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A/N: Hey Guys.

This is a new poem and I wrote it after reading "Unbreak My Heart" by PaisleyViking. The whole art thing and Finn being this great artist. .....It in a way reminded me of that one episode of Vampire Diaries 4x20, a moment when Klaus is in New Orleans and he's talking to Cami about the painting they're admiring.  

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


"Every artist has a story." 

A poet reads, writes and breathes words,

A painter sees, reads, paints and breathes colors,

Artists paint the world,

Translate souls onto a blank canvas,

Lacking a bit of life,

True artist does not only have talent,

He holds a deep love for his craft,

He observes the way we walk,

He listens to us talk.

Opening his ears, his mind and his heart,

A wave of sounds escape the speaker's mouth,

Deep and clear one voice is,

Slow and calm another, gentle like the peaceful sea,

Warm and kind, bringing light

To one with a heavy heart,

Letting the soul relax and his muscles untangle,

Feeling bliss, his eyes shut with

His mind in another universe,

A beach with soft earth,

Palm trees shaking ever so lightly,

In the ocean's summer breeze,

Art is silent sweet talking,

Literature is talking poetry aloud,

They show the light side of a quiet soul,

The darkness of a demon ridden mind,

A true artist can see even when they're blind.

Unsaid Words (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now