Chapter 6- The game

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3rd Person POV
Gouenji placed the ball on the center waiting for the whistle. Beeeeeeeeeeeep! The whistle blew and Gouenji passed the ball to Rika who passed back to Kidou who passed the ball outside to Ichinose. Ichinose passed the ball back to Kidou, "ILLUSION BALL" with that Kidou passed one the the defenders of (team name), "TWIN BOOST" a shot was taken by Kidou and Ichinose. "TYPHOON TRAP" Ryo said, he stopped the ball easily and smirked. "(F/n)" he said while passing the ball, (F/n) trapped it gracefully and and started dribbling towards that goal, quickly Domon, Touko and Rika surrounded (F/n), "we are not going to let you pass us" Touko said, but (F/n)beautifully kicked the ball straight up and jumped following it, in mid air she did a flip and came down with the ball right next to her foot, behind the three defenders, the defenders could not do anything. She started to dribble again and was facing Kabeyama again, instead this time she took the shot right then, "(H)(means whatever hissatsu you want)!!!" (F/n) shouted, the shot was really powerful and went through Kabeyama's THE WALL easily and went headed towards Endou. Endou winded up to put out a SEIGI NO TEKKEN but he was to late, the ball went straight in the goal which made the score 2-0 to (team name). Everyone on Raimon especially Raimon was surprised on the powerfulness of the shot that was just taken.
"That was so powerful" Endou said quietly to himself "I didn't have the time to react", (F/n) just smiled and said "Endou I am sure that is not all you've got" and then headed towards her teammates.

Skip to the end of the half...

Beeeeeeeeep Beeeeep Beep, the whistle was blown which indicated that the half ended and it was half time.
"They are so good, we can't go past that defender and the girl's shot is so powerful" Ichinose said drinking his water,
"I know I couldn't react to the shot" Endou added,
"Kantoku is there any commands?" Kidou asked
"No I am here today to find the striker we've been looking for, and I think we found her, so I just want to see more of her skills, so just do what you guys normally do" Kantoku explained
"Hai Kantoku" the team replied, Kidou then realized something and walked over the team,
"Our hissatsu shoots do not work for this team so we will connect small passes and shoot from a really close distance from the goal so the defender do not have the time to react and stop the shot"
"Okay" the team agreed. Both teams were ready on the field in their positions as the whistle blew, (F/n) kicked it to her teammate and dribble through, Kidou stole it away and quickly passed it to Touko and then to Ichinose and then to Domon and then to Rika and Raimon just passed the ball in small quick passes so that (team name) was not able to steal the ball. The ball finally reached in the penalty box and was going to Gouenji's feet, he winded up and shot the ball one touch and It boosted into the goal without anybody from (team name) able to react to it. Beeeeeeeeeep the score was now 2-1 with (team name) still ahead. Raimon celebrated and gave high fives to each other like always.
"Now we are talking" (F/n) said, "this is so much fun isnt it guys" she said to her team,
"Yeah you can say that" one of the boys said
"Now focus (F/n) games starting again" Ryo warned her
"I know" she said with a wide smile"

(F/n)'s POV
This is the Raimon that I wanted to play against, they are so strong. They are the first ones ever to break down our defense and score a goal on us, Ryo's probably really surprised right now because I certainly am. This is so much fun, I always wanted to play soccer like this.

3rd Person POV
The whistle blew again and (F/n) dribbled through the Raimon defenders again and shot her hissatsu shoot again, "H", the ball was going towards the goal,
(In Endou's head) What should I do? I can't stop with my seigi no tekken right now but I don't want to give another goal in, my teammates found a way so I can!!!
"SHIN SEIGI NO TEKKEN" Endou winded up and put out his fist and collided with the ball, this time the fist hit the ball away and saved it from going into the goal.
"I did it" Endou said,
"Wow Endou, that's amazing" Kabeyama complemented
"That's the Endou I know!" (F/n) smiled, "this is going to be fun" she said to herself.
"Let's get another one!!!" Endou punted the ball to Kidou. Kidou dribbled through the midfield, then all of a sudden Endou came from Kidou back.
"What?" (F/n) said, (team name) were really surprised on the sudden actions of Endou
"INAZUMA BREAK" Endou, Kidou and Gouenji shouted, the ball was circled with purple and yellow lighting and went into the goal of (team name)
"Yes we did it" Endou said while high fiving the two. The game went on and it was an even match, it went back and forth from Raimon's half to (team name)'s half. The whistle blew indicated the end of the match, the score was tied 2-2, but it was an amazing game. (F/n) walked over to Endou and put her hand for a shake,
"Thank you so much for playing with us, it was so amazing, it was so much fun, I loved playing with you guys" (F/n) said with enthusiasm, Endou gladly took (F/n)'s hand and shook it,
"Thank you guys too, you guys are amazing as well' Endou said back

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