone took their seats

(for those you don't remember the seating chart it is down below but I switched Fubuki and you)

Tsunami Kabeyama
Ichinose Rika Domon Kogure Megane
Gouenji (F/n) Fubuki Endou Tachimukai
Aki, Natsumi, Haruna Touko Kidou

(F/n)'s POV
Throughout the ride, sometimes tears rolled down my cheeks because I was really worried about Hiroto. I sniffed and wiped my tears away fast hoping that no one would notice, but suddenly each of my hands were taken, I looked at them and noticed that Gouenji was holding my right hand and Fubuki was holding my left hand. I looked at both of them and they were both looking away from me. I immediately blushed and couldn't speak a word.

After a few minutes later my eyes were drooping and very tired, I guess all of that crying has made me tired. I began to close my eyes and sleep.

Gouenji's POV
I saw (F/n) tear up again, I think she was thinking about Hiroto again. I felt like I needed to do something to comfort her before she starts crying, so I quickly grabbed her hand. I looked up and saw that Fubuki also grabbed her hand, we looked away from each other. I think it was working because she stopped tearing but soon she was drooping. The caravan turned at a corner making (F/n)'s head land on my shoulder. I looked at her and she was sleeping, on my shoulder, my cheeks were heating up really fast but I didn't know why. I decided not to wake her up because she was sleeping soundly. Sometimes she will tighten the grip on my hand or move around near my neck and mumble something, but when I looked at her she was sleeping.
About an hour passed and mostly everyone on the caravan were asleep in their sleeping bags including Fubuki who let go of (F/n)'s hand after she slept on my shoulder. I was becoming really tired so I put my head onto (F/n)'s head which was on my shoulder and shifted to sleep still holding her hand tightly.

I slowly opened my eyes because I guess the sun was in my eyes, then I heard whispering and a camera flash. I saw the whole team circling me
"Oh, sorry did we wake you up?" Otonashi said with her camera in her hand. I picked my head up and looked next to me, I totally forgot about (F/n) sleeping on my shoulder, I started to massively blush because that means that everyone was watching me and (F/n) sleeping... and holding hands. I tried to move but I was stopped by Otonashi flashing her camera again
"Don't move Gouenji-kun, (F/n) will wake up" she said
"Can you stop taking pictures then" I demanded
"You guys are adorable" Aki said
"I know right, guys come here I will show you the pictures" Otonashi said, then everyone gathered around her and started to cheer up
"Oh my god Gouenji your blushing" Rika teased
"N-no i'm not" I hesitated
"This is new" Kidou smirked. I face palmed still blushing, I looked down at (F/n) and her face was red and she was sweating a little. I took my opened hand and put it on her forehead, it was really hot.
"Guys guys guys, (F/n) has a fever" I tried to shush everyone, then Otonashi came over and felt (F/n)'s forehead
"Ya, she has a fever, her forehead is really hot" she said
"Maybe everything that happened yesterday was to much stress on her" Kidou said. Then Kantoku came over and also felt her head, she stood up and walked over to Furukabu-san and asked him to go to the nearest hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and I carried (F/n) to the room. The doctors told everyone to get out and we went out.
"Will she be okay?" Aki said worryingly, I was also really worried but I didn't say anything. I saw Fubuki clenching his fist and looking at the room (F/n) was in with a worried expression. Kantoku came out of the room and looked at us
"She, needs to stay rested for a few days, the doctor said that she has a high fever but she is fine" Kantoku said in a low tone
"Does that mean she can't play with us at mt. Fuji?" Endou asked
"Yes, we will have to fight without her" she replied
"Can't we do something for her? Kantoku?!"
"I fear not", the team looked down and was silent for a while. Then the doctor came out of the room
"She is fine, you guys can go in" he said, everyone went into the room and saw (F/n) sleeping on the bed. We surrounded the bed and looked at (F/n) who had a really red face. Suddenly (F/n) opened her eyes
"(F/n)!" Endou said
"E-Endou?" she said quietly "Where am I?"
"The hospital, you have a high fever" Endou replied, she then tried to sit up so I supported her by putting my hand on her back
"Thanks Gouenji" she thanked me, she then coughed a few times making everyone worried
"(F/n), you will not be going with us to mt. Fuji" Kantoku said
"But Kantoku-" Endou protested, but he was interrupted by (F/n)
"Hitomiko-nee san please let me go, I need to know everything, I need to know what happened to Hiroto, I can't just end here"
"But you have a high fever and you need to rest, and plus the truth that you will find out might be even more harsh than what was said yesterday"
"I don't mind, Hiroto was my best and only friend and I can't run away from this"
"Kantoku please let (F/n) go, we need her, we can support her" Endou begged
"Ya we will support her" we said. Kantoku closed her eyes
"Fine, but you will not be going on the field" Kantoku agreed
"Thank you Hitomiko-nee san" (F/n) thanked.
We gathered all our stuff to leave the hospital and go back to the caravan for the final hour to mt.Fuji. (F/n) stood up from her bed but she started falling, I ran to her but there was no way I'm going to make it. But someone caught her falling, it was Fubuki, I let out a "thank god" sigh.

Fubuki's POV
I saw (F/n) falling so I reacted and went to catch her with my speed, I caught her before she fell
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Y-yes, I was just really dizzy, t-thank you Fubuki" she said.
"You can't walk like that" I said, so I knelt down onto my knees facing my back towards (F/n), "here go on, no buts" I said. I think she hesitated a bit but she went on and I lifted her up and started to walk out the room. I got to the door of the caravan and (F/n) said
"You can put me down now"
"Okay" I said, I didn't want to put her down but I had to
"I'm sorry Fubuki, I was heavy right?" she asked me
"No you weren't, anyways let's go in" I said as I helped her get on, she decided to sit in the very back. I put here on the seat and she sneezed
Achoooo, that was really cute. I thought that she must be really cold, so I took my sweatshirt and put it around (F/n)'s shoulder
"No I can't take this, you will be cold" she said
"I'm fine, I was a little hot anyways"
"Are you sure?"
"Ya i'm fine"
"Thank you so much" she weakly smiled at me, I think I blushed a bit, a lot.
"Everyone ready" Furukabu-san asked, I went to my seat next to Gouenji-kun who was looking out the window like always, and he looked a bit mad

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