Chapter 4.

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Hi guys  I just wanted to say I'm really really busy so that's why I haven't update for a few days ,I've been pretty sick too,but here it is,a new chapter and I hope you guys enjoy.

Theo's POV

We knock a few times before someone opens the door. There stands a tall girl with brown long hair. "Hi guys, my name is Emily come in!" she smiles.  She is not really my type but I would love to see more of her. "Hi I'm Theo and those guys are Jason and Niall." They both wave and we enter the living room. I hear some good music and I just want to dance. When we enter the livingroom I look around and Isee Stephen and he has a girlon his lap. Not a huge surprise that boy is a ladieskiller.

I walk towards him when there is a girl with long black hair jumping. "OMG! You, but, this, NO!" She screams and I laugh. "So what is your name gorgeous?" I ask. She nearly faints. " I-i-m Alison." she stutters. "Nice to meet you," and I smile," But I want to see my friend, Stephen." I say. She smiles and I walk towards Stephen. I stop in the front of him when I see a familiar figure on his lap, looking really wasted.  "Laura?"

The girl looks up ,red eyes and her long blonde hair is messy. "What are you doing?" I hiss, I don't like this. I know I'm drunk and I know she is but I don't want to see her with anyone else, especially not with my best mate. "What are you doing here?" she asks, and she really looks shocked. "Hey mate!" Stephen says with a bigs mile. "How. Fucking. Dare, You?!" I scream. I don't know why but I feel the urge to hit him. She's mine.

"How dare I what?" he asks. Fuck. I can't be mad at him, not now were both too wasted. "Aha being so fuuuucking drunk. "Laura says as she turns around ,not paying attention and she drops her cocktail. "oooowwwwwwhh oooppsieeeeee." she says. The girl is crying her eyes out because of laughter ,which makes me laugh too. By only hearing her laugh I feel happy.

"Fuck, what are you doing, bitch?" Stephen hisses. "That's my new jeans?!" Laura stops laughing and I see some pain in her eyes. "I'm sorrryyyy Stephen." she mumbles. "Yeah, you better be." and he raises his hand and before I can say 'Stop' he hits Laura in her face.

Everyone around us is looking at them now and I just stand there. I see Laura's eyes filling themselves with tears and she slowly stands up. "How dare you?"she cries. Stephen stands up his fists clenched. "You fucking spilt your cocktail all over me!" he takes a step closer to her. Oh he is really drunk. I step inbetween them and grab his wrist. "Calm down mate," I whisper, "Everyone is looking at you." Slowly Stephen looks around, and he must realize that he just hit a girl in the front of all these people. "I am so-" he started but Laura interrupts him," Go home Stephen, please." she whispers and she turns around and leaves the room.

Laura's POV.

I don't know why Stephen just hit me. I only spilt my cocktail over his pants. I know I'm really wasted but I wont forget this, not even in a million years. I quickly walk away out of the room, I just go to my bedroom because I want to be alone. When I'm in the front of my bedroom I hear noises and I slowly open it and I see two people sitting on my bed. "E-erin?" I stutter. She is sitting on my bed with a brown/black haired guy. I think I might have interrupt their little moment together.

"Oh.. Laura!" she blushes. Yep I interrupted their moment. "I'm sorry! I really am!" she says and I just laugh. "No it's fine, who are you anyway?" I ask the boy. "Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Niall, nice to meet you Laura." I nod and shake his hand. "Niall could you please give us a second?" Erin asks. He nods and he leaves my room, when the door shut I fall on my knees and start to cry.

"Whats wrong sweetie?" Erin comes sit next to me and I explain her what just happened and that Stephen hit me. After I stopped crying and Erin cleaned my face we sit in the front of eachother. "I still can't believe Stephen hit you." she mumbles and I nod. "Are you okay?" I nod and I see I'm not convincing her with just a nod. I stand up and grab her arm and we go down stairs where the party is still going on. I am a little shaky but when I see Stephen isn't here anymore I relax. I take a sit next to Emily and she smiles at me. I am not really enjoying my party anymore but I won't ruin it for the rest of the people. I look around and see a few of my friends, including Alison hanging around Theo. Of course he seems to enjoy this attention but when he catches my eye his face expression changes. It softens. I quickly look away, I made a total fool of myself by hanging on Stephen like I did. I see Anne and Azzah with another guy who seems to really enjoy their company and the other girls are just drunk.  I smile by the thought of how good they have it.

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