Chapter 22

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Had a good one! X

Time had passed and the girls are back in London!


Today mom and I are gonna visit Laura, the doctors back in America said she could be home and alone, but they wanted me to come over often.

The sun shines bright when mom and I leave the house. The temperature is nice, a good day for a picnick. Mom hasn't been the same since we got back, she's quiet and acts sad. I changed too. The thing is, I didn't remember what happened that one night, but now I know, not because I rememberd, but because I can feel it. I haven't told mom yet, I'm only 20. I don't even know who's the father. I don't know what to do. I can't tell Laura, not right now. I can tell Cayley but she's the one with a big mouth. I feel sick most of the time and eat a lot. My stomach is still flat, of course it's been only 2 weeks. I did a test and it was positive. I haven't called a doctor yet, but I already know I'm gonna keep it or give it up for adoption. I can't do abortion, I mean you literally kill someone.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom asks, who clearly has been watching me. "Yea I'm fine, just feeling a little sick." I reply, looking out of the window. I don't think today will be a good day to tell her, today is Laura's day.

As we finally arrive at her house, she's already waiting in the front of her house. She changed too. She's not looking badass anymore, you know. The ripped skinny jeans, the crop tops and the high heals have been thrown away.

She is currently wearing a dress with a flower pattern, and a pair of vans. Her hair in a pony tail. She looks cute, not the way I'm used to, but I'm not complaining. I wonder what she is thinking of all this..

"Hey!" she says as she gets in the car. My mom greets her with a smile and I hug her, maybe holding on a little to long. "Where are we going?" Laura asks and I laugh, not knowing it either. Mom drives fast and within 15 minutes we arrive at the picnick place.

We unload the car and get our stuff settled. When I finally sit down I get a text from Theo. He is doing bad too, really bad. Luckily for him shooting is over next week so he can come home. I am still scared that Laura suddenly will remember what happened between the two of them, but also maybe thats what I want because then she'll remember.

I read his text and sigh, the same text as every day. How is she doing, is she okay. Does she remember anything? I feel so sorry for him that I cant bring him any good news. I know I actually should be pissed or furious, but neither did he know this was gonna happpen.

Shailene has texted me too, I dont know why, but I ignored it. I do blame her for a lot of things. Laura has been so sad about the fact she could spend so much time with Theo while she was here and he was in America. And then finding out your boyfriend is hooking up with that person.

All I want to do right now is forget about the stupid little things and focus on Laura and myself. I know I should be happy she is okay right now, and I am but she is different.

"What is wrong with you Anne? You are never that quiet." Laura asks with a concerned look.  I laugh at her, and say "Nothing, I'm just enjoying the weather."  She seems okay with my argument and she and my mum start talking gossip. I think this day will end well.

Theo's POV

So, I shouldn't go home until next week, but filming is done so right now I'm in my room packing my stuff. This last week has been a complete disaster. I havent talked to Shailene since, and ignored all her texts and calls. I also blame myself, completely. But she has been bothering Laura since she came here. As I finished packing I leave straight away, my taxi already waiting for me. 

The drive towards the airport goes by fast, I have some good music on and the time flies. Not that its a far drive, but anyways. Im currently waiting for my plane, I'm already in my gate. There are a few teenage girls who seem to notice me but I try to not notice them. Luckily we are ready for boarding and once in the plane I plug myself in. I put my earphones in again and close my eyes, I could use a good sleep. I haven't slept that good since the thing with Laura. I keep feeling bad and like its all my fault. Partly it is my fault, but never would I have thought she would fall and have amnesia.. I want to be with her, and thats the first thing I will do when I'm back in London.. Well after I unpacked. I will visit her, or at least find her. It wouldnt surprise me if I find her down the lake, where she always is. I just really need to think of a way to get her back.. But I'm so scared to visit her, or even see her. Things are so different right now, all because of me. I dont know how she is doing, what she is like. Is she still the same or did she changed, and how must all of this be for her. I mean suddenly waking up in a hospital in America must be weird. Hearing so many time has passed.

Slowly my eyelids are getting heavy and before I know it I am in a deep sleep..

Laura's POV

Anne and her mom have been acting really strange, I know. I know they try to act like they are fine, but they are not. Simply because of me. Like always. I feel so bad for the fact they always take care of me and help me out, and this time I don't even know why. They are to nice, to sweet.

I find it very annoying both weird I dont know what happened, but I think I'll just let it slide. I graduated, went to Amercia and now I'm back home. What else do I want? Um my memory back maybe. Right.

I looked through my phone and saw quiet a lot of messages to Theo and from Theo. Tho I wonder who Theo is. I scrolled through my camera roll and saw all kind of drunk pictures with Cay and Anne. Also I saw these sweet pictures of me and a guy, he could be Theo maybe? I have so many things I want to find out but first I need to wait until this picnick is over so I can talk about it with Anne.

The day goes by fast and I am really enjoying my time. After they dropped me off at home I curl myself up onto the couch and watch a movie. I should make dinner but I'm not hungry nor do I have the energy. After today I am so extremely tired, well I have always been since I came back from America.

I scroll through my pictures again and the same guy is in so many pictures. He is absolutely good looking, thats for sure. I dont know if he's Theo. Who ever Theo is, I am dying to meet him and I hope he can tell me what the heck is going on in my life.

Thats how I end up this night, looking at pictures and text messages from the last few weeks, trying to remember what all has happened. The Theo guy must have been really important if he sent me such sweet texts, and I sent it to him. I feel like texting him right now but I don't think that would be good. Maybe he was just my summer love in America.

If he could just text me that would make things easier for me. He could let me know what we had or what we still have. Frustrated I get up from the couch, this is so not good. I remember the day Erin got me this book and she said that I should read it because it's beautiful. Right now I feel like reading it. It's called the Fault In Our Stars. A book by John Green. I have heard about him, he must be good.

The cover is pretty, and it smells nice. I smile at myself as I realize that I might actually start reading a book. No one would have ever expected that one. But I think I'll like it. So, I put my phone off, get in bed, and start reading this book..

aye. omg sorry its not so long but my inspiration ran away. Sorry if this isnt a good chapter ill come up with something better soon. I hope you stay tuned and better chapters will come, just right now both theo and laura are in a shitty situation and idek what to write about that

i love you guys and please follow me on twitter @irwinsninja and read my other fanfiction. xxx

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