Chapter 10- Standing Up

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It was eight am in the morning and Endou's mom came into the room
"Everyone it's time to wake up" said rather loudly, everybody's eyes started to open and wake up. Endou sat up and stretched, and so did most people,
"I made breakfast for everyone so eat up"
"Alright mom" endou replied, then like a mob everyone went to the kitchen and started to eat. After they ate they changed and got ready for practice.
"Is everyone ready?" Endou asked,
"Yup" the whole team replied, then they left Endou's house to go to Raimon junior high for practice. A little after the team arrived the managers followed by Kantoku arrived also.
"Today's practice will be a little different than the usual, Endou you will work on your libero moves, Tachimukai will work on goal keeping, Gouenji and (F/n) work together to get to know each other for better combinations, and everyone else will work on whatever you are lacking in" kantoku commanded,
"Hai" the team replied after and spread out on the field to practice.

Endou was trying to polish his new heading hissatsu because he showed a sign of it in the game against Diamond Dust. Every time a ball headed towards Endou his reflexes made him punch the ball with his hands instead of heading it. Kidou face palmed and sighed, then he went towards Endou with tires
"And why does it end up like this?" Endou asked, he had tires around his body
"Then you can't move your hands" Kidou said. From there Endous practice went pretty well and showed a lot of progress.

On the other hand Gouenji was taking shots on Tachimukai and (F/n) was consulting with Fubuki
"Do you want to start by passing?" (F/n) asked
"Don't you have to practice with Gouenji?" Fubuki concernedly asked
"I asked Kantoku and Gouenji and they both said it was okay, now here-" (F/n) ran about 20 feet from Fubuki who had a soccer ball on his feet. Fubuki passed the ball to (F/n) feet and (F/n) passed it straight back. They passed the ball back and forth for a few minutes, every time they passed, the kick became stronger and stronger making both (F/n) and Fubuki harder to trap the ball perfectly.
"How does it feel?" (F/n) asked
"Fine I guess"
"Whats with the uncertainty, your passes are accurate and powerful, why don't you try shooting now?"
"Ummmm I dont think im rea-" before Fubuki could finish his sentence (F/n) toke Fubuki's hand and ran towards the goal where Gouenji was shooting.
"Hey, we are going to join" (F/n) barged in, Gouenji saw (F/n) and Fubuki holding hands and looked away like he didn't see anything. (F/n) quickly let go of Fubuki's hand
"I will start shooting so just join whenever you feel comfortable" (F/n) said with a smile. (F/n) started to shoot on Tachimukai and most of them went in.
"You have some skills" Gouenji said
"I'm the ace striker of Raimon now" (F/n) jokingly said
"Oh no you are not, I and only I am the ace striker of Raimon missy" Gouenji smirked, with that a competition between (F/n) and Gouenji began. They shot continuously at Tachimukai, that poor thing, until they both went out of breath. They both fell onto their backs and looked at each other
"I got 45" (F/n) said
"Same I also got 45" Gouenji said
"A tie? We both shot 50 times and it's a tie?" (F/n) exclaimed
"I guess so, I demand a rematch next time"
"I'm on it" (F/n) and Gouenji both laughed while breathing heavily

Fubuki's POV
While the competition...
I can't be sitting here the whole time I need to go, but what if my shots are not strong enough, what if, what if I become alone again. Those thoughts went through my head many times which made me unable to stand up and join (F/n) and Gouenji. Then they both fell onto their backs, I think they were tired. Then they started to laugh a lot, which made me think. They are laughing, right soccer is a fun thing, not something that should be holding me back from having fun. (F/n) told me, I'm not alone anymore, I have Endou, Gouenji, Raimon and (F/n) that can have my back. No one in Raimon will be disappointed if i'm not perfect.
Then i heard Astuya's voice
"Yea aniki, you are not alone anymore"
Then I stood up with my soccer ball to the goal. I placed the ball down and took a couple of steps back.

(F/n)'s POV
As Gouenji and I started to stop laughing, we both noticed Fubuki standing and walking towards the goal with a soccer ball. I looked at Gouenji with a huge smile and Gouenji looked serious as we both stared at Fubuki.

Fubuki's POV
I took a deep breath and looked at Tachimukai, he took his keeper stance and was ready to catch the ball. I ran towards the ball leaving all of my worries behind. I stomped my left foot next to the ball and swung my right foot and met the ball. The ball went flying to the right corner of the goal before Tachimukai could react to it. The ball was spinning in the net when I heard (F/n) and Gouenji run up to me

3rd Person POV
"That was amazing" (F/n) said
"Yea, that was amazing" Gouenji followed
"It was better then all fifty shots of Gouenji combined" (F/n) jokingly said
"Was not! It was better then every shot (F/n) has shot and will be able to shoot" Gouenji protested
"Hey that was mean" (F/n) said
"Your's was also mea-"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Fubuki laughed with tears in his eyes. (F/n) and Gouenji looked at Fubuki and then at each other and started to laugh with Fubuki. When they all settled down Fubuki said
"Thanks (F/n) and Gouenji, you really helped me alot there, without you guys I would never had been ever to stand here and kick that ball"
"It's no problem, I am just so happy right now, you need to teach me how to kick such a powerful shot" (F/n) smiled while Goenji just smirked with his hands crossed on his chest.
Then the rest of the Raimon members including the managers and Kantoku came to the three of them.
"You guys just missed it, Fubuki just shot an amazing ball" (F/n) excitingly said
"Is that so Fubuki?" Kidou said, Fubuki shyly nodded
"Thats amazing Fubuki, this is really exciting" the usual Endou exclaimed
"Thanks guys, you guys really helped me here" Fubuki thanked
"No worries, and besides that is what teammates are for" Endou said, then the team laughed together.
"So Fubuki, you can play right?" Kantoku asked
"Yes kantoku" Fubuki answered
"And Endou how it going with you?"
"We actually got it firmly down Kantoku" Kidou replied while Endou put both of his thumbs up
"Good, everyone get on the caravan, we are going to Teikoku, which was requested by Kidou"
"Teikoku?" the team followed
"To do what?" Ichinose asked
"You will see" Kidou said with a smirk.

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