Chapter 3

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Laura's POV

Fuck! This was awkward. I saw Theos driver staring at us with a big smirk. I looked at Theo and he was about to burst out in laughter. I couldn't take it anymore and I burst out in laughter, followed by Theo. I slowly got up from my seat, avoiding Theos eyes and got out of the car. I waited for Theo, and when he came out of the car I couldn't recognize him. He grabbed my hand but I jerked it off. He gave me a questionable look but I turned around.

So, he did not wanted to be seen with me, that was obvious but why would he grab my hand? I wanted to get my phone out of the pocket of my sweater when I realised I had left it in the car. I turned around and saw Theo staring at me with a smirk.

"Looking for this?" he said, holding my white iPhone.

"Yes, give it back please." I asked politely.

He shook his hand and he unlocked my phone. He furrowed his eyebrows like he was reading something he didn't like.

"Who is Stephen?" he asked. I started to get angry again. I didn't even know this guy and he was already reading my texts.

"That's not your buisness Theo, give me my phone back."

He handed me the phone and I saw the text Stephen had sent me a couple of seconds ago. Where are you sexy? I smiled at my phone and texted him back. Aw, you miss me? I'm at the hospital, how's Erin? Wanna come to my party tonight? You owe me something.

In less then a minute I got a text back saying Can't wait, sexy. Not realizing Theo was standing there, I walked towards the hospital when I bumped into him.

"Who was that?" I hear anger in his voice and laugh out loud.

"My coach." Again, I smile by the thought of Stephen, how he always has an effect on me. The way his voice sounds when he is angry. I just want him, I want to taste him. Just that, nothing more because this guys is like a God. He is 21 years old and he has brown curls and deep blue eyes. His accent makes me melt and I can't think clearly when I think about him naked.

"Hello? earth to Laura." Theo snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I feel my cheeks turning red, so I turn my head around.

"Why does your coach call you 'sexy'?"

"Why, is it bothering you?"

"I did not say - " he couldn't end what he was about to say because there were a few teenage girls screaming and running towards us. I grinned but Theo looked annoyed.

"Go, I'll catch up to you later." he says, and I leave him alone with some crazy girls, wondering what is so special about famous people.


"So.. that means I can't play soccer for the next four weeks?" I try to keep my voice calm but I fail. My eyes fill themselves with tears and I try hard to not let them fall. This really sucks.

"I am sorry miss Green, but no, you can't." the doctor replies. His soft grey eyes look sad and I know it isn't his fault.

"I would recommed to take some rest for the first week, and after that we could schedule another appointment to see how you are doing." I nod, I can't speak because I am afraid my voice would betray how I really feel.

After a while of silence someone knocks on the door. "Come in." the doctor says. I realise I am crying so I wipe the tears away when Theo comes in. Oh, great time Theo. This couldn't get any worse. He must think I am an total loser.

"Are you alright?" his voice sounds concerned.

"Why do you care anyways?" I hiss, and I see by the look on his face that I hit a nerve.

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