Chapter 17- Tickles

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It was the next day and practice already started. We were scrimmaging like always and I just got the ball from Kidou, then I started to dribble to towards Endou, but suddenly I got slide tackled from behind and I fell on my shoulder. I winced in pain,
"(F/n)" Endou shouted in worry
"I'm fine Endou" I responded
"Fudou you purposely went from behi-" Kidou was interrupted by kudou K
"Good job Fudou, nice charge". Everyone was looking at Kudou K confused but soon looked away and went back to practice. Kidou helped me up and checked if I was okay, It wasn't a big deal so we went back to practice. After that practice didn't go as well where many had little fights here and there.

-Time skip-
Practice ended and most of us went back to the dorms, Endou asked me if i wanted to join him and go eat Ramen at Rairaiken but I denied his offer because I wanted to rest for the next day. A while after I decided to go get water from the vending machine in the cafeteria because I was thirsty, I put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my wallet and left my room. There was no one in the cafeteria it was really quiet. I bought my water bottle and took some sips from it and I sat on one of the benches. I eyes started to get really drowsy and I had no energy to move any muscle, I drifted to sleep with my head on the table.

Gouenji POV
I became really thirsty I decided to go get water from the cafeteria. I went Into the cafeteria and I saw someone on one of the benches with their head down. I slowly walked towards the somebody and I noticed that the sleeping figure was (F/n). I sat next to her and I started at her sleeping. I haven't seen her or talked to her that much since the aliea game and I was really surprised when she said she was joining the team, I was really happy. I took off my jacket and put it on her shoulder since it was a bit chilly, then I put my head on the table also and drifted to sleep.

(F/n) POV
I opened my eyes slowly and I noticed an unknown jacket on my shoulder. I was really confused but I realized someone was next to me, I turned my head and I saw Gouenji sleeping with only a white T-shirt. I looked at his sleeping face, it was different from when he was awake, it was more soft and lovable while his expressions when awake are grumpy and serious. I didn't notice but I was going closer and closer to his face to examine him more. But suddenly his eyes started to open and looked at me.
"You're awake" Gouenji said with a smile, he never showed a smile like that, I immediately blushed and scooted away from Gouenji after realizing the close space between us. There was a while of silence but I broke it
"Ummmm thanks for this" I handed him the jacket
"No problem" he said
"What are you doing here?"
"I was going to get water but I saw you sleeping and ya"
"I was getting water too but I got really sleepy"
"I guess I should get going" with that he stood up and walked towards the door, he opened it and turned around and gave me the same smile as before "I will see you tomorrow". I blushed again as he left the room, I was blanked for a while with what just happened but I soon snapped myself out of it and went back to my room to go back to sleep.

-Next morning-
Today's practice was even worse than yesterday's, more people were fighting with others and the mood wasn't really good. Gouenji is back to his normal self and back to his serious expressions, which makes me rethink about yesterday is it really happened. Later in the day the team gathered up to talk about Kudou K, Haruna explained that they snuck into the main Soccer Association base and figured out that he destroyed a soccer team a while ago and the rumor that "Kudou Michiya is a cursed coach". We were all surprised with this and began to worry. After a few minutes after the talk, most people began to leave to go back to their rooms. I decided to stay a little to think about it a little more but I saw Hiroto and Fubuki also stay.
"(F/n) what do you think about Kudou K?" Hiroto asked
"I don't know, but Hibiki K picked him and I trust him" I said
"But what if everything that Haruna said was true, he might do that to us now" Fubuki adds in
"We can't stop here just because our kantoku, just play our soccer, that's what we should do" there was a silence that followed my words and I couldn't speak up.
"Hey let's change the topic, (F/n) do you remember the time when we got ice cream and you dropped it immediately after your first bite?" Hiroto said bursting out laughter
"Hey that's not funny Hiroto, I was really upset because I couldn't get a second" I pouted
"That's why I gave you mine"
"You gave me like the last tiny bit of your cone where their was no ice cream left"
"Was it?"Hiroto questioned
"Yes it was"
"Opps, but anyways do you also remember when you played soccer for the first time?"
"Nope I don't"
"Well I was teaching you how to dribble at a park where there was a huge fountain in the middle and then you trippe-" I immediately cut him off because I remembered what happened
"NO NO NO NO, don't continue from there or else I will kill you"
"What happened (F/n)?" Fubuki asked
"Fubuki listen, listen (F/n) tripped over a rock and fell straight into the fountain" Hiroto explained while dying in laughter.
"I am going to kill you Hiroto!" I yelled and ran after him as he ran away from me
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Fubuki laughed
"What funny Fubuki, help me get Hiroto" I said while I was struggling to get him
"You guys are really close to each other" Fubuki said, with that I stopped running after Hiroto and sat back down into my chair
"What do you mean we are really close to each other" Hiroto asked
"Like I didn't have anyone to have fun and fight like you guys" Fubuki looked down. I looked at Hiroto and he nodded,
"Fubuki, well you have me, I-I mean the team with you" with that Hiroto grabbed Fubuki's arms and made sure he couldn't move, then I began to tickle him. Fubuki was dieing of laughter and tiring up
"Stop it, hahaha, stop it (F/n)" Fubuki laughed, I stopped when I felt it was enough
"What was that?" fubuki said while whipping his tears
"Something we did all of the time when we were kids, it always worked to put a smile on someone and also it was just fun" I said, remembering the times we did it to each other and others in surprise. While i was in my glaze Hiroto and Fubuki nodded at each other and smiled at me.
"What?" I was confused, all of a sudden Hiroto quickly grabbed my arms so this time I couldn't move, I tried to escape his grip but I couldnt, "O Oh" I said
"Pay back time" Fubuki said, he then began to tickle me. I am probably the most ticklish person in the world so I couldn't stand it, I was tearing up a lot and i was bursting out laughter.
"I cant, I cant, hahaha, Fubuk, hahahah, stop it, stop it, I give up!" I managed to say, they then stopped and I sat back down on the chair to catch my breath.
"Now we are even" Fubuki said
"I guess" I said

Hiroto's POV
(F/n) smelled really good, her hair especially, its the same as when we were kids. I really missed that smell.

Fubuki's POV
I kinda actually might of touched (F/n) chest by accident, I hope she didn't noticed it. I was really happy when she told me that I had her now, she always saves me and drags me out of darkness into light.

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