Chapter 21- Nightmares

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My arms were swollen and it hurt real bad but I didn't want anyone to worry about me because they had another important game tomorrow. Aki and I reached the dorms and headed to the first aid kit to cover up my injury but unfortunately we were stopped by the team.
"I thought you guys went to Torama- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?" Hiroto shouted
"Just got into a little accident, nothing much, i'm fine" I replied
"That does not look fine at all" Kidou followed and other nodded
"(F/n) let's get you fixed up" Aki said "Fuyuka can you take her?"
"Yes, (F/n)-chan follow me" Fuyuka said, and I followed her.

3rd POV
"What happened?" Kidou asked
"We got caught into some trouble with a group of gangs and one of them took (F/n)'s arm, she saids she fine but I think she is not fine, her arms are swollen" Aki explained
"How about the others"
"The others are at Toranoya, I'm going to head to it also, so do you guys mind watching (F/n)?"
"Okay" Kidou said, with that Aki left to go to Toranoya.

(F/n)'s POV
We were in my room and Fuyuka put some kind of medicine on my arm and wrapped it up with some bandages.
"There you go" she said
"Thanks Fuyuka" I said
"You should be a little more careful"
"Ahaha I will"
"I don't want anyone to get hurt on the team"
"Your so nice and sweet" I said which made her blush
"Thanks (F/n), anyways I have to go take care of other stuff, see you later"
"Thanks again, bye" Fuyuka left and I sat on my bed staring at my arm. Then I heard a knock on the door
"Come in" I said and the door opened
"I just wanted to check in" it was Fubuki
"Oh hi Fubuki"
"Are you alright?" He said while looking at my wrapped arm
"Ya I'm fine, Aki is just making a big deal out of it"
"We'll do you need anything?"
"No I'm fine, thanks though"
"If you need anything don't be hesitant to tell me"
I thanked him and then he left my room. I felt droopy a little so I decided to have a little nap so that I could forget about the pain.

I was tied up on a hard bed unable to move. A few guys stood around me with a mask that covered their nose and mouth. Another guy with sunglasses sat on a big chair on a tall platform looking down at me.
"Go" the guy with the sunglasses ordered
"Yes sir" the others said, with that they started to put several needles into my body injecting me with an unknown liquid. I felt the liquid flowing into me and soon it turned into pain, I screeched and screamed as the guy with the sunglasses smirked
"(F/n)! (F/n)! (F/n)" I heard someone call my name, then I opened my eyes and quickly sat up.
"It was just a dream" I sighed breathing heavily, that was a dream I never wanted to dream about, I never wanted to remember that ever, but it was a memory that would never leave.
"(F/n)! ARE YOU OKAY?" I was stunned by the volume of the voice which helped me come back to reality, I noticed that most of the team was in my room
"Earth to (F/n)" Gouneji said
"Y-y-yeah yeah yeah, I'm good, I'm good" my hand were shaking "I-it's just a nightmare"
"Are you a little kid? You get scared of nightmares?" Fudou smirked,
"We got so scared, we all heard a scream and came in here and we saw you" Endou said
"I'm sorry, that's really embarrassing... Anyways, you guys go back to your rooms and rest, you guys have an important game tomorrow, sorry for wording you guys a lot, I'm an idiot" I say as I facepalm, seriously like how much more trouble can I cause
"If you say so, alright guys let's go" Endou said and everyone left the room except for Gouenji.
"I was really worried about you" he said with a light pink blush
"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble"
"I told you already you are not causing any trouble"
"Thanks Gouenji"
"Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" He asked hesitantly, I seriously didn't want to tell him, yet, it was too much for me, my eyes became watery. I guess Gouenji saw this and he walked towards me and hugged me, I was in shocked with the sudden action but I grasped onto his shirt for comfort. For a couple of minutes we hugged each other as I relaxed my feelings.
"I'm fine now" I said and we let go of eachother, looking at his eyes I knew I could trust him, I took a deep breath and started talking
"So it was when I just moved into Hiroshima, I was kidnapped. There everyday the guys injected me with something which was very painful, I think they were testing something. There was a guy with sunglasses which I think was their leader. They made me play soccer after that all day, the liquid I think made my physical abilities to boost up. That happened for about a month or two, but I couldn't handle it further so I decided to run away. I did successfully run away but from that day on I have nightmares of it sometimes" I sobbed, Gouenji hugged me tightly
"It's alright you have me, I-I mean us, the team" he said "do you remember the name of any of them?"
"Ummmm I don't exactly know, I heard something like Kameyama, no, Kamiyama, no, Ka-" I tried to remember but was cut by Gouenji pulling away quickly
"Kageyama" he said
"Oh yeah that's it... Wait you know him?"
"He is known for many of the bad things he's done to control soccer" we both fell into silence.
"H-how was toramaru?" I broke the silence
"His family owns a restaurant and his mom is ill and he needs to help her with it."
"Oh is that why he leaves early every day?"
"Yeah, we healed him today though"
"Oh that's good, you should go now, you have an important game tomorrow"
"Ya true, I guess good night"
"Good night, and also can you keep it a secret? What I said about my past"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow" he said and left my room, although I wanted him to stay more with me I didn't want to cause more trouble.

Time skip
The game against the Desert Lions ended up with us winning, Toramaru showed his hidden skills he had and lead the team into victory. This means we passed made it through the second stage of the FFI Asian preliminaries and we are onto the their stage Whoohoooo! After the game we gathered around the field for the players to cool down and to talk about the game,
"WHAT?" the team shouted in surprise
"Toramaru you're only in elementary?" Gouenji asked
"Yup, but don't underestimate me I will surpass Gouenji-San and (F/n)-San soon" he said proudly
"It's on" I said and Gouenji smirked,
"Hey (F/n)" Hiroto said
"Yes Hiroto" 
"Since we won, can I have my reward?"
"No, but Toramaru can have one since he lead the team into victory" and I walked towards Toramaru and gave him a big hug.
"You were amazing out there buddy keep it up" I said and let go of him,
"H-H-hai" he blushed, Hiroto's jaw dropped and Gouenji walked away making a 'tch' noise with his mouth.
Later we reached back to our dorms and everyone did their own things like taking a shower, eating, or just resting. I needed to get water so I left my room to go to the cafeteria but I saw a shadow walking out of the building, I got chills, because I hate ghosts and scary things. I sneaked up to the door slowly and quietly hoping to not make any noise. My heart was beating so fast and my hands were sweating rivers, it was already dark out, meaning it's probably not a time that someone from the dorms to leave except for Kantoku but the silhouette was theabout the size of me. I peeked my head through the door but no one was there, I sighed in relief but then someone tapped my shoulder...
"AHHHH-mnmmm" I screamed at the top of my lungs but my mouth was covered by the person
"Shhhhhhhhhhh, it's just me Fubuki" I sighed deeply in relief
"Mhnnnmmm mm mmmm" I said under Fubuki's hand
"Oh I'm sorry" Fubuki put his hand off of my mouth
"I thought I was going to die, I saw like a shadow and and it went out the door" I talked rapidly
"It's alright now" I said embracing me into a hug,
"I think it was just Tobitaka, he always leaves around this time, I don't know why though" my face went bright red
"That's really embarrassing... Why does things keep happening to me" I face palmed
"Everyone has bad days but they will eventually have good ones too"
"Thanks Fubuki, my day just got a little better" I said and we both walked back to our rooms. I got into my room and face palmed
"Gahhhhh I forgot to get water god damn it"

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