Chapter 9- Under the Stars

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It was 1 in the morning, (F/n)'s eyes were wide open because for some reason she was unable to go to sleep. She decided to go outside to breath in some fresh air. She went out into the same yard where they had the barbeque earlier. Then she looked up and saw a streak of beautiful shining stars
"Woww, I never seen such a beautiful night sky like this before" (F/n) was amazed and decided to stay a little longer to admire the stars. It passed a couple of minutes when she heard someone sit right next to her.
"Fubuki! You scared me" (F/n) gasped
"Can't sleep?" Fubuki whispered since the others were asleep,
"Yea, hey Fubuki look at the sky it's really pretty" with that both of them looked up at the sky,
"Yea your right, its really pretty" Fubuki also admired, "It's different than the ones in Hokkaido, the stars here seem more close"
"Really, the night sky in Hokkaido must be really pretty"
"It is, I sometimes look at it for comfort whenever I'm sad" Fubuki looked down and hid half of his face with his scarf. (F/n) noticed it and gently said
"Hey Fubuki, you don't have to tell me if it is uncomfortable, but is their something that's bothering you? You didn't play in the game today, and I never seen you touch a soccer ball." There was silence in between, "O-oh no I'm sorry for getting into your business, like who wants to talk serious with me" 
"I-it's okay and I want to tell you something" Fubuki went on and told (F/n) about his 2nd persona inside him, Atsuya and that he lost his confidence in the Epsilon game when Desarm said that he was useless. "Atsuya kept telling me that I am no longer needed and that everyone is depending on Atsuya and not me. I-I need to be perfect and I wasn't perfect and on top of that Atsuya wasn't perfect too. I was scared" Fubuki started to tear up,
"Scared of what?" (F/n) asked
"Being alone"
"What's the meaning of perfect for you?"
"Well, being with Atsuya-"
"You know that there is no such thing as perfect right? I'm not perfect, Gouenji is not perfect, Endou is not perfect, name a person and I am 100% sure that they are not perfect. I am totally fine without being perfect and so should you" (F/n) put her hands on Fubuki's shoulder which made Fubuki look at her, "You're not alone Fubuki, you got me and the rest of Raimon"
With that Fubuki's eyes widened his eyes lifted his head up from the scarf.
"Thank you (F/n), you made me feel a lot better"
"No problem, whenever you need help come to me, or anyone else, we are here for you"
"Thanks (F/n), umm can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure whatever you want"
"Can you be my practice partner at tomorrow's practice?" Fubuki asked while his cheeks were getting really red,
(F/n)'s face brightened up with her hand still on Fubuki's shoulder
"Absolutely yes!" (F/n) shouted.
"Shhhhhhhhhh" Fubuki shushed (F/n), they both tensed up because they heard shuffling of sleeping bags, but then it followed by the snores of Kabeyama. The two giggled and looked at each other
"That was a close one" (F/n) said
"Yea it sure was" Fubuki followed. A moment of complete silence followed between the two while they both stared at each other. Fubuki leaned closer into (F/n), closing the gap between them. (F/n) blushed and quickly pushed Fubuki away and looked down
"I-I-I think we sh-sh-should go to sleep now, we-we have to rest for tomorrow's practice" (F/n) stuttered, without waiting for a response (F/n) stood up and quickly went back to her sleeping bag in the living room.
"She's really cute when she stutters" Fubuki whispered to himself, he then also went back into the living room into his sleeping bag.

Fubuki's POV

Tomorrow I am going to try my best and play my soccer. (F/n) told me I not alone, I don't have to be perfect and Raimon has my back. I will change and I will play my soccer. 

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