Chapter 11- Reunion

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The team arrived to Teikoku and went to the field.
"Endou, Domon" Kidou called, they both ran to Kidou, "We are going to do death zone"
"Death zone?!" Endou and Domon shouted
"Yes" Kidou said with a smirk
"But wouldn't it be better if we practice Endous hissatsu?" Domon asked
"No we are doing Death Zone"
"Domon let's give it a try, I think Kidou has an Idea" Endou persuaded Domon
"Alright let's do it" Domon agreed. They started to practice first on the ground but failed many times.

Meanwhile the others were practicing on the other side of the field. They were playing a small one sided game where the forwards and the midfielders were attacking the field and the defenders were defending them with Tachimukai in the back trying to master his new hissatsu "Mugen za hand".
"Eternal Blizzard" Fubuki shot the ball, Tachimukai tried to stop it but it went in the goal.
"Wow Fubuki, I never knew you had such a shot" (F/n) said in surprise
"Thanks (F/n), it's really thanks to you that I can make that shot again" Fubuki said with a little blush. Before (F/n) can reply Gouenji who was watching them the whole time disrupted the moment
"Fubuki, (F/n) pay attention"
"Alright" Fubuki and (F/n) said in unison. The practice continued as usual but then the members of Teikoku came onto the field
"Kidou, we are here" Sakuma said
"Sakuma!" Kidou said but soon looked at Sakuma's foot and crutches(see anime for details).
"Oh this? It's fine, I'm actually recovering really fast"
"Oh that's good to here"
"Why is everyone from Teikoku here?" Endou asked
"We are here to help Endou" saying that the Teikoku members took Endou, Domon and Kidou into the changing room. The raimon members were really confused but soon the three came out with Teikoku's uniform on them.
"Since Death zone is Teikoku's hissatsu, i thought it would be better to polish it with Teikoku" Kidou explained. With that a game against Raimon and Teikoku including Endou, Domon and Kidou started. The game went on with death zone becoming better every time and Tachimukai getting a grip at the new hissatsu.

Time skip....

After the game while Raimon and Teikoku were talking, a black soccer ball came down from the sky. The ball landed and purple smoke covered the stadium. Everyone was coughing and was not able to see anything in the smoke. The smoke soon weakened and revealed Aliea Gakuen.
"Gazel, Burn!" Endou exclaimed.
"We are Chaos!  Where Prominence and Diamond dust combined to create the strongest team in the world, We demand you to take our challenge" Gazel and Burn stated.
The game started between Raimon and Chaos. The game was at 7-11 where Raimon was at the tail of Chaos who started of dominating scoring 10 goals. But then another black ball with white increments landed on the field stopping the game.
"It seems like you guys are having fun" A guy with vivid red hair said
"Hiroto!" Endou shouted at the figure. Right then (F/n) face changed

(F/n) POV
A black ball interfered our game and I looked up to see a guy with red hair. I have seen this person before but I don't remember. But then I heard Endou shout something
"Hiroto!". Then I remembered everything about Hiroto and ... Kantoku


One day, my mom took me to her work, I was about 5 that time. My mom worked as the head organizer of orphanages and this was the first time that she ever took me to her work. She said that this orphanage is her favorite and the kids are really nice there and she wanted me to meet them. The orphanage was called "Ohisamaen" and it was in a small neighborhood. We went inside and rang the doorbell, then a woman came out, I was really shy back then and hid behind my mom's leg.
"Hello Hitomiko" my mom greeted
"Hello, is this your daughter? She is adorable" she asked
"Yes it is, here (F/n) say hello"
"Hello" (F/n) said shyly
"Come in (F/n), we have been waiting for you". With that my mom and I walked into the orphanage to see a bunch of kids inside. The kids turned around and ran towards me
"Hi what's your name?"
"How old are you?"
"Are you a newcomer?"
The children asked so much questions and I was overwhelmed
"Guys, guys let me introduce she is (F/n) and she is my good friends daughter be nice to her okay" Hitomiko said
"Alright" the children smiled and took my hand and dragged me outside to play hide and seek.
"We gotta hide (F/n)" a girl said
"Okay" I replied. I found a good hiding place which was in between 2 bushes. I hide quietly when I heard someone shuffling through the bushes. I gasped and looked up, there stood a small, about my size(at the time) boy. He sat and looked at me
"I guess you found my secret hiding place, well not secret anymore" the boy said, we both laughed and shushed each other because someone walked by.
"My name is Hiroto Kiyama call me Hiroto, what's yours?" Hiroto asked
"Mines (F/n) (L/n), ummm call me (F/n)" I replied. From there no one was able to find Hiroto and I so they gave up. They called for me and Hiroto so we decided to go out because we were kinda tired being in there for a long time.
From there I started to visit Ohisamaen almost daily and became really good friends with Ulvida and especially Hiroto. We will always play with each other and had fun all of the time. But one day when I was about 8, my mom didn't allow me to go to Ohisamaen anymore and that she said that we are going to move from the town to hiroshima. I was really confused but I couldn't do anything. I was really sad and depressed because she couldn't see her friends from Ohisamaen and Hiroto.

End of Flashback

Wait Kantoku, is she Hitomiko-nee san?(I called her that). A lot of things went through my mind. Hiroto? Is it really you Hiroto? Why are you with the Aliea? What happened that day?
Then the figure came down to the field revealing his whole face. It was him, it has to be Hiroto.
"Hiroto?" I spoke in question. He looked at me and paused, he was really surprised.
"(F/n)?" he asked,
"Ya Im (F/n), your Hiroto right? Why are you doing this? Why are you with aliea?" I blurred out, Hiroto's face turned back to serious and looked at Gazel and Burn,
"What do you think you guys are doing?"
"We wanted to show that we are the strongest team and beat Raimon and to show that you guys aren't the ones who should've been chosen to be Genesis" Gazel explained
With that they gathered around the black ball
"Bye Endou-kun, see you later" Hiroto smirked, he then looked at me. I saw tears in his eyes
"HIROTO!!!" I shouted but a strong white light shined through the stadium making me cover my face. When the light was gone Chaos and hiroto were gone. I went on my knees and tried to puzzle piece the things that just occurred. I had no idea why but tears began to flow in my eyes, then I heard the team coming towards me and surround me. Fubuki went on his knees next to me and put his hands on my shoulders
"Are you alright (F/n)?" he asked me
"Im fine" I replied, I was about to burst out crying but I tried to hold it in. Then all of a sudden Fubuki hugged me tight, I guess that loosened my feelings and I started to cry. It was really embarrassing to cry in front of all of the Raimon members but I couldn't, the fact that I was able to see Hiroto again and the fact that he was a part of Aliea overwhelmed me. I gripped onto Fubuki's shirt tightly which made Fubuki heat up. I started to calm down and stopped crying, I still had tears on my face but I let go of Fubuki and wiped my tears off my face.
"You alright?" Fubuki asked again
"Ya, i'm sorry for that" I said
"Any time"
"(F/n) if you feel comfortable, can you tell us your story? Do you know Hiroto?" Endou asked. I took a huge breath and started to tell my story. When I was in the middle I looked up at Kantoku
"Are you Hitomiko-nee san?", there was a silence in between.
"Yes I am" Kantoku said, I was surprised
"Why didn't you tell me when I joined and about Hiroto?"
"I couldnt (F/n), it wasn't the best time", with that more tears formed into my eyes. I ran and hugged Hitomiko-nee san, and she hugged me back
"I missed you a lot Hitomiko-nee san" I said
"Me too (F/n), you've gotten so big since then" we both smiled, then Kidou cleared his throat. I then continues my story
"...and then I moved to Hiroshima"
"Oh, it must of been a lot for you today, you should rest" Endou suggested
"Alright" I said

Hiroto's POV

I came back to our base and went to my room. I fell onto the bed and put a pillow on my face. (F/n)? Could it be? It's been 5 years since I last saw her. Tears fell on my cheek and I wiped them off.

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