Chapter 21

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Back to writing in POV! Everyone told me that because it reads easier. Okay then! By the way, I went to the One Direction Where We Are Tour in Amsterdam twice! It was incredible really! Oh and when I was outside my entrance, 5SOS was doing a photoshoot and I was with a group of 7 girls and Ashton waved at us. #BestDayOfMyLife. I just had to tell you this guys I'm sorry lol! Oh if you love 5SOS check out my Luke Hemmings Fanfiction on my page, and follow my twitter @mortalhemmings :). Thanks XX


I'm still in my hospital room. I honestly don't even know why. And how the hell did I end up in the hospital? The last thing I remember is that Anne was out, and I was about to go on Omegle because I couldn't sleep. "You okay?" Anne asks, I nodd. I'm fine! Why doesn't anyone believe me when I say I'm fine. The more the doctors aks about what I remember, the harder I want to punch them. I heard them saying something about Amnesia, but that can't be true. But on the other hand, it's already half way July, and I remember my football game should be in the end of June. How about my exams? I don't get it. And apparently were leaving America in 2 days. It's getting all to much for me, and before I know it I'm in tears. I'm so confused and mad that I don't know what happened. I'm trying my hardest to remember anything but I can't. Anne is holding my hand, squeezing it. I should ask her what is happening but I can't. I can't talk, I just cry.


Seeing my best friend like this, hurts me more than everything else in the world. Doctors say that these Amnesia might be forever, but there is a chance that she will remember things, soon. I still don't know what happened to her, and I know I should contact Theo, even though I think he might have something to do with it. It wouldn't be fair not to tell anything, so I decide to call him straight away. I grab Laura's phone and look for his number, which says 'my one and only T' it makes my heart ache a bit, the fact she doesn't remember a single thing about him. I swallow the lump thats in my throat. I dial his number, my heartbeat racing. After a few minutes there is an awnser..

"Theo? This is Anne, are you Theo?" I ask.
"Yes, I am. What is wrong? Are you with Laura? Why doesn't she answer my calls or texts." he says and I hear the pain in his voice, he misses her.

"Theo I don't want to tell this through the phone, but Laura is in the hospital.. Can you come over like right now?" I ask him, hoping he would come.

Theo said he would come right now, I told him which hospital and he should be here any minute. Nervously I wait outside her room for him to show up. I hear some screaming girls and I'm 99% sure it's Theo who just walked into the hospital. I get up from my seat, walking in circles. What has been 5 minutes felt like 5 hours when I finally see his familiar face. He looks tired, black rings underneath his eyes.

"Where is she?" he demands, his hands trembling. He looks around, obviously nervous. "Theo, please take a seat, you can't see her this minute, I want to tell you first what happened okay?" I say and he nods, taking a seat. Not 5 seconds later he gets up again.

"Theo, this happened all happened last night. I think she was with you. I don't know honestly why I was there but I'm glad I was. I saw her, she looked.. I don't know really. Weird for sure, maybe a bit drunk. Her face was pale and it looked like she had been crying. She hold herself up by grabbing the wall, but then she fell. She fell hard, like really hard! Her head hit the ground and she wouldn't wake up. I called an ambulance and she had been asleep for almost the whole day.. This afternoon she woke up, and.." I say and take a deep breathe, wiping the tears from my eyes. It's hard to say something like this, mostly because you are still trying to deny it.

"She woke up, and she didn't know who I was. She didn't remember going to America. After a few hours she started to remember a few things again. She knew me, Cayley and everything.. When the doctor asked her the last thing she remembered.. it was.." I stop because I'm really crying right now. Theo's eyes are full with horror, mixed with pain.

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